Name Olga: origin and meaning of the name

Name Olga: origin and meaning of the name
Name Olga: origin and meaning of the name

Most parents are very responsible in choosing the name of the unborn child. It is generally accepted that a name is not just a set of letters written in a certain sequence, but the future of a person. Character traits, abilities, success in business and relationships are programmed at the stage of its assignment. With this point of view, one can argue or agree. A well-known aphorism says that it is not the name that makes a person beautiful, but quite the contrary. Another popular phrase claims the opposite: "What do you call the ship …". Loving parents use every chance to make their child's life better, give it an extra boost.


name Olga, origin
name Olga, origin

For identification, each member of society must have a designation different from the others. The name is assigned at birth and accompanies a person until death, and sometimes continues to exist independently and without its bearer. There are many such examples in the history: Spartacus, Casanova, Narcissus, etc.

The meaning and origin of the name depends on the people who assign it, on its culture, history, traditions and customs. In the modern world, unfortunately, due to toorapid process of integration lost individuality. Many names are used in different countries, and their original meaning is lost. The ancient peoples called each child a word that meant something. The name spoke of the unique properties of a person or, conversely, was assigned in order to acquire certain qualities. For example, the meaning of ancient Slavic names is clear to every modern person: Wolf, Dobrynya, Subotka, Malusha, Besson, etc.

Origin and Meaning

name Olga origin and meaning
name Olga origin and meaning

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, the process of replacing Russian (pagan) names with Greek ones took place. They were introduced by force. Each baby was named by the priest during the rite of baptism, the parents did not participate in the process. Therefore, for a long time people had two or more names, one of which was given from God, the other from ancestors.

In our country, the situation has changed with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. God was canceled, churches were demolished, new names were invented, which were an abbreviation for revolutionary events and dates. They took root and are used to this day along with the Old Slavonic ones. This is logical, since the formed cultural layer of that time has the right to exist.

The science of onomastics is engaged in the study of proper names, the process of their transformation and modernization during a certain time period. The names of people have a certain meaning. It depends on the linguistic origin, and the personal qualities inherent in it (according toastrologers) can affect the life of the wearer. But onomastics can not always give reliable information. Many names are of such ancient origin that their origin is a matter of controversy. The history of their application is amazing and interesting. For example, the name Olga is quite widespread in our time. The origin and meaning of this name for a girl can be determined with the help of special literature. Parents will certainly find a lot of sources with various information, but do not get too carried away, as the child will grow in accordance with innate inclinations. The name will help him if he believes in its power and influence on his own destiny.

Name Olga

name Olga, origin of the name
name Olga, origin of the name

The origin and meaning of this lexical item is debatable. This name is of ancient origin. The events associated with it are part of the history of our country. Researchers are interested in the first documents containing the name Olga.

The origin of the modern lexical unit goes back to the tenth century. Its form does not change over more than ten centuries of further use, only diminutive variations are added.

The name Olga (the origin and meaning of this lexical object in every Russian person evokes one association - with the Grand Duchess) was worn by the wife of Prince Igor. Accordingly, the personal qualities of this historical figure are also assigned to the name (although Olga was named Elena at baptism). In the annals there are moreearly references to existing derivatives addressed to Olga. Origin and meaning for a child can play an important role in life. That is why it is worth exploring all versions.

Version One

origin of the name Olga
origin of the name Olga

Most often in various sources appears Old Norse origin. Olga - a derivative of Helga (Heleg, male form) - has several translation options: sacred, wise, bright, holy. In Russia, this name appears in the 9th - 10th centuries. together with male Scandinavian names Igor, Oleg, Rurik.

Version two

Quite often there is an opinion that this lexical unit is not independent, i.e. its roots are Scandinavian, but the masculine form is not related to the existing name Heleg. The reference is made to another name, close in pronunciation and spelling (Olga - origin from Oleg). In the case of identification, the translation of the female name will mean precisely “saint”. In any case, the Scandinavian origin of the name in this version is considered proven.

