Names of black berries, useful and dangerous to he alth

Names of black berries, useful and dangerous to he alth
Names of black berries, useful and dangerous to he alth

Colorful for the eye and appetizing to taste, many black berries look. Their names are not always known to us, as well as their properties. Among the representatives of the berry kingdom there are specimens that are very valuable to us, but there are also those whose use can be life-threatening. Let's talk about both.

black berry names
black berry names

He althful names of black berries


This is the leader in the content of vitamins and biologically active substances. This fragrant berry is used in folk medicine as a diaphoretic, antiseptic, choleretic, hemostatic, diuretic, tonic. It is believed that it has a positive effect on human intelligence. Scientists have found that blackcurrant prevents the formation of cancer cells. Delicious jams, juices, compotes, marmalades and wines are made from berries.


Often, residents of the northern latitudes ask about the name of a black berry, very similar to raspberries. No wonder, because they are relatives, both belong to the Rosaceae family. And bothare natural "aspirin". Blackberries are a whole vitamin cocktail. In addition, the berries are rich in minerals and organic acids, due to which they have tonic and anti-sclerotic properties. Blackberries reduce blood sugar.

black berries names
black berries names


In addition to a huge number of vitamins, the berry is rich in polyphenol - a substance that, according to experts, can restore damaged brain cells. Blueberry extract works well with eye diseases. Boiled berries are used as an external remedy for burns and eczema. Jams, jams, blueberry sauces - truly "food of the gods".


Another name is chokeberry. Large juicy and tart berries can lower blood pressure. They are recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland and for radiation sickness. Wonderful refreshing drinks and fragrant wine are prepared from chokeberry.

Listing the names of black berries, it is appropriate to recall the mulberry.


The tree grows in the southern latitudes, is famous for its unusually juicy berries, from which sherbets, jams, molasses are made. In the Caucasus, delicious breads and gingerbread are baked from the pulp of berries. The fruits of the mulberry tree have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, metabolism. They dull the appetite, strengthen the general condition and increase potency.

Black berry names to be consumed with care


Fresh berries are not tasty at all, so jam or marmalade is made from them. Nightshade fruits haveantihelminthic action, used for epilepsy, convulsions, headaches, relieve overexcitation. But only ripe berries are suitable for food, because unripe nightshade contains toxic substances.


Black elderberry

Brushes with a scattering of small berries are widely used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. They make marmalade, jelly, jam. Dried berries are used to make anti-cold teas, and fresh ones are used for rheumatism and arthritis. But unripe elderberries, like other parts of the plant, are poisonous.

what is the black berry called
what is the black berry called

Names of black berries that should not be eaten


The trickiness of shiny large berries is that they have a sweet taste. But even a few berries eaten can cause respiratory arrest and even death. The first signs of poisoning: a burning sensation in the mouth, a strong heartbeat, darkening or "flies" in the eyes. In severe cases, seizures may occur.


They are very similar in appearance to bird cherry. But, unlike her, ripen in September-October. Eaten berries after an hour and a half cause diarrhea, weakness, convulsions, with severe poisoning, death is possible.

Raven Eye

In the thickets of deciduous forests, you can find a plant with a single black-gray berry. Appetizing in appearance, it is very poisonous. Poisoning is manifested by vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea.


Elongated berries the size of a pea rest in a brush on long legs,are not only black, but red and white. Their juice causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and intestines. Even touching the skin can cause blisters.


Berry poisoning definitely needs immediate medical attention!
