Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Plant chives and you'll be provided with he althy and delicious green onions all year long. It grows well both in the garden and in a pot
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One of the varieties of tree mushrooms is varnished tinder fungus, which has been popular in folk medicine for thousands of years due to its healing properties
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Every year, for various reasons, several species of plants and animals disappear on the planet, as a result of which the flora and fauna of the Earth is becoming poorer. So that the ecosystem is not completely disturbed, so-called Red Books are maintained in all countries
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All modern species diversity of tulips is the result of the work of breeders who over the years have created new unique colors and shapes from several original species. One of the ancestors of all varieties is just the Schrenk tulip
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Man is a part of nature, but for some reason he often forgets about it. Most often, the ecology suffers precisely from the life of the people themselves. Many international organizations, the existence of which we do not even suspect, are trying to protect humanity, paradoxically, from itself. These conservation societies include the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, or IUCN for short. Among the numerous published printed editions of the Union is the Red Book
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The disappearance of many species of flora often depends on man and his destructive, as it turns out, activities. Thousands of specimens of rare plants will never be seen by mankind. The Red Book is a list of plants and animals that are either extinct or on the verge of becoming extinct. But even despite the existing accounting, it is impossible to know exactly how many copies of certain plants are left in the world
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This small herbaceous plant with small flowers will not only be a beautiful decoration for the interior of the kitchen or your own garden, but also a great sweetener for those who want to improve their he alth and build. It is not for nothing that many people call this sweet grass honey. Growing such a plant with your own hands is not difficult, but before doing this, you need to learn everything about the care, as well as the benefits that it brings
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Filamentous algae, having barely appeared in the aquarium, begin to grow rapidly, braiding plants and stones with thin threads. In a matter of days, thread can completely fill a room pond. Growing, algae release a large amount of waste into the water, interfere with the growth of plants, become a web in which fish fry can get entangled or food particles get stuck
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Lichens are a symbiotic group of fungi, green algae and cyanobacteria. The name of the organisms comes from the similarity of their appearance with some skin diseases, and is translated from Latin as "lichen"
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New Zealand is the end of the world, a country about which the average Russian citizen knows little. Expensive plane tickets, geographical isolation and the correct policy of the authorities do not allow crowds of tourists to explore this island. Therefore, New Zealand still boasts breathtaking landscapes that are not subject to human influence. Still, this island of happy people is worth visiting at least once in your life
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Rivers are the property of Russia, its water arteries. As you know, people from ancient times settled near such fresh water bodies. Our country is literally entangled in a network of rivers. The Khabarovsk Territory is no exception. On its territory there are many reservoirs, which became the center of life of the local population, made it possible to comfortably organize their life and establish a household. One of them is the Kur River, picturesque and rich in fish. She will be discussed further
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Everyone knows that predators kill their prey in order to get enough or feed their offspring. What is it - cruelty or necessity?
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One of the most numerous species of fauna is the moor frog (Rana arvalis), a typical representative of the class of amphibians. It is often found near water bodies in many regions and massively inhabits the territories of nature reserves
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During the spring equinox day becomes equal to night. In this short period of time, the sun's rays fall strictly perpendicular to the equator. And at the end of these days, the luminary moves to the Northern Hemisphere of the celestial sphere from the Southern
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Being near water bodies (rivers or lakes), everyone must have seen medium-sized and inconspicuous at first glance long-winged birds. In the people they are called seagulls for a distant resemblance. In fact, this is a river tern (order Charadriiformes). You can notice them by their characteristic flight and a sharp, slightly raspy voice in case of alarm. This is a fairly common species of birds, often forming large colonies
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Today, more and more people are switching to a he althy diet. In this regard, black s alt is gaining popularity, the benefits and harms of which are being actively discussed. What is the difference between this product and the usual white s alt for us? This article will answer this question
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Among all types of carp, the most valuable and desirable trophy for a fisherman is considered a mirror. It is much larger than many of its counterparts, but its scales, on the contrary, are much smaller. Catching a mirror fish is not easy. This will require a lot of patience, skill and caution
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fans of quiet hunting would certainly like to know exactly how fast mushrooms grow. In what weather do they accelerate, and when do they freeze completely? As it turned out, there is a direct relationship between weather conditions and growth rates
