The geographical position of the country has always influenced its development, and not only economic, but in general. If we recall the past and pay attention to which states played the most significant role in the development of mankind, we can notice a certain pattern. These have always been coastal countries. Examples are Phoenicia and Ancient Greece, Spain and Portugal, England and France and many others.
Access to the sea and the proximity of world trade routes at certain stages of history made fundamental changes in the fate of many states. This is clearly seen in the example of medieval Europe. The coastal countries of the Mediterranean, led by Venice, after the Turks closed their access to India, quickly fell into decay. The Atlantic states, taking advantage of their coastal position, were able to quickly rise - first Spain and Portugal did it, and then Holland and France. In a stubborn three-century struggle with them, the victory was able to winEngland has also become a powerful maritime power.

The coastal countries of the world, fighting for dominance in the sea, not only made great geographical discoveries of new lands, but also laid new trade sea routes.
Europe's coastal states today
Europe is the center of world civilization made countries located on the Mediterranean coast. The states that have access to the Atlantic Ocean brought glory to Europe with the Great geographical discoveries. The coastal countries in this region remain in the leading roles today.

Most European countries have maritime borders and are located close to busy sea routes. And this is very important for successful economic development in our time, because the bulk of all transported goods in the world (statistics say that this is almost 90 percent) is transported by sea.
The life of many European powers has always been connected with the sea. Such coastal countries as Great Britain, Iceland, Norway, Denmark have always been successful in fishing. Some small states are trying to expand their territory at the expense of coastal areas of the seas. The Netherlands was especially successful in this, for several centuries almost a third of their territory was reclaimed from the sea.

Seaside location is beneficial
The whole history of mankind confirms the old truth that the key to the prosperity of nations isdominance at sea. Suffice it to recall Ancient Rome, Genoa, Holland, England. Many coastal countries of Asia also serve as proof of this. This applies not only to the past, but also to the present. All the richest powers in the world are washed by the waters of the seas and oceans: the USA, Germany, Sweden, Japan, China and many others.
Lack of access to high water not only hinders development, but can also be a great sadness. More than a century ago, after the war with Chile, Bolivia lost access to the Pacific Ocean, and despite the fact that the country has its own navy and solemnly celebrates the Day of the Sea every year, Bolivian sailors can only nostalgic for the distant past.