Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Accurate knowledge of what the "age of the universe" is is not only the satisfaction of natural curiosity. This is the history of our home. Yes, right at home. The physical world was created for people, and we have a wonderful opportunity to study it. By studying the history of the universe, we ourselves are enriched spiritually
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wade the river, a convenient place for a ford - for today's resident of the metropolis or just a city dweller, these words do not respond with anything special. Bridges, underpasses, subways - in our age there are enough ways to comfortably cross the river. And a couple of centuries ago in Russia, a good and convenient ford across the river was extremely important for trade
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Italy is famous for many things - pizza, pasta, excellent football and wine, as well as many other wonderful things, for which millions of tourists come to this Mediterranean country every year. True, there is another glory beyond the Apennine Peninsula - catastrophic. Frequent earthquakes are as much a part of Italian life as afternoon siesta and morning coffee
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Karadag Reserve is a unique natural monument located on the territory of an extinct ancient volcano. The Karadag nature reserve, established in 1979, attracts guests of the Crimean peninsula not only with rocks of bizarre shapes, but also with flora and fauna that have collected many endangered and rare species in this corner of the earth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Nature is so wise that it has everything a person needs to live happily ever after. Even plants are endowed with special properties that allow you to avoid diseases or prevent them. For example, serpentine rauwolfia, which contains more than 25 alkaloids, is able to stabilize blood pressure. People have known about this for a long time and used its roots to treat hypertension
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
From the phrase "World Ocean" there is a slight trembling in the soul. It appears something large and powerful, with beautiful colors, outlandish inhabitants and a dark, dangerous bottom. And there is! A person living on land rarely thinks that every second such a mysterious life is seething or calmly flowing somewhere under the water
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Alaska is the largest and "harsh" US state. The homeland of the Eskimos and the Land of the Midnight Sun captures incredible landscapes. What is remarkable about the wild nature of Alaska? You will find a photo and description of the state later in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In central Russia, autumn is indeed "the charm of the eyes," as the poet said. The heat and stuffiness of summer is changed by a slight coolness. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer and darker. Trees are the first to react to these autumn changes in nature. The leaves turn yellow and red, then slowly fly around, covering the entire area. There comes a period of golden Indian summer, when nature still pleases with a moderate sun, when late fruits ripen, filled with both sweetness and aroma
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The largest animals in the world's oceans, blue whales, reach truly gigantic sizes - up to 33 meters, and these giants can weigh more than 150 tons. For comparison, let's say that 50 African elephants weigh the same
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The Indian cobra, also called the spectacled snake, has a body length of one and a half to two meters. The main color of her scales is fiery yellow, giving off a bluish sheen
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This article will discuss one of the corners of the earth, which has turned into a barren desert as a result of improper agricultural activities by people
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The history of the plant goes back to ancient times. For centuries, coca leaves have been chewed by the Incas and their successors. In addition, the leaves were brewed as tea (mate de coca). This article talks about a plant called coca bush. This is the ancient culture of the Incas, who considered it a sacred plant
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In early spring, when the last snow melts and everything around comes to life, the first mushrooms appear in our forests - lines and morels. Wrinkled, with a marvelous aroma, these mushrooms have long been revered in Russia. There are legends according to which such mushrooms help to preserve youth. With the help of numerous studies, the medicinal properties of these mushrooms have been confirmed. A substance was found in them that not only strengthens the eye muscles, but also actively helps maintain the transparency of the eye lens
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This article discusses questions about how many years oak and birch trees live. Interesting facts about these trees are given
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wild radish is a herbaceous poisonous annual plant that colonizes fields as a weed. Unpretentious to climate and soil, common on almost all continents, most often found in the forest zone of Europe, as well as in meadows, along roads, in wastelands and even on city lawns
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Meadow mushroom is an edible agaric mushroom. Its body is quite small, weighing about a gram. The diameter of its cap, depending on the age of the mushroom, is from two to eight centimeters. Its surface is smooth. As it grows, the shape of the cap changes from hemispherical to flat and prostrate, in the center of it there is a blunt tubercle. When dried, the mushrooms become cup-shaped. The edges of the cap are very uneven and sometimes transparent
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The moose tick is the common name for the deer bloodsucker. In rare cases, it attacks a person, but cannot complete its life cycle on it
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There are many edible mushrooms in our forests, but only three species belong to the highest category. The "holy trinity" includes white, ginger and milk mushroom. Unfortunately, the latter is now undeservedly forgotten
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Mushrooms are a priceless gift given to us by nature. They come from the wonders and mysteries that our entire organic world has. Mushrooms are an independent kingdom in this big world, it contains about 100 thousand species. One of them is called common boletus
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The goat mushroom is a member of the Boletaceae family. The people call it: goat, mullein, lattice, Ivanchik, etc. The fungus goat is relatively little known. However, its relatives are such popular macromycetes as boletus, boletus and boletus