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How often have you found unfamiliar mushrooms? Surely every lover of "quiet hunting" has come across this. A number of signs will help distinguish edible species from poisonous ones. Let's try to figure out which mushroom turns blue on the cut
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One of the most mysterious phenomena on the planet is mud volcanoes. Taman is one of the unique areas where you can see several healing mud springs at once
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CZ is perhaps one of the most popular crystals used in jewelry. In fact, cubic zirconia is a precious synthetic crystal obtained under artificial conditions. The beauty is not inferior to many precious natural gems, but the price is significantly lower
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Collecting mushrooms is a fascinating process, but it requires special care. No one is immune from the fact that the most poisonous mushroom will meet on the forest path. Sadly, but it is in Russia that the pale grebe grows, the poisoning of which leads to serious consequences. But not only is she deadly
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wonderful edible mushrooms - dried milk mushrooms - are common in coniferous and mixed forests. This species is called Russula delica, or podgruzok. In essence, this is a genus of russula. Let's see how it looks and how it differs from similar species
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One of the representatives of the lactifers - the serushka mushroom (the official name is Lactarius flexuosus) - is found quite often in coniferous and mixed forests. It is considered conditionally edible, that is, it can be eaten after prolonged soaking and further processing
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The article gives a brief description of the species of ducks inhabiting Russia. Popular domestic species are considered, as well as wild species of ducks: mallard, black
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Pluto has attracted the attention of scientists for many years. Over the past few years, two small satellites of this planet have been discovered at once, which have not yet received names
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Examples of extreme situations discussed in the article allow us to draw certain conclusions. Only calmness and rational behavior can save the lives of the victims
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The giant panda, or bamboo bear, is not only a cute creature of nature, but also the official symbol of the organization for the protection of animals. Despite the general attention to these animals, they are on the verge of extinction
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Our planet is inhabited by the most extraordinary creatures. Ostriches amaze not only with the structure of their body and the lack of the ability to fly. The speed they develop when running is truly incredible
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In 2013, the African black rhinoceros was officially declared extinct. Scientists tried to the last to save the population of unusual animals, but unfortunately, the growing popularity of rhinoceros horn on the black market played a role in the destruction of an entire species
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The article is devoted to fire opal, describes its characteristics, application in jewelry, places of extraction of the mineral and beliefs associated with it
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Evolution is an amazing mechanism invented by nature. Thanks to her, thousands of species of animals were born, very similar to each other, but at the same time having hundreds of differences. The wild bull is also no exception, because its family includes many subspecies
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Most Russians are familiar with the Amur River only from the old song: “On the high banks of the Amur, sentries of the Motherland stand!” Yes, and mostly older people. At best, young people have heard that somewhere far away, either in Siberia, or it is not clear where, there seems to be such a river. Meanwhile, the Amur River is one of the largest water arteries not only in Russia, but also in the world. The area of the Amur basin, for example, is 1855 thousand square kilometers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A large number of organisms live in water. Some of them are so tiny that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. At the same time, the “neighbors” of these creatures cannot be called inconspicuous, because their size significantly exceeds the size of the average fish. In our article you will find a list of the most amazing giant fish
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
We all heard from childhood about such predatory fish as common pike. She is even a character in fairy tales. But here's what it is, where it lives … Hardly anyone thought about these questions. Meanwhile, it is one of the largest freshwater fish
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The bird described in this article is beautiful and unique. Her image can be seen on the silver coin of the Bank of Russia. A magnificent and rather rare bird is the black crane. The Red Book of Russia has this rare species of birds in its lists
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wind is commonly referred to as large-scale flows of atmospheric gases moving in the same direction and, as a rule, at the same speed. In meteorology, wind types are primarily classified according to direction of movement, speed, spatial scale, forces causing them, regional affiliation and environmental impact
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The largest freshwater lake on our planet is Baikal. Its depth reaches 1637 meters, and the age of this unique reservoir, according to scientists, is more than twenty-five million years
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Mangrove trees are evergreen deciduous plants that have settled on tropical and subtropical coasts and have adapted to life in conditions of constant ebb and flow
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In the spring of 2006, an event occurred that shook the theory of celestial bodies. In the Lovell Observatory (USA, Arizona) in the constellation Hercules, a huge planet was discovered, exceeding the size of our Earth by twenty times. Of the existing discovered to date, this is the largest planet in the universe. They called it TrES-4