Origin and meaning of the name Valery

Origin and meaning of the name Valery
Origin and meaning of the name Valery

The name of a person carries many secrets. And sometimes his fate depends on how the parents named the child. The meaning of the name Valery will be discussed in this article. Such girls achieve success in many ways. They are wonderful housewives and true friends.

We will talk more about the name Valery, origin and meaning later. Let's weigh the pros and cons, try to figure out whether to call the girl or not.


It is believed that this name came from the Latin language. Modern researchers translate it as "strong", "he althy", "strong". And this really fully characterizes the qualities of Valeria.

There is even a legend associated with this name. The action takes place during the formation of early Christianity. There used to be a girl named Valeria who believed in God. But faith led her to the fact that the pagans sent her to torture in order to forceaccept paganism. But the girl retained her convictions, until the end of her days she praised the Lord and withstood many tortures and humiliations. Valeria has three patrons: Caesarea, Limoges and Milan martyrs. In general, this name rewards the owner with a very good and strong character.

Valeria's career
Valeria's career

Meaning of name

As already mentioned, the name Valery came to us from Latin. In general, it endows its owner with a unique set of qualities, which together form an interesting and peculiar character. The meaning of the name Valery indicates her self-sufficiency: the girl will always know what she wants from this life, she will be able to defend her point of view, no matter what. Lera quickly adapts to new places and easily finds a common language with strangers.

This girl has a very well developed fantasy. She spends a lot of time in her dreams and sometimes sets herself completely unattainable goals. Often the meaning of the name Valery (male version) is tried to be equated with the description of the female form. You don't need to do this, because these are different names, opposite characters and completely different people.

Early childhood

As a child, Lera gives her parents a lot of trouble. She indulges a lot, often commits various antics, for which she is later punished. You may not even listen to your parents. Lerochka is a very active child who won't sit in one place for a minute.

The meaning of the name of the girl Valeria is preparing an interesting fate for her. After all, since kindergarten, it is characterizedrestlessness, she needs to constantly be on the move, run somewhere, do at least something. But if Valeria did this alone. No. She will lead all the other children with her. Lera has a lot of friends. Although she does not occupy a leading position in the company, but if you hear a story about a restless naughty girl who constantly puts forward new ideas and turns everyone around, then be sure that her name is Valeria.

In the same way, the owner of this name affects the surrounding children. Often their parents of other children are unhappy with the friendship with this girl, because she is a real energizer who is able to put everyone around on the ears. But if you look at it from the other side, we see a self-confident child who is always in the spotlight. The girl is always ready for action. She dreams a lot, she has a great fantasy that even adults cannot boast of.

Parents should think twice before naming their daughter by that name. They should be prepared that their cute angel will often be naughty. Of course, over time, you can get used to the baby's pranks, but it's not so easy. Most likely, the corner is the place in the apartment where Lera will be most often.

But she is a very kind girl. She will always come to the aid of a person who needs it. Responsive Lera will only be happy to be of benefit to someone.

Valeria as a child
Valeria as a child


In adolescence, Valeria remains the same naughty and spoiled child. She doesn'timagines her life without adventure, extreme sports, and will go against fate, if only she wants to. But getting into a new team, it is easy to find friends there. This is due to the fact that she is a very cheerful and good-natured girl, always happy to keep up the conversation, jokes a lot and never sits still. In life - an optimist, never lose heart. You can turn to her for advice or just for support. After all, she firmly believes not only in her own strength, but also in her loved ones.

But even against the background of all these positive qualities, shortcomings also become noticeable. First of all, it is restlessness. This character trait prevents the girl from studying well. After all, very few lessons will be able to interest her. You can't rely on Lera. The following negative features are already clearly visible here: irresponsibility, lack of performance and lack of a sense of duty. Lerochki rarely achieve high academic achievements. But don't blame the girl. It is not her fault that the name endowed her with restlessness and a desire to go against the rules. A priori, she will not be able to sit through all the lessons and unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements of the teachers. It will not be easy for parents, but at this age Valeria will already begin to change, and the influence of the name will not be so strong.

Valery's name
Valery's name


Growing up, Valeria will change a lot. In her character will appear such traits as:

  • Feeling of justice.
  • Integrity.
  • Friendliness.
  • Integrity.
  • Planning.
  • Eloquence.
  • Peace.
  • Carefulness.

About many of them in childhood and youth, Lera did not even know. She had no idea what mindfulness and planning were. After leaving school, Leroy will face the question: who to become? Most likely, the girl will associate herself with such a profession, where she will need to communicate a lot with people, and perhaps she will want to devote her life to working in a children's institution. We can say for sure that her future work will be filled with movement and communication. Lera has no brakes, but she moves exclusively along the path that she has long drawn for herself in her fantasies and dreams.

the meaning of the name Valery for a girl
the meaning of the name Valery for a girl

Relationships with men

As for relationships with the opposite sex, serious problems are not ruled out here. Although, it would seem, who would not want to be next to such an energetic and sociable girl? Lera has many fans with whom she likes to spend time. But if Lerochka falls in love, she will turn a man into an ideal and will not notice absolutely any flaws. And this behavior usually leads to a lot of disappointment, tears and suffering.

Valeria name origin
Valeria name origin


The meaning of the name Valery and the character carry a lot of light and good. However, because of her gullibility, the girl is often disappointed in people. This applies not only to men, but also to colleagues at work, girlfriends. She is very unpredictable, loves to travel and is always on the lookout for new adventures. Throughout lifemakes many mistakes, which he will definitely regret later.

Lera is often naughty; if you are sure of something, then you will not only not give in to the dispute, but will do everything to convince you that you are right. She likes to impose her opinion on someone, she is very nervous if something does not go as she planned.

Lerochka is almost impossible to change her mind about something. If she has already decided something, then she definitely won’t ask your opinion. She does not adapt well to the new circumstances of life and therefore tries to keep everything stable.

Valeria's character
Valeria's character

Love in Lera's life

As already mentioned, in relationships with men, her affairs are bad. Many representatives of the stronger sex love to manipulate women, but really something, but Valery will not tolerate this. And also the girl does not know how to trust men at all. Even if she gets married and really loves this man very much, she will not be able to open up to the end. She will always suspect him of something, will not tell him her innermost secrets. And the stronger sex is unlikely to like such behavior.

You need to try hard for Lerochka to start trusting you. But when such a man meets, she will chat with him about everything and will do everything to make his life happy.

Valeria will make a good housewife who will love her children and remain faithful to her husband throughout her life. However, the bustle of everyday life bothers this freedom-loving girl, and here much depends on the man. He must not lock her within four walls andto take care of the house, the upbringing of children and a few more "simple" cases onto these fragile shoulders. Lera needs freedom, she should at least sometimes go for walks with her friends, take a break from everyday worries. Only with such a way of life will she become a really good housewife.

Valery name meaning
Valery name meaning


  1. Gems that should always be nearby: garnet and emerald.
  2. The planet that patronizes people with that name is Mercury.
  3. There is also a patronizing element - this is water.
  4. The animal that is a talisman and can always help in any endeavors is a horse. Just as active and free.
  5. Among plants, Lera will find help from cherries or chestnuts.
  6. The most suitable zodiac sign is Leo.
  7. All the most serious things are best done on Tuesdays, as this is the happiest day for Lera.

This concludes the description of the meaning of the name Valery, the character and fate of this girl. The choice remains with the parents: should they call their daughter Valeria, and are they ready for what this name is fraught with.
