What do thrush eggs look like? The amazing color of the eggs of these songbirds

What do thrush eggs look like? The amazing color of the eggs of these songbirds
What do thrush eggs look like? The amazing color of the eggs of these songbirds
thrush eggs
thrush eggs

Thrushes are wonderful small birds belonging to the order of passeriformes, the genus short-beaked. A feature of this bird is its musical, more precisely, singing ability. The appearance of the thrush, as a rule, is not very catchy. The color of the feathers can be a noble brown or light olive with dark brown speckles. However, there are also black birds with small bright spots on the tail.

Thrush eggs are painted by nature itself in amazing colors and shades - from blue to light green. Rarely do they have a uniform color. The presence or absence of specks on the eggs indicates that a certain degree of pigmentation is observed in the structure of the eggshell. In the process of egg development, pigmentation is formed due to the concentration of a substance such as protoporphyrin. It is a powerful photosensitizer and contains molecules that can not only absorb the light of sunlight, but also convert it into oxygen, light and heat, which are so necessary for the he althy development of chick embryos.

thrush egg color
thrush egg color

Today there are 46 species of thrushes in Russia. Each kind- your egg color. Thrush of one species is easy to distinguish from another. Differences in the shape, color and pattern of eggs are not radical, but still exist. Thrush eggs, photos of which are presented here, have different color shades, blotches and size. Some are larger and elongated, others are rounded and small. Here are some examples of egg colors.

Swanson's American Thrush has a standard color for all light thrushes, with one difference - the top of the head, tail and wingtips have a reddish tint. His eggs are blue with brown spots. This bird builds nests in the form of a large ball of dried blades of grass. The blue color of the eggs of the American thrush, as well as other species, has always attracted the attention of ornithologists with its brightness. The background blue color is unusual in its shades: greenish, grayish and bright turquoise. And the spots are very clear, brownish-rusty in color. They range in size from microscopic dots to pinhead spots.

thrush eggs photo
thrush eggs photo

The hermit thrush. This bird is very modest, likes to hide from prying eyes among the branches. Its discreet color has more brown color, and a blurry spot is drawn on the chest. Hermit thrush eggs are monophonic, without specks, have a delicate greenish-blue color. The hermit thrush builds nests among the branches of trees so that the sun's rays can reach them as much as possible, nourish them with their light and warmth.

Singing Thrush. This population is quite large. The color of the bird is dominated by weak olive and gray shades, with specks of color.dark chocolate. The egg clutch is either a bright turquoise with small dark flecks, or a pale blue-gray with small brown spots. The dots are often dark chocolate colored. They differ in size: they can be very small specks, or slightly larger - the size of a match head.

thrush eggs
thrush eggs

Blackbird: always looks solid, with black plumage, a yellow beak and rims traced in yellow, orange or red around the eyes. It differs from other thrushes in larger sizes. Thrush eggs are green in color, close to dark olive, with light brown spots. There are also eggs with a grayish-green background, with larger chocolate-colored specks. On the wide side, each egg is completely colored with brown pigment.