Version three

The opinion about the ancient Slavic origin is based on the surviving chronicle documents. They often feature two spellings. The name Olga (the origin of the name is connected with the male forms Volga, Volkh, which were used in Russia for a long period of time before the arrival of the Varangians) was quite common. Variants Olga and Volga appear in the annals, which are used in relation to one woman.

Fairytale and epic heroes were called by these names. Volga- a hero who grew by leaps and bounds, while he could turn into any animal at will, had the wisdom of an old man and the strength of a young man. In this case, the name Olga has a Slavic origin (some experts write that it is Old Russian). It can be translated as "great", "significant", "big", "good". If we take the name Volkh as a one-root, then we get a direct appeal to paganism, in which it meant “healer”, “knowledgeable”, “knowing”. Such people have always enjoyed authority among fellow tribesmen and could be both men and women. Accordingly, the name Olga has a pagan origin and is translated as “knowledgeable, enlightened.”


name Olga origin and meaning for the child
name Olga origin and meaning for the child

In any case, the history of the origin of the name Olga is connected with Kievan Rus. The first recorded in the annals of its owner was baptized (Christian). Princess Olga, after the death of her husband, ruled a rather large state at that time alone until her son ascended the throne. Her domestic policy was supported by her grandson Vladimir, who continued the process of unifying the Russian lands and was baptized.

Olga's image was canonized, she went down in history as "the foremother of Russian princes". The name did not enter into popular use; in estate communities it had the status of a prince. During the reign of Elizabeth (by her decree), to raise Russian patriotism, old Russian names returned to everyday life: Igor, Oleg, Lyubov, Vera and the name Olga. The origin of the name and its history made it possible to name suchimage of girls of noble origin. But the first step has been taken. One of the most popular name Olga becomes in the 60s of the XX century.

Foreign analogues

origin Olga
origin Olga

As a result of intensive trade and cultural interaction between states during the Middle Ages, the name Olga spread throughout Europe (Scotland, Germany, Czech Republic). In Brazil and Argentina, it can also be found, although not as often. The pronunciation of the name in these countries has a Scandinavian bias and most often sounds like this: Helga. In states with a population with Slavic roots (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), this form has not changed phonetically. The name is pronounced and written - Olga. The origin in this case plays an insignificant role, most often parents are attracted by the sound and the powerful energy inherent in it.


The connection between the name and the human qualities of its bearer has not been scientifically proven. Although statistical studies confirm the presence of similar character traits in those who bear the same name. Most people who are named after some great person subconsciously try to cultivate the qualities inherent in him.

The name Olga is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a rather heavy phonetic unit (“lg”), which softens in diminutive and affectionate forms. On the other hand, it is identified with alder, a flexible, soft and beautiful plant.

The owners of this name are full of contradictions, but at the same time they are very focused, self-confident, smart and determined. Another trait that they have- stubbornness, and it manifests itself most often on everyday grounds, it is difficult for Olenkas to admit their mistake, and they will never apologize for it. Parents who give their daughters this name are potentially rewarding them with tremendous piercing power, which often brings success in their careers or creative lives.

name Olga origin and meaning for a girl
name Olga origin and meaning for a girl

Famous people

There are a lot of successful and famous women named Olga, most of them became famous due to their creative potential:

- Olga Knipper-Chekhova (1868-1959);

- Olga Sadovskaya (1849-1919);

- Olga Aroseva (1925-2014);

- Olga Ostroumova (b. 1947);

- Olga Kabo (b. 1968).

From among the famous athletes, the following can be distinguished:

- Olga Zabelinskaya (b. 1980) cyclist;

- Olga Korbut (b. 1955) gymnast;

- Olga Rubtsova (1909-1994) chess player.

Famous ballerinas and dancers: Olga Spesivtseva (1895-1991); Olga Khokhlova (1891-1955).

All of the above outstanding representatives of the fair sex bear the name of a strong-willed woman - Princess Olga. Perhaps this is part of their success.
