Lesser Spotted Eagle: description and lifestyle of a bird

Lesser Spotted Eagle: description and lifestyle of a bird
Lesser Spotted Eagle: description and lifestyle of a bird

The Lesser Spotted Eagle is a bird from the hawk family. It is found in Eurasia and Africa, within strictly limited ranges. What does the lesser spotted eagle look like? You will find a photo and description of the bird later in the article.


The lesser spotted eagle was previously included in the same species as the greater spotted eagle. Outwardly, they are very difficult to distinguish, although it has long been proven that these are different birds. They both belong to the genus of eagles and the hawk family. The Greater Spotted Eagle is larger than its “relative”, they have different nesting sites, ecology and behavior. Differences between birds are found even in the DNA code.

lesser spotted eagle bird
lesser spotted eagle bird

Their common ancestors supposedly lived in the region of modern Afghanistan. About two million years ago, they split into western (lesser spotted eagle) and eastern branches (greater spotted eagle). Today, their ranges intersect only in the north of Hindustan and in Eastern Europe. Other species related to the lesser spotted eagle are the Spanish imperial eagle and the steppe eagle.

Description of the Lesser Spotted Eagle

Spotted Eagle is a medium-sized eagle. Its body reaches up to 60 centimeters in length, and its wingspan is up to 1.4-1.6 meters. Females are larger than males, but the colors are notare different. Females weigh up to 3 kg, males - up to 2 kg. The tail of the bird is short and rounded, the head is small. The beak is black at the end, yellow at the base, powerful and curved, like all members of the family.

lesser spotted eagle
lesser spotted eagle

The bird has a monochromatic light brown plumage, sometimes even buffy. As a rule, it is lighter than the Greater Spotted Eagle. There is a white line at the base of the tail, which is absent in some birds. The extreme feathers of the tail and wings are dark brown or black. Juveniles have golden and white blotches in coloration, and a light spot on the back of the head.

The flight of the Lesser Spotted Eagle is smooth, the flapping of wings is replaced by gliding. It often circles over open country in search of food. Between trees and other natural obstacles, the flight is very fast and swift.


The Lesser Spotted Eagle is found in Asia Minor and South Asia, in Central and Eastern Europe. Flies to Africa for the winter. There, its range begins with Sudan and ends with Namibia, Botswana and the eastern part of South Africa.

In Russia, it inhabits the territory near Novgorod and St. Petersburg, partly the Moscow and Tula regions, as well as the Krasnodar Territory. In Ukraine, the bird is found in the western and northwestern regions. The spotted eagle lives in India, the Balkans, Turkey, Hungary, Romania and Macedonia.

Lesser Spotted Eagle photo
Lesser Spotted Eagle photo

He settles in damp mixed or deciduous forests near open areas, river valleys. It lives in forest-steppes near poorly used agricultural lands, andalso in places where forests alternate with meadows. In the Carpathians and the Balkans, it can settle in the mountains at altitudes up to 1800, in some cases up to 2200 meters.

In most areas, the bird has the status of "close to threatened" or "rare species with a limited range." The main reasons why a bird may soon become an extinct species is deforestation, due to which nesting sites are destroyed. In the Krasnodar Territory, the spotted eagle has already been classified as a rare species. In Ukraine, it is protected in the Carpathian, Polessky and Shatsk parks.

What does Spotted Eagle eat?

The Lesser Spotted Eagle is a predator. Its prey is mainly terrestrial. Periodically, he preys on small birds, chicks or various insects. The main diet of the spotted eagle is small rodents, lizards, frogs and snakes.

lesser spotted eagle description
lesser spotted eagle description

A large hare is too fast and strong prey, so the bird preys on immature rabbits and cubs of other mammals that are suitable in size. He leads a daily life. It hunts extremely rarely from the air, mainly looking out for prey, sitting on tree branches or moving along the ground. A bird eats up to 500 grams of meat per day.

Nesting period

The spotted eagle arrives at the nesting sites towards the end of April, and their current lasts until the end of May. These are monogamous birds and they choose a pair for themselves only once. During the mating ritual, they circle together in the air, males feed the females from their beaks. Sometimes one bird stays on the nest in a long and sonorous voice while another circles above it inflying up to a kilometer away.

Bird nests are placed on large branches of trees, making sure that this place can be easily flown up. In diameter, they reach from 50 to 100 cm. The material is thick rods and branches, inside, as a rule, leaves, dry grass and bark are lined. Spotted eagles use one nest several times. For years and even decades, they can fly to once well-equipped place.

lesser spotted eagle
lesser spotted eagle

During the nesting period, birds clearly define their territory and fiercely defend it. They do not let not only spotted eagles, but also other species. On the contrary, during the winter they are very peaceful and easily get along with other eagles.

There are only two eggs in the clutch of birds, and one of the cubs often becomes a victim of the second. For 45 days, the parents take turns incubating the clutch. Eggs are white with brown dots. The chicks are fed for about two months, after which they leave the "home". They become sexually mature only at 3-4 years of age. In total, lesser spotted eagles live 15-20 years.
