Mestizos are beautiful people

Mestizos are beautiful people
Mestizos are beautiful people

"Mestizos are beautiful people!" This statement has long been settled in modern culture. You won’t surprise anyone with them, and many current stars openly talk about the blood of which peoples gave such a beautiful type of appearance as theirs. But it wasn't always like this.

mestizo people
mestizo people

In order to understand who are mestizos, people of what nationality can be considered as such, you need to introduce the concept of race. So what is race? This is a collection of gene pools of people collected according to certain biological characteristics and a common habitat. There are three of them - Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. In their pure form, they were previously distributed across the continents - Africa was inhabited by the Negroid race, Europe - by Caucasians, Asia and the American continent - by the Mongoloid race. However, population migrations and general globalization gradually led to the fact that the races began to mix with each other. This is how mestizos turned out - people in whose blood the genes of several races are mixed.

Initially, in many cultures, mestizos were persona non grata. Until the 20th century, there was social inequality between races, including mestizos. In general, initiallythis term denoted only one variation of racial mixing. Mestizos are people of just this type, the descendants of Europeans and the indigenous people of America, the Indians. That is, a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. Representatives of the mixed type of Negroids and Caucasians were previously called mulattoes, and the descendants of the Mongoloid and Negroid races were called sambo. At the moment, all of these options are called one term.

mestizo people photo
mestizo people photo

Previously, it was believed that mestizos are people resulting from all kinds of mutations. It was assumed that marriages between representatives of different races are not capable of producing he althy offspring, and that among such children there is a high percentage of mutants, handicapped or suffering from certain diseases of people. In fact, studies by ethnographers, geneticists, and sociologists have put everything in its place. With the exception of purely external factors, mestizos do not differ from representatives of purebred races in anything else. Moreover, due to the fact that the migration of peoples has become the norm not only within the continent, but throughout the planet for several hundred years, it is not necessary to talk about the purity of races at all. All current people are mestizo in some generation.

If we talk about prevalence, then mestizos are entire peoples. The same Arabs, Lebanese, Algerians, representatives of most of the nationalities of Central and South America are also them.

mestizo people are beautiful
mestizo people are beautiful

Well, what can I say about the beauty of mestizos? First of all, it is due to unusual combinations of facial features, figure, skin color, eyes, hair in representativesmixed marriages. For example, blue-eyed people with dark skin look more unusual, and often more beautiful than ordinary Europeans or African Americans. The same goes for the beauty of Hispanics - the combination of light skin and black plump lips, curly hair and dark eyes cannot but attract attention. Well, in order to clearly see what distinguishes mestizos, people whose photos flash on the pages of glossy magazines, look at these pictures. Take a look at photos of Shakira, Beyoncé, Salma Hayek, Vanessa May and other celebrities. All of them are descendants of mixed marriages and have a very expressive appearance.
