What is kurtosis? The kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime

What is kurtosis? The kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime
What is kurtosis? The kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime

When you don't understand a term, you should look it up in a dictionary. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of one difficult word.

Meaning of the word

The word came into Russian from Latin: excessus - "exit". So what is excess? This word is used to characterize extraordinary events that attract the attention of individuals or society as a whole.

In the explanatory dictionary, Efremov's term means excess, abuse, and in extreme form.

Ozhegov has a slightly different definition. Excess is interpreted as a kind of situation that goes beyond the usual framework (undesirable, acute). A situation that can disrupt the established order.

what is excess
what is excess

Examples and set phrases

A good example is given in Ushakov's dictionary. This is a quote from the work of L. Tolstoy, which speaks of people eating a variety of dishes: meat, fish, strong drinks. The author asks: "Where is it going?" Then follows the answer: "On sensual excesses".

Tolstoy in this case, showing what excess is, meant gluttony, people's tendency to gastronomic excesses. That is, eating too muchwill lead to excess in feelings. There is a grain of wisdom in this.

In criminal law there is a term "kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime." It means that a certain criminal, when committing an illegal act, acted differently than his accomplices. By doing this, he violated a single original plan and the crime did not go according to plan. Other criminals (accomplices) are not responsible for the kurtosis of the performer.

kurtosis of the performer
kurtosis of the performer

What is kurtosis of sound? The phrase denotes the loss of individual signals (notes) from the general harmonic series or the extreme manifestation of a sound characteristic - loudness (measured in decibels).

Great news is the "positive kurtosis", for example in the course of a disease (or recovery). This is a kind of "peak" of positive indicators, which is out of the general range of medical parameters.

The word is interesting, you need to understand what kurtosis is and apply it correctly.
