Statuses about friends with meaning: original statements for social networks

Statuses about friends with meaning: original statements for social networks
Statuses about friends with meaning: original statements for social networks

It is hard to imagine human life without friendship and love. Without the joy of their presence and despair at the loss. Statuses about friends with meaning can tell about such acquaintances, but still not fully understood due to their versatility in relationships.

statuses about friends with meaning
statuses about friends with meaning

True friendship statuses

Statuses about friends with meaning are usually in demand among users. But these short sayings can be used in other ways as well. For example, use them to cheer up a friend via SMS.

  • "Friendship is like wine. Its quality depends on time and aging."
  • "The main ability of friendship is to share sorrows and add up joys."
  • "A true friend is rooting for you and always believes in you."
  • "Real comrades come to a holiday by invitation, but in grief - without asking."
  • "Even traveling the wrong path will be joyful with a friend."
  • "Friends will come when you feel bad and call when they feel good".
  • "Friends- the emotional background of life".
  • "Comfort in communication is inherent in acquaintances. Comfort in silence is inherent in friends."
  • "Communicating with friends can make a diary of your own life."

Statuses about traitorous friends with meaning

  • "When I was cheerful, I had many friends. As soon as everything changed, I felt how lonely."
  • "An enemy is even better than a former friend."
  • "You shouldn't test your friendship. It probably won't last."
  • "It must be hard to keep loving a friend with problems."
  • "The value of things is known when they are bought. The value of friends is known when they are lost."
  • "I learned not to tell my friends much about myself when I lost them. Now they are enemies who know too much about me."
  • "Yes, friends are a treasure. Judging by how many of them are fakes."
  • "A traitor is a friend worse than an enemy. After all, you rely on him when you need to be afraid."
  • "There were three of us with friends. Two betrayed me."

Statuses about the betrayal of friends with meaning are the hardest to write. After all, the feeling of abandonment makes a person extremely vulnerable. It is important to try to understand that the emotions experienced are the norm, followed by calmness and rethinking.

status about betrayal of friends with meaning
status about betrayal of friends with meaning

Statuses about friends with meaning: sad

  • "Often we become unnecessary friends because they have something more important,than friendship."
  • "The presence of friends should be more tangible in their absence."
  • "Sometimes we do things for our friends that we wouldn't even do for ourselves."
  • "Not so long ago I called these acquaintances friends."
  • "Growing more gray hair and fewer friends."
  • "It's better if a friend judges or directly says that you're wrong. But still stay by your side."

Funny statuses about friends

  • "Your friend moved away because she found a boyfriend? It doesn't matter. Put the status "I think I'm in love with my friend's boyfriend" on the social network, and she will definitely find time for you."
  • "Friends will always pick you up when you're down. Right after they're out of laughter."
  • "A true friend not only knows about all your shortcomings and mistakes, but also regularly reminds you of them."
  • "There is no need to prepare in advance for the arrival of friends. They will figure out what you have to eat and how to entertain themselves."
  • "Only true girlfriends have this phrase: "If you were a guy, I would marry you!".
  • "A friend didn't invite you to the party? So it's not today."
  • "The most interesting part of a friends phone conversation begins with the words: "Come on, bye!".
  • "It's not so important why friends are inadequate. It's more important why you feel comfortable with these people."

Statuses about friends with meaning are very oftenfunny. After all, friendship is impossible without a fun pastime, common humor and good jokes.

status about friends of traitors with meaning
status about friends of traitors with meaning

It is important to put your own idea of friendship into statuses about friends with meaning, about what a real friend should be like. This will give you the opportunity to tell others about your experiences or share your joy. The joy of being a friend.
