Types of clouds: what are they?

Types of clouds: what are they?
Types of clouds: what are they?

Without a doubt, a unique phenomenon that can be observed in the lower layer of the Earth's atmosphere is, of course, clouds. A variety of shapes and types of clouds simply cannot but delight. It would seem how these dissimilar clouds can be classified? It turns out you can! And very simple. You yourself have probably noticed more than once that some clouds form very high in the sky, while others are much lower against their background. It turns out that different clouds form in the sky at different heights. Those types of clouds that are almost invisible, have a translucent color and the shape of threads, moving along the Sun or Moon, practically do not weaken their light. And those that are below have a denser structure and almost completely hide the Moon and the Sun.

Types of clouds
Types of clouds

How do clouds form? As we have already said, clouds are air, or rather warm air that rises from the earth's surface with water vapor. Reaching a certain height, the air is cooled, and the steam is converted into water. This is what clouds are made of.

But what determines the shape and types of clouds? And it depends on the height at which the cloud formed and thethe temperature that is there. Let's take a closer look at the different types of clouds.

- Silver - formed at an altitude of 70-90 km from the surface of the earth. They are a fairly thin layer that is barely visible against the sky at night.

- Mother-of-pearl clouds - located at an altitude of 20-30 km. Such clouds form relatively rarely. They can be seen before the Sun rises, or when it is already setting below the horizon.

- Cirrus - located at an altitude of 7-10 km. Thin white clouds that look like tangled or parallel threads.

stratus clouds
stratus clouds

- Cirrostratus clouds - located at a distance of 6-8 km from the earth. They are a veil of white or blue.

- Cirrocumulus - also located at an altitude of 6-8 km. Thin clouds of white that look like a cluster of flakes.

- Altocumulus clouds - 2-6 km. Weakly translucent layer of clouds in the form of waves of white, gray or blue. Light precipitation is possible from this type of cloud.

- Highly layered - 3-5 ka above the ground. They are a gray veil, sometimes fibrous in appearance. They may fall light rain or snow.

- Stratocumulus clouds - 0.3-1.5 km. This is a layer with a well-defined structure, similar to a plate or a wave. From such clouds fall small precipitation in the form of snow or rain.

- Layered clouds - located at an altitude of 0.5-0.7 km. Homogeneous, opaque gray layer.

- Nimbostratus - located at an altitude of 0, -1, 0 km from the earth. A continuous, opaque shroud of dark gray. These clouds make it snow or rain.

- Cumulus clouds - 0.8-1.5 km. They have a gray, flat-looking base and dense, domed tops of white. As a rule, there is no precipitation from this type of cloud.

Cumulus clouds
Cumulus clouds

- Cumulonimbus clouds - 0.4-1.0 km. It is a whole array of clouds, which has a dark blue base and a white top. Such clouds bring precipitation - showers, thunderstorms, hail or snow pellets.

Whenever possible, peer into the sky, and you will very soon learn to distinguish not only the forms, but also the types of clouds.
