At first glance, the praying mantis is an absolutely harmless insect. Fragile, thin, imperceptible in the grass and on the branches of trees. But this insect is not what it seems. First of all, it is almost clear to everyone that he was named so because of the prayerfully folded front legs. It can sit in its posture for hours, but don't be fooled, the mantis insect is a formidable predator. He attacks victims much larger than himself. Mantis fights with large spiders and even with snakes are known! Involuntarily, you will wonder if people made a mistake with the name?
Compared to relatives, this is a rather large representative of its class. Individual individuals can reach 76 millimeters in length and even more. Females are usually larger than males. If the size is the same, then it is rather difficult to determine the sex of individuals before adulthood.
They mimic beautifully. There are species that are very similar to flowers, others can easily get lost in the leaves, and all with one goal - to lie in wait for a suitable victim! They are completely harmless to humans. The only way a mantis insect can harm a person is to scratch a finger with the jagged edges of the frontpaws if taken carelessly.

People who see them for the first time, at first simply do not believe that this is a creature of earthly origin. His appearance and his whole alien appearance are very unusual. And, of course, it is very difficult to realize that this is a formidable predator. It is not always possible to clearly distinguish the appearance of such a small creature as a praying mantis. An insect (its photo can bewitch anyone) seems to be dancing a strange ritual dance.
Some people even keep them at home as they are not too hard to take care of. The insect will need to change housing several times. At first, a yogurt package will do, but later you will have to find a bigger “apartment” for him. Throughout life, the mantis insect sheds its skin, increasing in size.

You must not forget to feed him on time, and also in his home there should always be branches on which he can hang, this is especially important during periods of molting. But he does not need to drink - it is only necessary to provide sufficient humidity.
If it is decided to breed individuals of different sexes, then you need, firstly, to prepare a voluminous cage, and secondly, a sufficient amount of food. Otherwise, the larger female may eat the male after mating. It can happen immediately, as soon as the individuals are together or within a few days. After the end of the mating period, the male must be resettled again.
In due time, the female lays from 30 to 300 eggs, of whichafter a few months, new individuals will hatch. To prevent cannibalism among newborns, you need to put them in a large container with plenty of hiding places and live food. After the second or third molt, they all need to be seated.

Insect praying mantis, unlike most of its counterparts, has a number of unique skills. In addition to excellent mimicry abilities, he can turn his head almost 180 degrees in different directions and even look over his shoulder. By the way, females, unlike males, cannot fly, although representatives of both sexes have wings. They are just too heavy to fly.