Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Wild wood pigeon (or vitiuten) is of interest both as an object of sport hunting, and just as a big beautiful dove. Its behavioral features and feeding habits are curious. Habitat - temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article gives an idea of the habitat, hunting methods and size of the largest, giant crocodiles - marine or Indo-Pacific. Tells about the largest crocodile that lived in captivity
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The article gives an idea of how much crocodiles weigh, how their age is determined, provides a description of representatives of the crocodile family
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The article introduces readers to the Manchurian maple, gives its description, talks about the area of natural growth, problems in using it for landscaping
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Fry fry are the main planting material for pond farming. With the help of it, stocking of all reservoirs, both natural and artificial, is carried out
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Mississippi monster, alligator fish, prehistoric monster, as well as the same age as dinosaurs, exotic fishing trophy and aquarium fish - all these epithets belong to a creature with many names, the most common of which is "alligator pike". Photos of these monsters are impressive
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Megachasma pelagios, the pelagic megamouth shark, is one of three species whose diet consists of plankton. It was first discovered in 1976. It is the only species in the largemouth family. The shark is listed among the rarest fish in the world. Scientists were able to examine only a third of the living specimens of the forty-seven discovered individuals of this species. It is assumed that there are no more than 100 individuals in total
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are a huge number of poisonous mushrooms and plants. It is almost impossible to list all of them, especially since there are such in every corner of the planet. In any case, dangerous plants with their poison can cause significant harm to human he alth. Moreover, there have been cases of death
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia were the first to see the constellation Draco. The constellation Draco (Dra) is visible in the sky. It can be seen with the naked eye - the figure passes through Ursa Minor, the head is visible north of Hercules, but the body is difficult to see, since it consists of many faintly burning stars
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Alligator pear, or avocado, is a small fruit of South American origin. It got its unusual name thanks to the British. It was they who were the first to note the similarity of the skin of the fetus with the dark green color of the skin of a crocodile
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Each oil field in Russia has its own history, sometimes only two or three decades, and sometimes measured in centuries
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Biya - a river flowing through the territory of the Altai Territory. General characteristics of the river, geography and natural landscapes. tributaries of the river Biya. Tourism and fishing on Biya. Legends about the Biya and Katun rivers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Purple ryadovka is a delicious edible mushroom, the distinguishing features of which are its color and smell
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Akhshtyrskaya cave is a tourist pearl of the resort town of Sochi. Until 1999, access to the monument of historical heritage was closed to the general population - archaeological research was carried out there, the results of which subsequently forced scientists to rewrite the history of the origin of the Caucasian race
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Popovnik, or common daisy, is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family, the largest of all families of dicotyledonous plants, including about 33 thousand species distributed throughout the planet. In the article we will tell in detail about wild flowers similar to chamomile
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One of the significant right tributaries of the Yenisei is the Kureika, a river belonging to the Kara Sea basin. Read more about it in the article
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Choosing favorite stones, people are guided by different parameters. Some are attracted by the name, others by their magical properties, and still others by the color. Fans of the blue color know that such stones have a calming and relaxing effect. Blue stones, precious and semi-precious, will simultaneously help develop intuition and logical thinking. If you look at this color, then there are associations with a stormy sea and a peaceful sky
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Beautiful bouquets of peonies are in great demand today. Florists often use these flowers for wedding and birthday arrangements. Our article will tell you about the most fashionable trends in floral design, the rules for choosing bouquets, the compatibility of various plants with each other
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Can you answer the question of what is relief? At first glance, this is not difficult, and every student would cope with this task
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Yellow pod is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Water Lily family. It grows in shallow water: in lakes, ponds, where there is a slow current and calm water. What does a yellow water lily look like, where is it used and what are its features?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Where there is almost no land for plants to live comfortably, there are many charming flowers. The wild gifts of the mountains are unique and charming - mountain flowers! They bloom even in extreme climates, high in the mountains
