
Cep mushroom: varieties, habitats

Cep mushroom: varieties, habitats

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Cep mushroom, whose varieties number about two dozen subspecies, is considered one of the most delicious and he althy. These fragrant and nutritious gifts of nature are extremely popular among lovers of "silent hunting"

Nut-bearing lotus: description with photo

Nut-bearing lotus: description with photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The flowering of this plant annually gathers thousands of tourists in different parts of the world. From exotic Thailand, Japan, China to the Astrakhan region. Even special tours and excursions are organized. Huge snow-white or pink flowers of the walnut lotus bloom for only a couple of days, but the sight is incomparable

Earthquake in Greece: antiquity and our days

Earthquake in Greece: antiquity and our days

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Do earthquakes happen in Greece? Imagining this fertile land, shrouded in legends, I want to believe that the answer will be negative. But no - Greece accounts for about half of all earthquakes recorded in Europe

Types of seals. How many types of seals are there

Types of seals. How many types of seals are there

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Seals is a common name for marine mammals, uniting representatives of two families: true and eared seals. Rather clumsy on land, they are excellent swimmers underwater

What do thrush eggs look like? The amazing color of the eggs of these songbirds

What do thrush eggs look like? The amazing color of the eggs of these songbirds

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

General useful information on each type of thrush will help you better imagine their life. And thrush eggs, especially their unusual color and pattern, are presented in several high-quality photographs

What does the red color of wood look like? Mahogany in various products

What does the red color of wood look like? Mahogany in various products

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The noble color of wood, mahogany for example, by itself always gives the interior or small things a touch of natural coziness and comfort. All products made from this material breathe natural beauty and energy

Lake Karas in Mari El: history, legends, development

Lake Karas in Mari El: history, legends, development

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The age of Lake Karas in Mari El exceeds 10 thousand years. It is difficult to understand how the legends about his education have come down to our times, but they exist - amazing, a little creepy and at the same time romantic. But first, a little about what the lake itself is, how it was formed and why

The Khilok River in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Where does the Khilok river flow?

The Khilok River in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Where does the Khilok river flow?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the 17th century, this river was called the Kilka River. According to A. F. Pashkov, its name appears as a kind of border between two peoples: the Tungus - sovereign people live “on the left side” of Kilka (to the north, where sable and fisheries are developed), and on the right side (to the south) they roam “Mungal princes" with ulus people - "non-peaceful men". Today this river is called Khilok

Natural lake Iseo, falling in love at first sight

Natural lake Iseo, falling in love at first sight

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This delightful place attracts both tourists from all over the world and talented people looking for inspiration. Surrounded by olive trees, the Alpine Lake Iseo (Italy) is compared to a precious stone, and the enchanting mountains and picturesque hills serve as a frame for it

Natural landscape. Forest-steppes and steppes

Natural landscape. Forest-steppes and steppes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The forest-steppes and steppes of Eurasia are very diverse both in the composition of plantations and in the animal world. Further in the article we will analyze the main features of these territories

Psilocybe semilanceolate: description and habitat

Psilocybe semilanceolate: description and habitat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Psilocybe semilanceolate is a very interesting mushroom. Where it grows is of interest to many lovers of psychedelic sensations. In the people, this mushroom is also called the cap of freedom, the fun and the sharp conical bald head. Psilocybe semilanceolate belongs to the Strophariaceae family

Polistovsky Reserve: photo, inhabitants

Polistovsky Reserve: photo, inhabitants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What-what, but Russia is not deprived of natural beauties! And one of its most unique corners is the Polistovsky Reserve, a photo of which is presented in this article. But it is better, of course, not to limit yourself to viewing pictures, but to see this piece of paradise with your own eyes. Talk about this amazing place and move on

Vulture bird: description and photo

Vulture bird: description and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The vulture is the largest bird of prey in the world. These feathered creatures inhabit almost the entire globe. The only exceptions are Australia and Antarctica. Birds prefer a warm and mild climate. This is probably why the lion's share of all vultures lives in Africa

The largest bird of prey: description, habitat, photo

The largest bird of prey: description, habitat, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What is it, the largest bird of prey? What is it called, where does it live? What are the characteristics of her behavior? These questions will be answered below. The article will provide comprehensive information about which bird is the largest of the predators

Baby seal. Little seal. Belek - baby seal

Baby seal. Little seal. Belek - baby seal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Seals are common in all northern seas. These are predatory mammals from the group of pinnipeds. Two subspecies (European and insular) are listed in the Red Book. The coastal waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the North and B altic Seas are also inhabited by seals

Buzzard (bird): description, photo. What does the buzzard bird eat?

