Chrysolite stone: properties and description

Chrysolite stone: properties and description
Chrysolite stone: properties and description
chrysolite stone properties
chrysolite stone properties


Chrysolite stone, the properties of which will be discussed in this article, got its unusual name from the words chrysos (which means "golden") and lithos (which means "stone") from ancient Greek. The existence of this word is noted in ancient times.

Description of stones

Chrysolite is a mineral often found under a different name - olivine, and also under the name used by professional jewelers - peridot. The mineral is an orthosilicate of iron and magnesium. The chrysolite stone, whose properties we will definitely mention in the continuation of the article, has earned the poetic name of the “evening emerald” admirers, as it is considered a very beautiful green gemstone, it was highly appreciated by stone lovers, and it has been an adornment of many highly artistic jewelry over the years.

In ancient Greece, Pliny used it to denote golden yellow stones, and sometimes he mistook chrysolite for topaz.

Chrysolite stone. Features

chrysolite products
chrysolite products

Green stone has several shades: yellow, golden, herbal, pistachio, brown, olive. Very rarely, the color is intense, more often there are pale tones. Has a glassy sheen; the hardness of the stone reaches 7.0, and its density is 3.3g/cm3.

Healing properties of gemstone

Chrysolite is most often used in the treatment of nervous diseases, heart disease, neuralgia, as well as to get rid of nightmares and insomnia. Lithotherapists believe that this mineral is an excellent remedy for the treatment of eye diseases. Healers with the help of chrysolite can relieve pain in the kidneys and stomach. The mineral is used for diseases of the vessels, the spine, as well as colds that are caused by hypothermia. In the literature, you can find the statement that chrysolite is able to treat stuttering. It has many of the healing properties of green minerals.

Properties of chrysolite in magic

Chrysolite is able to protect from stupid deeds and bad dreams, strengthen strength and give the gift of prediction. Since ancient times, chrysolite has been used as a talisman against burns and fires. There is a certain opinion that chrysolite protects from troubles in life. In some countries, this stone is recognized as the keeper of the hearth of the family, which gives happiness and tranquility. According to modern magic, it increases attractiveness and male potency. It is believed that this stone can return the joy of life and fill it with smiles. Chrysolite is the patron of people who were born under the sign of Pisces: it helps to avoid conflicts and make the right, balanced decisions.

Chrysolite products: amulets and talismans

description of stones
description of stones

Chrysolite is a talisman for athletes and people with an active lifestyle. Helps in finding family happiness. The talisman is a figurine of a fish or some animal made of chrysolite. The figurine is also placed in a prominent place to bring stability and prosperity to the family. Experts advise wearing talismans made of this stone to protect yourself from night terrors, evil spirits, envy and the evil eye. The chrysolite stone, the properties of which were discussed in this article, turns out to be one of the regalia of the Russian crown.