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There are a lot of varieties of mice on the planet. They are all different, but at the same time the same. The way of life, reproduction, and most importantly nutrition, are similar for all of them. Rodents all, as if by choice, love to feast on grains, nuts, seeds and shoots of plants
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Do chickens have brains? This question involuntarily arises in the head when the phrase "brain like a chicken" is pronounced, which means stupidity, inability to think. In fact, as a result of many experiments, scientists have found out many interesting facts that easily refute the popular phrase
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The red-calf tick, named for its bright red-orange color, is distributed throughout the globe. It lives in the soil as well as among plants
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Today it is difficult to find places on the map that have not been touched by civilization. Nevertheless, they exist. Such protected areas include the amazing Siberian river Olenek, located in the northwestern part of Yakutia
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The world of wildlife is amazingly diverse, but some of its representatives deserve special attention. We are talking about giant animals, the size of which is amazing. We offer you to get acquainted with the largest worms of the planet, to learn some interesting facts about them
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Basidiomycetes belong to the second class of higher fungi. This means that they are endowed with multicellular mycelium, which reaches a complex structure, it is diverse. What are the distinguishing features of basidiomycetes, structure and features? What species are included in this group?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Plants are the source of life on the planet. But few people think that the depths of the sea and shallow streams are also habitat for them. Algae make a huge contribution to the Earth's ecosystem, allowing all living things to exist on it
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There are many amazing fish in the world, but among them there is the funniest fish, and the ability to grant wishes
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Javan moss (Vesicularia dubayana) is very common in Indonesia. It is very hardy, beautiful and practical: small fish can hide in its thickets, escaping from the persecution of their larger relatives
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Lake Athabasca is located on the territory of two Canadian provinces: northeastern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan, on the edge of the Precambrian shield. With an impressive area (7935 sq. km) and a coastline of 2140 km, it is the eighth largest in Canada
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
These small birds of the falconiformes order are now rarely found in the expanses of our Motherland. Steppe harrier - this is the name of an endangered species of birds, which is nevertheless worthy of close study. Let's see how it differs from relatives, why the population is decreasing
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The Russian muskrat is an amazing animal that has been comfortable on planet Earth for more than 30 million years. As in past times, so today the appearance of this river animal, resembling a small rat and belonging to the mole family for its ability to dig deep holes, has not changed at all
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The gray heron is a beautiful and very cautious bird. She was forced to be on the alert all the time by the sad experience of her ancestors, who in the past almost disappeared from the face of the Earth. It is a pleasure to describe these creatures, they are graceful and beautiful, there is some kind of aristocracy in their appearance. The heron is a large long-legged bird. In adulthood, its weight reaches 2 kg, its length is 90-100 cm, and its wingspan reaches 175-200 cm
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The burial ground is an eagle whose population is steadily declining, even despite the ban on hunting this bird of prey. As a result of human agricultural activities, the main habitats of the Imperial Eagle are disappearing, and the birds have to choose new and often not the best territories for nesting
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All animals of our planet adapt to the conditions of existence and the environment. And due to various factors, some of them chose to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. This means that the animals show their maximum activity at night, and not during the day, in the daytime they prefer to rest or are inactive
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Canadian beaver is a semi-aquatic mammal belonging to the order of rodents. They are the second largest rodents. In addition, the Canadian beaver is an unofficial symbol of Canada
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Of all mammals, it is bats that cause dislike for many. Is it connected with the legends about vampires, or is there another reason? Not important. One of the representatives of these unusual animals, the northern leather jacket, is quite interesting for its unique lifestyle
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The North Caucasus is a huge territory that starts from the Lower Don. It occupies part of the Russian platform and ends with the Greater Caucasus Range. Mineral resources, mineral waters, developed agriculture - the North Caucasus is beautiful and diverse. Nature, thanks to the seas and the expressive landscape, is unique. The abundance of light, heat, the alternation of arid and humid areas provides a variety of flora and fauna
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This animal of the weasel family is so different from its relatives that zoologists are ready to recognize it as a separate detachment. The river otter, whose photo is very difficult to take due to its caution, lives along the banks of fresh water. She prefers mountain rivers or those whose fast current does not allow the water to freeze in winter, as well as those with a rocky or pebble bottom. Therefore, it can rarely be found in large valley water arteries