What are horns? And why exorbitant price?

What are horns? And why exorbitant price?
What are horns? And why exorbitant price?

“I will buy horns”, “I will sell horns” - such announcements are not uncommon today. But for some reason, such advertisements as “I will set the horns for a modest reward” or “I will break the horns at a reasonable price” do not come across, although in everyday life these intentions are voiced all the time. So what exactly is it about?

Mammals (in particular, representatives of the pronghorn and giraffe, rhinoceros, deer and bovid families) proudly wear formations called horns, derivatives of animal skin, on their heads. Outwardly similar outgrowths in reptiles and beetles are called the same way.

And deer are better

Deer have special antlers. They contain bone substance, it grows on the frontal stumps. They are renewed annually after the previous ones have been shed and the top of the hemp has been covered with a cap of cartilage protected by skin. These young "shoots" are called antlers, and they are very sensitive due to the high content of blood vessels and nerve endings. When the hornswill turn into ossified horns, the skin will burst and slide off them.

Indigenous peoples of the north (for example, the Nenets) consider antlers a delicacy and eat them after singeing them on fire.

Chinese and Koreans are now actively buying antlers in the north of Russia. It is known that such horns are indispensable in the production of medicines and he alth cosmetics.

Mass cutting of young antlers takes place in the northern reindeer farms during the antler campaign.

Panty - a delicacy of the northern peoples
Panty - a delicacy of the northern peoples

And now - elk

And (attention!) champion - elk horns. Among the current mammals, moose have the largest crown. In males, it weighs from 20 to 30 kg with a span of about 180 cm. But females do not have horns.

Decoration of moose has a spatulate shape, also reminiscent of a plow. Therefore, the forest giant is also called the elk.

Sacred Horns

In the life of ancient people, animal horns were used more actively than now. In ancient Eastern mythology and magic, they played a significant role. Horns are a frequent detail in the image of gods, rulers and priests, symbolizing power.

But what are horns from the point of view of Scripture:

  • mountain peaks;
  • protrusions or corners of the altar;
  • beams of radiance;
  • dominion, power, kingdom;
  • directly the king;
  • pointing to the Messiah;
  • God's names.

In Christian worship, the horn is identified with the cross.

Smart horns

Explanatory dictionaries point to a few moremeanings of the word "horn":

  • This is the name of a vessel for alcohol, in the manufacture of which a hollow outgrowth is used.
  • A curved trumpet with a flared end, used as a signal or musical instrument.
  • Either a sharp or bent end of something, something protruding.
  • "Cape" (obsolete).
  • Often included in set expressions: "from the horn of plenty" (very much), "twist into a ram's horn" (hard to crack down). Plural: "set the horns" (change), "break the horns" (subdue, make complaisant), "the devil on the horns" (very far).
  • The price of horns depends on their characteristics
    The price of horns depends on their characteristics

Practical value of horns

Hunters, by hanging a trophy in the form of horns at home, believe that they pump up their home with positive energy.

Stylish decorations and souvenirs adorn hotel and club lobbies.

Craftsmen carve works of art out of a horn.

Drugs from deer and elk antlers relieve many ailments.

Depending on the breed, the number of branches, the size and age of the animal, the price of its horns also changes. On average, they can be sold or purchased for 12 thousand rubles. The cheapest cost 1.5 thousand rubles, and the most expensive - from $ 300 and more (for the highest quality and aesthetically attractive specimens).
