Pinsk is the administrative center of one of the districts of the Brest region, located in the Republic of Belarus. It is an important regional industrial, cultural and religious center. Both Catholicism and Orthodoxy are developed here. There are many Jews among the population. Pinsk is also an important historical site. The area of the city is 4736 hectares or 47.36 km2. The population of Pinsk is 137,961 people.
The name of the city is associated with the Pina River, which is a tributary of the river. Pripyat.

Geographic features
The city is located 186 km east of Brest and 304 km southwest of Minsk. This settlement is located in the area of the mouth of the river. Pins. The time zone corresponds to Minsk. The city is characterized by a flat type of relief.
The climate in Pinsk is temperate continental or slightly continental. The influence of oceanic air masses and Atlantic cyclones is quite large,coming from the west. As a result, winters are relatively warm and snowy, and summers are moderate.

In January, the average temperature is minus 4 degrees, and in July +19.1. About 600 mm of moisture falls annually, and the frequency of precipitation is high. Most of the rain - 86 mm - falls in July. March is the driest month.
The city of Pinsk is located in a zone of active agricultural activity and therefore is surrounded by farmland.
Economy and transport
The economy of Pinsk is based on the work of industrial enterprises. Their total number is over 50. Production largely determines the employment of the city's population. The most important is wood processing. This is followed by the light and food industries. Mechanical engineering is in fourth place.
Pinsk is an important transport hub. Highways and river transport routes converge here. There are mostly buses in the city. Their total number is 120 units.

Pinsk population
Now, as mentioned above, the population of the city is approximately 138 thousand people. The number of inhabitants of the city slowly increased until 1959, and then the speed of this process increased significantly. In 1959, the number of inhabitants of Pinsk was 41,500 people, and in 1974 - 77,100. Since the beginning of the 90s, the growth rate has slowed down, and since 1996, the population growth has practically ceased. By this time, the number of inhabitants was approximately 130 thousand people. Approximately the same figures for the populationand still.
Pinsk population density – 2,759 people/km2.

Pinsk is on the tenth line in terms of the number of inhabitants among the cities of Belarus. Within the Brest region, it is in third place. The share of the population of Pinsk from the total number of inhabitants of this republic is up to 1.5%.
The inhabitants of the city are called Pinskers. The male representative is from Pinsk, and the female representative is from Pinsk.
Ethnic composition of the population
The city is one of the multinational. In the national composition, most of all, of course, Belarusians. There are almost 85% of them here. Significantly fewer Russians - 9%, even fewer (3.5%) Ukrainians. This is followed by Poles (1%) and Jews (0.15%).
Pinsk's place in the total population of Belarus
As already mentioned, Pinsk is only in 10th place in terms of the number of inhabitants of the cities of this republic. Immediately above it is the city of Borisov with a population of 143,919 people. In eighth place is Baranovichi (179,122 people). The seventh line is occupied by Bobruisk (population 217,975 people). In sixth place is Brest (population 340,141). On the fifth and fourth - Grodno and Vitebsk with a population of 365,610 and 368,574 people, respectively. In third place is Mogilev (378,077 inhabitants), and in second place is Gomel (521,452). The first place, of course, belongs to Minsk (1 million 959 thousand 781 people).
In most cities (with the exception of Borisov and Bobruisk) there is a positive dynamics in the number of residents. This indicates an increase in the population of Belarus.

Thus, the population dynamics of the city of Pinsk testifies to the stability of the demographic and socio-economic situation in this settlement. Apparently, the crisis of the 1990s had little effect on the quality of life of citizens. This is confirmed by a large number of operating enterprises of various profiles. From this we can conclude that the residents consider this city quite acceptable for life and are not too eager to move to other regions or to Minsk.
It is known that Belarus has chosen a relatively socialist path of development. Good demographic indicators may be indirect evidence of the correctness of the course chosen by the authorities of this country.