Buzzard (bird): description, photo. What does the buzzard bird eat?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Who do you think a buzzard is? Sounds like a horse, doesn't it? You won't guess anything anyway! The buzzard is a feathered predator. Frankly speaking, this is not the name of a single species of birds, but of a whole subfamily. In this article, we will take a closer look at these birds using the common buzzard, or buzzard as an example

Ilmensky Reserve. Animals of the Ilmensky Reserve. Natural Science Museum of the Ilmensky Reserve

Ilmensky Reserve. Animals of the Ilmensky Reserve. Natural Science Museum of the Ilmensky Reserve

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the center of the Chelyabinsk region, not far from the city of Miass, is the Ilmensky State Reserve. These places have long attracted the attention of scientists. In May 1920, V. I. Lenin issued a decree according to which the Ilmensky mountains were declared reserved

What do squirrels eat in our forests?

What do squirrels eat in our forests?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many people know that squirrels, these fluffy and cute animals, live in forests. But not everyone knows that these animals are very whimsical, and therefore they do not live in every such biotope. They only need light enough tall forests in which they can find enough food. By the way, what do squirrels eat?

What is a flood and why is it dangerous?

What is a flood and why is it dangerous?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Over the past few years, many major natural disasters have occurred in the Russian Federation due to large-scale river flooding. In addition to significant material damage, the elements even claimed human lives. Regular news bulletins aired on the central TV channels were full of words and terms that only weather forecasters could understand. What is a flood and how can it be dangerous?

Common flying squirrel: description and photo. What is a flying squirrel?

Common flying squirrel: description and photo. What is a flying squirrel?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The common flying squirrel, or flying squirrel, is a small rodent. It belongs to the squirrel family. By the way, this is the only animal from the flying squirrel subfamily that lives in Russia

Earth squirrel: description, habitat, lifestyle and photos

Earth squirrel: description, habitat, lifestyle and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Before you start animals as pets at home, you should find out some details about the features of their living conditions, their temper and habits. This article will focus on earth protein. What animal is called that? What does it look like, where does it live and what does it eat? You can learn about all this by reading the information presented in this article

Long roses are the queens of the flower world

Long roses are the queens of the flower world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Flowers can say a lot better than a thousand words. A correctly selected bouquet will help to confess love, express respect or recognition, emphasize the solemnity and peculiarity of the moment. Chrysanthemums, daisies, lilies, carnations, orchids - you can continue to list for a very long time, because the variety of flowers is simply huge

Burdock: medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of burdock and traditional medicine recipes

Burdock: medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of burdock and traditional medicine recipes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Burdock (burdock) is a plant of the Compositae family. The root is fusiform, thick, branched, grows to a depth of 15 m. The stem is very powerful, appears in the 2nd year of life, reaching a height of 3 m. The leaves are large. The flowers are lilac-purple, small, collected in small baskets. The fruit is small achenes that ripen in August. In this article, we will consider where burdock grows, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant, etc

Has the longest river been found?

Has the longest river been found?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It can be difficult for an ordinary person to immediately answer which is the longest river in the world. Indeed, in order to draw the right conclusions, you need to familiarize yourself with the results of studies that took a large amount of someone else's time

Marsh calla - a miracle on your site

Marsh calla - a miracle on your site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The calla flower has been known to man since ancient times. Its Russian names in Dahl's dictionary sound like this: snake-grass, serpentine, krasukha, snake, lake shift worker, white companion, body-dweller, swamp, bread box, beaver, cockerels

Poisonous mushroom - panther fly agaric

Poisonous mushroom - panther fly agaric

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Among poisonous mushrooms, panther fly agaric is one of the first places. By toxicity, he is ahead of his fellow - red fly agaric. But his appearance is less bright and flashy. Panther fly agaric at the beginning of its growth can be confused with edible mushrooms. But there are features that will help identify a dangerous poisonous mushroom

