How a wasp bites: the perfect weapon

How a wasp bites: the perfect weapon
How a wasp bites: the perfect weapon

Probably, each of us is looking forward to the season of gentle sun, flowers and fruits. On such days, we tend to go to the country, to the sea, the river or just out of town to enjoy all the delights of summer. Insects are also looking forward to hot days: the abundance of nectar, fragrant fruits delights our smaller brothers. And sometimes the neighborhood of man and insects does not give any pleasure to either one or the other. And if some insects are absolutely indifferent to us, and they do not harm us, then others perceive a person as a direct threat to their lives. And in order to protect themselves, they can bite painfully, thereby warning uninvited guests that they have nothing to do here. And the poor fellows, who had the misfortune of being stung by aggressive insects, will remember for the rest of their lives how a wasp or a bee bites.

Speaking of our smaller brothers - wasps - it should be noted that these insects do not attack without provocation. What can provoke aggressive behavior? Much. For example, sudden body movements, the scent of perfume or bright clothes. Another immediate threat to lifeinsect or its family. So, while relaxing in the bosom of nature, be vigilant.

how a wasp bites
how a wasp bites

How many times does a wasp bite?

The sting of the wasp has a unique structure - it is perfectly smooth and sharp. I must say that this "wasp weapon" is the sharpest object in nature. Therefore, unlike a bee, a wasp can sting as many times as desired - the sting does not remain in the body of the victim. Sometimes the question arises: "Does the wasp sting or bite?" The answer is obvious: since the insect strikes with a sting, then the word “stings” will be the most correct wording, although this is not important.

wasp stings or bites
wasp stings or bites

How a wasp bites and first aid

Well, firstly, it hurts, and secondly, a bite can cause a severe allergic reaction with all the ensuing consequences. Scientists have noted that recently more and more people are allergic to wasp venom. Swelling, itching, or fever are perhaps the mildest reactions to an insect bite. Anaphylactic shock is much more dangerous - here you can’t do without an ambulance from a doctor. If you have been attacked by a striped Diptera, then by all means try to minimize the possible sad consequences. Where should you start? Examine the bite site for a sting in the wound (this can happen if you killed an insect during a bite). If no tools are found, then apply ice or a towel soaked in cold water to the sore spot. A solution of baking soda or ammonia (1: 5) will help to anesthetize the affected area of the body. Be sure to drinkantihistamine. When relaxing in nature, allergy sufferers must have a syringe and an ampoule of adrenaline with them - this will help save a person's life before the ambulance arrives.

how many times does a wasp bite
how many times does a wasp bite

If there was no first aid kit at hand

As a rule, on a picnic we take anything except a first aid kit. And in vain, because you never know what might happen. And if you had the misfortune to find out how a wasp bites, and there are no medicines at hand, then use folk remedies. A cut onion applied to the wound will relieve swelling well. Urine will also help neutralize the effect of the poison. To do this, urinate on a handkerchief and attach it to the bite site. Washed and crushed plantain or dandelion leaves will reduce pain and itching. Now you know how a wasp bites. Be careful.
