The opening of memorials, memorial sites and museums in the Soviet Union was part of the state policy. After the collapse of the country, often everything created falls into decay, collapses on its own or is simply demolished. In this situation, the news is encouraging that a museum of the Great Patriotic War is being created in Minsk using the latest technologies in this area.
Historical memory

The war that began on June 22, 1941 became a real test for the population of the entire Soviet Union, including Belarus. This republic took upon itself the first blows of the Nazis, the first feats were committed on its land. There was the encirclement of some large armies and the occupation of the territory for several difficult years. But even in those dark times, the fame of the Belarusian partisans spread throughout the vast Soviet country, inspiring everyone to fight every day. Operation liberation of the Belarusian lands "Bagration" went down in history as one of the most successful. Thus, the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk appeared for a reason. Historians have something to save for posterity, so that they never forget the price paid for the freedom of the people.
The First Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus
In the summer of 1942, the German invaders controlled most of the European part of the Soviet Union and rushed to the Caucasus and Stalingrad. During this difficult time, the government of Belarus, evacuated to Moscow, adopted a resolution on the collection of archives and materials on the war.

Immediately after the liberation of the republic in the fall of 1944, the first WWII museum was opened in Minsk. It was located in the city center, in the former trade union building. Collections of clothes, weapons, photo documents, posters, archives of the period of the Great Patriotic War were exhibited in its exhibition halls.
After 22 years, the museum received a new spacious building on Leninsky Prospekt. In 1977, an exposition of military equipment, aircraft and vehicles used in the war of 1941-1945 was created. This military museum in Minsk was one of the largest in the entire post-Soviet space.
And again housewarming
In 2010, at the initiative of the President of Belarus, a new building was laid, within the walls of which by 2014 the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk was located. It is part of a large memorial complex on Pobediteley Avenue. Huge exhibition space allowed to increase the number of exhibits by 50 percent and make 11 exhibition halls providing an exciting immersion in the historical past. The halls have many transitions that allow you to use the asymmetric layout in the best possible way to impress the visitors.

The museum building blends in well with the landscape. It impresses with its architecture. A flag is flying over a huge transparent dome. Most of the population of Belarus supported morally and financially the opening of the museum in Minsk in a new location. The task of our generation is not just to keep the heritage received from the ancestors, but also to increase it.
All halls of the museum are located in accordance with the clear concept of the exhibition called "Roads of War". Each hall is a chronological stage in the history of mankind. The events are described from 1919, when the Versailles agreements were signed, which ended the First World War and immediately laid down the main contradictions that led to the Second World War. The last room is dedicated to peaceful reconstruction work after the devastation resulting from the worst war of the twentieth century. It is also important that the new WWII museum in Minsk widely uses the latest exhibition technologies, such as three-dimensional graphics and sound, information kiosks and media equipment. All this together allows you to feel the reality of war as the most terrible phenomenon for humanity.
In order to go on a tour, visitors descend to the lower level of the building. From the ground floor, they sequentially begin to move upward. The last point of the route is the Victory Hall. It is a huge room with a transparent dome. On the walls are immortalized the names of all the units that liberated the republic, and the names of all Belarusians who received title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The first room highlights the theme of the tragedy of war as such. Then there is an exhibition describing the events on the eve of World War II. The third hall presents samples of Soviet weapons and equipment. The next exhibition is devoted to the defensive battles of 1941 until the battle for Moscow. Then the radical change in the course of the war and the work of the rear are described, the characteristics of the Nazi occupation regime in Belarus are given, and the partisan movement is considered. The triumphant liberation of the USSR and the defeat of the aggressor countries are presented in the following rooms. The two remaining exhibitions reflect the progress of the restoration of the economy and the labor feat of the Soviet people.
Museum opening
The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk was solemnly opened on July 2, 2014. Thus, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the republic from the fascist invaders was celebrated. Vladimir Putin was also present at the opening ceremony. The Russian president could not fail to note this important event for the fraternal state. Having visited the museum, the heads of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation shared their impressions, the rest is excursions.

Time passes, but it should not erase those terrible events from memory. The doors of the museum are open to visitors seven days a week.