False russula: features and characteristics

False russula: features and characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In our forests, there are few mushrooms that mushroom pickers would treat with slight disdain. But russula is one of them. But this is very strange, since these “outcasts” are very good in terms of their taste and nutritional properties, and in lean years they can even become a real salvation for mushroom pickers

Smelly fly agaric: appearance, danger and distinctive features

Smelly fly agaric: appearance, danger and distinctive features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Amanita stink is one of the most dangerous mushrooms growing on the territory of the Russian Federation. By eating it, a person will receive a lethal dose of toxins, which will lead to sad consequences. In order to avoid this, the mushroom picker must clearly understand what his enemy looks like and how not to confuse him with other, edible mushrooms

Grey talker: description, habitat, safety

Grey talker: description, habitat, safety

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Grey talker is one of the largest mushrooms of this species (talker). It is considered conditionally edible. However, in recent years, opinion about the safety of this fungus has changed. The reason for this was that in European countries there were several poisonings with sulfur talker

Tomato - a berry or a vegetable?

Tomato - a berry or a vegetable?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Using this culture, we almost never think whether a tomato is a berry or a vegetable? And this issue was even the cause of the trial. But, regardless of whether the tomato is a berry or a vegetable, its properties do not become less useful

Lakes of the Sverdlovsk region: a fabulous vacation and great fishing

Lakes of the Sverdlovsk region: a fabulous vacation and great fishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The lakes of the Sverdlovsk region are amazing and varied. But one thing unites them - they all give the joy of meeting with the magnificent Ural nature, make it possible to touch the soul with pure crystal springs, hear the birds singing at dawn and understand what happiness it is to be able to relax and recuperate in this blessed land

The longest legs are the most perfect

The longest legs are the most perfect

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Is it always possible to call the longest legs ideal? And whose legs can rightfully be called the longest? It is the length and beauty of women's legs that this article is devoted to

Types of clouds: what are they?

Types of clouds: what are they?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Without a doubt, a unique phenomenon that can be observed in the lower layer of the Earth's atmosphere is, of course, clouds. A variety of shapes and types of clouds simply cannot but delight. It would seem how these dissimilar clouds can be classified?

Clouds are Classification and interesting facts

Clouds are Classification and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Myriads of water droplets lifted up with the help of heated air, clouds are, roughly speaking, condensed steam. This is because the atmosphere below is warmer than above. This causes the vapor to cool and condense. But this process requires the presence of tiny dust particles, to which water molecules adhere. Therefore, clouds are also a bit of dust called condensation grains

Common zander: description, lifestyle, nutrition

Common zander: description, lifestyle, nutrition

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Common zander belongs to the perch family of fish. It is a valuable commercial fish. But often it is on pike perch that they arrange sport hunting. It lives together with the carp family, which include bream and carp. It's in winter time

How a wasp bites: the perfect weapon

How a wasp bites: the perfect weapon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Speaking of our smaller brothers - wasps - it should be noted that these insects do not attack without provocation. What can provoke aggressive behavior? Much. For example, sudden body movements, the scent of perfume or bright clothes. Another immediate threat to the life of the insect or its family. So, while relaxing in the bosom of nature, be vigilant

A foal is a baby horse. birth, development

A foal is a baby horse. birth, development

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A foal - a baby horse - an hour and a half after birth is able to stand on its own feet. At first he stays close to his mother

The fascinating underwater world of the oceans

The fascinating underwater world of the oceans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The underwater world of the oceans is hidden from our view. Only an inquisitive and trained person can dive and enjoy the bright colors and grandeur

South Russian tarantula: beautiful and harmless

South Russian tarantula: beautiful and harmless

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

South Russian tarantula bites people only in self-defense. The bite site must be immediately burned with a match, because. heat decomposes the injected poison

Volga tributary is older than the river itself

Volga tributary is older than the river itself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Volga is not in vain considered one of the greatest rivers in the world, its length is 3530 km, and the basin area of 1.3 million km² can be envied by many European countries. In ancient times it was known as Ra, in the Middle Ages it was called Itil