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Modern man looks at the world through a screen. It's kind of an average estimate. Agree, not everyone has the means to travel. And the world is so amazing! So we are studying it through a computer, since now it's easy. However, is it possible in this way to feel the thrill in the soul, which necessarily arises from the contemplation of the stunning corners of the planet? Take, for example, the Kuril Reserve. Whoever was there will confirm: no films or photographs will reflect the magical essence of this extraordinary place
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The flora of Crimea is very unusual and varied. There are 2,500 varieties of wild plants on the peninsula. This is an impressive number. It is necessary to note the uniqueness of the flora. There are 250 endemics here, that is, plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. In addition, Crimea is rich in relics - plants that have been preserved without any changes for millions of years
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Ants are one of the most common insects in the world. According to some estimates, this family includes just over 12,400 species, in which there are more than 4,500 subspecies. But this figure is not final and is constantly growing
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The history of our state is inextricably linked with fur-bearing animals. An ideal example is the Cap of Monomakh, trimmed with the fur of the Barguzin sable. His story is very sad. She shows how an entire species can be pushed to the brink of extinction due to unrestrained and predatory hunting
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Prut River is the largest watercourse in southeastern Europe. It flows through three states, overcoming almost a thousand kilometers, and flows into the Danube. In the upper reaches it is a turbulent mountain river, but in its lower course it is very swampy and has a weak current
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Crimea is rich in its nature. Unique mountains, forests, sea and sunny beaches attract crowds of tourists. Holidays here are unforgettable. Mount Falcon is one of the amazing sights of these lands. Every tourist will be interested to know more about it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Anadyr is one of the largest rivers in the Russian Federation. What is known about her? What sea does the Anadyr river flow into? You will learn a lot of interesting things by reading this article
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For many nations, the deer is a sacred animal, for example, among the Celts, it was considered a symbol of vitality, the sun and fertility. He was personified with the god Cernunnos. In medieval heraldry, the image of this artiodactyl symbolized moderation and grace. Deer antlers have medicinal properties and are raw materials for the production of various medicines. The name of this beast is of ancient Slavic origin
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Gulls belong to the most numerous genus of birds from the gull family. They live both in the sea and inland waters. Gull chicks appear well furred and already with open eyes. These spotted lumps are completely different from their parents. By the way, do you know the name of a seagull chick?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Beauty Barcelona is Spain's most haunted city, and it's no wonder. It has so much life, fun and attractions that it will last for a long time. Montjuic is one of the most favorite holiday destinations for both the local population and numerous tourists. The mountain, or rather a hill with a height of 177 m, is located in the southern part of the city very close to the trading port
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The grass frog is an amphibian known to everyone since childhood. All the details about it can be found in the article
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Whales are one of the most amazing mammals inhabiting the water expanses of our planet. These animals are the largest of all known to mankind today. Moreover, the ocean is still not fully explored, which is why scientists periodically discover new species of toothed whales, usually small, but still. Whaling today has led to the fact that the species of whales are constantly decreasing, as well as their population, which is very sad
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The year of creation of the Opuksky Reserve is 1998. This unique natural area on the territory of Crimea was created for the study and subsequent preservation of the flora, fauna and archaeological sites of the peninsula. In the reserve you can see rare animals, admire ancient ruins and many other attractions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Crimea is a small world that has everything. There is a deep sea, majestic mountains, healing lakes, its own unique culture and much more. The Crimean peninsula is very popular among tourists from different countries. Some come here to admire nature and architecture, and many come here to get medical treatment, gain strength and energy. Very popular among tourists, connoisseurs of both everything beautiful and useful, are the lakes of Crimea, the names and descriptions of which are given in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Red Book is a living reminder to humanity of how thoughtlessly and wastefully it treats natural resources. Each view inscribed on its pages is an occasion to think about the future of the Earth. Today, for example, the question of whether a unique large species of sturgeon, the Atlantic sturgeon, will survive on Earth is very acute
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Astrakhan Nature Reserve: description and how the area of the park has increased. What animals live in the territory, what birds and insects. Ichthyofauna of the biosphere reserve. Ecotourism, kayaking, boating and eco trails. Where to stay and how to get to the park
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Water chestnut: botanical description and habitats, conservation status of the plant. Nutritional and medical value of chilim. properties and benefits. Application in cosmetology and cooking. Contraindications and preparation of water chestnut. Growing in an artificial pond, making souvenirs and mascots
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Markhors belong to the order of artiodactyls from the family of bovids. Markhorn goat is so named because its horns are spiral-shaped with almost symmetrical coils. Each of them “looks” in its own direction: the right one looks to the right, and the left one looks to the left
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the highlands of South and Central Asia, you can meet an amazing animal. If you just look at the photo, you can hardly tell who it is. The body structure resembles a jackal, the color resembles a fox, and the behavioral features resemble wolves. People have been hunting them for hundreds of years for the sake of a trophy, thereby bringing the population closer to the brink of extinction. Let's figure out what kind of animal it is and how to save it
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Poisonous animals produce toxins for two purposes: for defense and for attack. For some, poisonous secretions are a means of scaring off predators and protecting their lives, for others, they are a hunting tool for obtaining food