Why the Chinese have narrow eyes: scientific facts and unexpected hypotheses

Why the Chinese have narrow eyes: scientific facts and unexpected hypotheses
Why the Chinese have narrow eyes: scientific facts and unexpected hypotheses

Answering a child's question about why the Chinese have narrow eyes, one could easily dismiss it: precisely because the earth is round, the grass is green, and the hare has long ears. Is it really that important differences between people? We are all different, nature (or, if you like, God) created us that way. But the human mind tries to find logic in everything, and this is quite natural.

Japanese and Chinese
Japanese and Chinese

Perhaps Chinese children attack their parents with similarly tricky questions, wondering why Europeans have too white skin, blue eyes or red hair. Let's try to explain the mysteries of genetics in terms of science, fiction and folklore.

Epicanthus is a distinctive feature of the structure of the eye

There is a misconception that the size of the eyes of Asians is much smaller than that of the indigenous inhabitants of other continents. In fact, the Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese and Chinese are in no way inferior to the rest of humanity in this criterion. The only difference is that theythe eyes are often located on the face with a slight slope, that is, the inner edge is slightly lower than the outer, and the upper eyelid is equipped with an epicanthic fold that almost completely covers the lacrimal canal. In addition, Asians, unlike Europeans, have a dense fatty layer under the skin of the eyelids, so it seems that the area around the eyes is somewhat swollen, and the incision resembles a thin slit.

Why do Chinese people have narrow eyes?
Why do Chinese people have narrow eyes?

Evolutionary processes

Scientists, answering the question of why the Chinese have narrow eyes, refer to changes in the structure of the visual organ during evolution. You probably know what race the Chinese belong to - most Asian peoples are Mongoloids by race.

The harsh climate of the area where this ethnic community arose 12,000-13,000 years ago affected the physical characteristics of people. Nature took care to protect the eyes from strong winds, sandstorms, bright sunlight. People's eyesight was not affected at all, but the Japanese and Chinese are deprived of the need to squint, protecting their eyes from the effects of adverse natural factors.

By the way, not all Asians like the peculiarity of the structure of their eyes. According to statistics, over the past few years, more than 100,000 Chinese have had an operation in an attempt to give their faces European features. Interestingly, not only the fair sex, but also men go under the knife. For the inhabitants of Europe themselves, such transformations seem strange, because the narrow section of the eyes of theirkind of "highlight" of the Chinese, this is what attracts attention.

Descendants of the dragon

It is known that the Chinese themselves consider themselves the children of the dragon - it is this mythical animal that is a symbol of the Celestial Empire. According to legend, one of the progenitors of the Chinese people was a young man named Yan-di, the son of an earthly woman and a heavenly dragon. According to ancient legends, at the dawn of civilization, Chinese girls more than once became the object of desire for fiery, underground and flying dragons.

what race are the chinese
what race are the chinese

From these marriages, of course, children were born. What real dragons looked like, we, unfortunately, do not know. But it can be assumed that it was their genetic code that left an imprint on the appearance of modern peoples inhabiting East Asia. Perhaps it is the kinship with dragons that explains why the Chinese have narrow eyes, small stature and yellow skin?

Natives from other planets

Despite all the scientific achievements, an absolutely reliable version of the origin of mankind has not yet been developed. Someone believes in the divine creation of the world, someone is closer to the Darwinian theory, which claims that our closest relatives are monkeys. The hypothesis also has the right to exist that the diversity of earthly races and nationalities is due to the fact that the Earth is a refuge for people from other planets or galaxies.

Assuming that this is indeed the case, one could understand the nature of many incomprehensible mysteries. Why do Chinese people have narrow eyes? It's simple - in that corner of the universe where they came from, everyonesuch. It is quite possible that in different eras our land was visited by giants who built pyramids in Egypt and placed stone idols on Easter Island. But you never know the unknown secrets of our planet! The narrow eyes of the Chinese seem like nothing compared to them.

We are all made of the same dough

Summing up the results of our not entirely scientific investigation, I would like to tell one very nice parable that explains the racial differences of peoples. Thinking to populate the planet with intelligent beings, the Creator fashioned figures of people from dough and put them in a baking oven.

Chinese children
Chinese children

Either the Creator dozed off, or he was distracted by other more important matters, but an unforeseen situation occurred: some figures remained damp and white - this is how Europeans turned out, others burned out - it was decided to send them to Africa. And only the Mongoloids came out yellow, strong, moderately baked - exactly as it was originally intended. And the fact that someone's eyes are not big enough or cheekbones are too wide is not a flaw, but God's vision of beauty.

The meaning of this beautiful legend, saturated with good humor, does not aim to emphasize the superiority of some peoples over others. Of course, we are all different, but regardless of the shape of the eyes and skin color, we have equal rights and opportunities. Each of the peoples inhabiting the planet Earth is unique in its own way. The external signs of individuals in comparison with the moral and cultural values of the ethnic group do not matter.
