Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
People call Crimea “the world in miniature”. And it is quite justified, because the nature of the Crimea is so diverse and unique. Only on the Crimean peninsula you can encounter a combination of flat mountain peaks, see yayla with chilly and incredibly humid air. And just a couple of kilometers away, the warm Black Sea coasts with their pebble and sandy beaches are located
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Ruby is a precious stone. Yakhont is its old Russian name. For more than a thousand years, this mineral has been considered one of the most expensive. Its blood-red color won many hearts. The yahont gemstone is a type of corundum. The closest brother of ruby is sapphire, the difference between them is only a different percentage of the coloring metal
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Lazurite stones are familiar to most Russian women. They make inexpensive, but very beautiful jewelry: bracelets, rings with stones, necklaces. This mineral is very soft and easy to process
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A lot is said about the beneficial properties of wild berries and rightly so. Any non-lazy person just wants to go into the forest and collect more “remedies for all diseases” with their own hands. But how to find it, where does the strawberry grow? Need to know more places. And if you are in the forest for the first time, then you will wander for days, but you will not notice the berries. Have you been in such a situation? Let's see where wild strawberries grow
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Flies belong to the order Diptera, of which there are more than 150 thousand species in the world. And only a few of them are carriers of infection, while most are quite harmless, like butterflies. So what kind of flies should be wary of? And why are some of them so partial to carrion?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This beautiful plant adorns different regions of the Earth. Maples in large numbers inhabit the parks and gardens of Russia and delight the eye with their unique beauty at any time of the year. Although almost all of its species are unique and attractive in the shape and color of their leaves, they look especially original in autumn
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The unique nature of the Crimean peninsula needs protection and protection. For this, many protected areas have been organized on this earth
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Electric eel is a mysterious and dangerous inhabitant of the shallow muddy rivers of the South American continent. Its unique feature is the ability to generate electric charges of various strengths and purposes, as well as detect electric fields
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
With what trepidation in a long winter we are waiting for the onset of a blooming spring! At this time, everything comes to life: trees and grasses, and rivers take off the cover of winter. But most of all we are waiting for the appearance of the first spring flowers, which remind us that spring is already on the threshold. From this article you will find out which of them appear first in the spring
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Creeping couch grass: geography of distribution, general description. The legend of how grass saved humanity. The use of wheatgrass in various spheres of human life. Chemical composition and use in different countries. Use in folk medicine for various diseases. Contraindications for use. What can be prepared from wheatgrass
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Poppies are a family of dicotyledonous plants from the Ranunculaceae order, which gave humanity the infamous opium poppy and at the same time many decorative garden flowers. The article provides a general botanical description of plants
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In our time, there are many common fictions associated with a chess snake. Our article will tell you how things really are
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Pets are different: someone loves affectionate and graceful cats, someone likes the devotion and loy alty of dogs. Many people like to watch underwater inhabitants for hours or listen to the sonorous voices of birds. And exotic lovers prefer the company of reptiles, one of which is our today's heroine - an ordinary green iguana
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Sevan crayfish is not a separate type of crustacean, but the name of the crayfish that has taken root in the people, which is caught in the Armenian Lake Sevan. It is believed that it is especially large, delicious dishes are obtained from it, and besides, it lives in an ecologically clean reservoir. What actually is Sevan cancer, read in detail in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Tubular mushrooms (along with lamellar) belong to the category of old acquaintances of man. Our ancestors have been collecting these mushrooms for centuries. Where did tubular mushrooms get their name from? On the lower part of the cap of such mushrooms, a large number of microscopic tubes are visible, which serve to ripen spores. These mushrooms have another name - spongy. They are named so precisely because of the appearance of the lower part of the hat, which seemed to someone like a sponge
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is stocking a pond? A similar question sooner or later is asked by every owner of this landscape delight. Everything is simple. This term refers to the filling of a reservoir with fish. This is done for an aesthetic purpose, as well as for raising fish for sale or for family leisure fishing on the shore of their own pond
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
December 22, the Slavs have been celebrating the Winter Solstice since ancient times. Then every day begins to add light time, and this lasts until June 22
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Olive sea turtles are also called ridleys. The species is considered vulnerable due to a number of threats. You can most often meet representatives of the Ridley genus near the coastal part of the subtropical and tropical sea or ocean
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Bamboo palm tree is unpretentious, it does not require bright lighting. It is desirable to grow three plants in one container, and plant the emerging children in a timely manner
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Cosmopolitans and endemics are species of plants and animals that are opposite to each other in terms of habitat. The name speaks for itself: ἔνδημος in Greek means "local". The vital activity of representatives of flora or fauna in any limited space is called endemism
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
If you don't know where you can fish with pleasure and with a guaranteed result in the Leningrad region, then we advise you to pay attention to such a point on the map as the Pasha River. The amazingly beautiful surrounding nature goes well with the variety of fish in the pond, allowing you to fully relax
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The description of the Corydalis flower can begin with the fact that this is one of the perennial plants with a very short growing season. Sprouting in the still bare April forest, in mid-June it is no longer found. Corydalis (Corydalis) is a representative of a numerous genus of herbaceous plants of the Dymyankovye family, more than 200 species of which grow in the Himalayas and China. In general, the range covers the vast temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, including the middle zone of Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The slender beauties of birch, which can be found not only in forests, but also in city parks, on the streets and in squares, were once inspired by the ancient Slavs and druids and were considered sacred. The Birch family includes 6 genera of trees, which are divided into 234 species
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is the smallest ocean in the world? The answer to this question can be found in this article. In addition, it tells about where this ocean is located, what is its territory, who lives in it, what interesting facts are associated with it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Needless to remind you that people do not have any special love for nasty and annoying insects. Who are these annoying creatures? These, friends, are female and male mosquitoes. But meanwhile they are quite interesting creatures! Why? Read our article and find out
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Chanterelles are one of the most delicious mushrooms. In order to make a delicious dish out of them, it is important to know how to distinguish false chanterelles from real ones
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Intrusive, annoying, disgusting are just a few of the epithets we give to flies. Their reproduction is so fast that it terrifies us. Flies have millions of microbes on their bodies. And yet these insects are not only a symbol of unsanitary conditions and dirt. It is an important link in food chains and destroyers of organic waste. About the importance of flies in nature and our life, about the life cycle and stages of reproduction of flies and their contribution to the development of scientific thought - we will talk about all this in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are many different animals on our planet. Each species has certain mental abilities. And although our smaller brothers are significantly inferior to humans in terms of intelligence, sometimes they are simply amazing. Surely everyone had a question about the dumbest animal in the world. Some scientists even conducted special studies to determine the most stupid representative of the animal kingdom
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Pine moth belongs to the family of insect pests living in Russia. Because of its attachment to coniferous forests, it received such a name, and regardless of the region of habitat. These insects are distributed throughout the country. If mass invasions occur, then this butterfly population remains in the selected area for a long time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fatty liver (namely, this is how the word "foie gras" is translated from French), makes the nostrils flutter, leads the salivary glands into violent excitement. But what is hidden behind these exquisite jars with bows, miniature toasts and intricate delights of the best culinary experts?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In nature, there is such a thing as an alpha male. This is the dominant individual in the pack, possessing all the qualities of a leader: well-developed muscles, lack of fear, confidence, courage, responsibility and the ability to lead the pack
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The relief of the UK is quite diverse. There are swampy lowlands, rocky uplands, and mountain systems. True, the latter do not rise above one and a half kilometers above sea level. The Cambrian Mountains are located in the southwestern part of the island. We will talk about them in more detail in our article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The meaning of any word can be found out thanks to the information taken from the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. A similar source explains what plyos means. Turning to the most popular publication, authored by Vladimir Dal, you can find that the word has several meanings
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Turanian tiger, the photo of which is in this article, is considered an almost extinct species. There are very few predators of this species left on the entire planet recently. Thirty years ago, there were no more than two thousand tigers. Over the past decades, their number has slightly increased - up to 3500 specimens. Scientists around the world have set themselves the goal of doubling their number by 2022
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Alder is a shrub or tree from the Birch family. Black alder tree (European, sticky) reaches 35 m in height. The bark of the trunk is dark brown with cracks
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Capercaillie is one of the largest birds living in forests. Its mass reaches 5 kg. The common capercaillie has several popular names: flywheel, deaf black grouse, swindler. This bird is from the pheasant family (chicken order)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The action of gravity and solar radiation together give the planet a constant process, which is called the "water cycle on Earth", which is a kind of engine of life. If it ever stops, then all living things will die
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
April 1 is celebrated as International Bird Day in our country. Interestingly, Russia is the habitat of many of them, including very rare ones. In our country, the rarest birds are protected by the state and are listed in the Red Book. Some of them live in sanctuaries and reserves. In this article, we will look at 10 endangered bird species
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Squirrels are one of the few inhabitants of the forest that a person can meet in the wild. The appearance of the animal in city parks has become a common occurrence. Where the squirrel lives, what it eats, how it endures a harsh winter - all this may be of interest to each of us
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Mass mushrooms in Tver begin to appear in the month of September. All avid mushroom pickers are very familiar with the feeling of excitement, one that embraces real hunters. Here a hat shone, here is another one, and here, under a tree, it turns out, a whole family of butterflies lurked