Culture 2024, September

How do Chukchi wash? Interesting Facts

How do Chukchi wash? Interesting Facts

Some places on the planet amaze the imagination with their climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the life of the peoples living there. One of these places is the Far North. There is no harsher land on earth. In the conditions of permafrost, it is quite difficult to find something alive there. A rare plant and animal can withstand such a temperature. However, even in those difficult conditions, people adapt to life. One of the peoples inhabiting the northern region are the Chukchi. They will be discussed in this article

Public debt. What does he represent?

Public debt. What does he represent?

In our daily life, events often occur that upset and revolt us. Despite the fact that some written and unspoken laws have been adopted in society, it often happens that certain individuals openly ignore them. What makes some people keep these laws, and others - to neglect them?

Good books are eagerly rummaged. The meaning of the proverb and its analogues in other languages

Good books are eagerly rummaged. The meaning of the proverb and its analogues in other languages

This article will focus on books. What do books mean in a person's life? In fact, they play a colossal role in the development of mankind in general, and in the life of each specific individual in particular. There are many proverbs and sayings about books. One of them: "The good books are willingly rummaged." The meaning of the proverb is clear enough, but we will still consider it more broadly and delve deeper into the essence

National traditions of Ukraine

National traditions of Ukraine

National traditions, as well as customs, native language, common territory, unite people into a single nation. Traditions of Ukraine characterize the relationship of representatives of this people among themselves and with other nations, people's attitude to nature and spiritual values

How is carnival celebrated in Germany? Carnivals in Germany

How is carnival celebrated in Germany? Carnivals in Germany

Every year in the last days of February and early March, Germany is literally changing before our eyes. The eve of Lent in Germany marks the long-awaited holiday - carnival

Egypt: traditions, customs, culture, rules of conduct for residents and guests, the history of the country, attractions and amazing holidays

Egypt: traditions, customs, culture, rules of conduct for residents and guests, the history of the country, attractions and amazing holidays

The traditions and customs of Egypt have been formed over thousands of years. They intricately intertwine the norms of religious behavior, love of pleasure and innate cheerfulness, responsiveness and willingness to help even a stranger, and the constant search for personal gain

Why are Americans afraid of Russians? And are they really afraid?

Why are Americans afraid of Russians? And are they really afraid?

Americans are a controversial nation. Tolerance for minorities, tolerance, free market, individualization and the highest military spending and constant involvement in mass conflicts coexist in one country

What color goes with lilac: in clothes, in the interior

What color goes with lilac: in clothes, in the interior

Delicate shades of this color are successfully used in small spaces, as they do not visually make the room smaller. Lilac color can be found in modern interiors and in classic design. It is used in bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms and kitchens. In order for the general view of the room to be harmonious, you need to know what color is combined with lilac

What is the difference between free goods and economic goods?

What is the difference between free goods and economic goods?

The article discusses in detail the concept of free and economic benefits, as well as their difference from each other

Surname Alekseev: origin, meaning, analysis

Surname Alekseev: origin, meaning, analysis

Bearers of the surname Alekseev can be proud of their ancestors. Information about them is found in many historical documents that confirm their contribution to the history of the Russian State. Alekseev - an old and beautiful surname, the origins of which begin on behalf of Alexy

Japanese sword katana - the most perfect melee weapon in the world

Japanese sword katana - the most perfect melee weapon in the world

Probably nowhere in the world is a gun so revered as in Japan. In the land of the rising sun, the blade is a treasure and a family heirloom. The Japanese sword is a philosophy, an art. There are many varieties of national weapons, and among them we can distinguish katana - "long sword"

Chinese mythology: characters. Dragons in Chinese mythology

Chinese mythology: characters. Dragons in Chinese mythology

Chinese mythology attracts the attention of many admirers of oriental cultures due to its exoticism and colorfulness. It is noteworthy, but at the heart of most myths are the ideas of the Chinese about dragons

Alexander Vasiliev - biography, creativity and personal life. How old is Alexander Vasiliev?

Alexander Vasiliev - biography, creativity and personal life. How old is Alexander Vasiliev?

Fashion historian… It is the appearance of Alexander Vasilyev that comes to mind when we hear these two seemingly ordinary words. But delve into their meaning: this is a person who has known all the subtleties of world fashion trends throughout the history of mankind

The incredible story of Lina Medina - a girl who became a mother at 5 years old

The incredible story of Lina Medina - a girl who became a mother at 5 years old

Lina Medina is the youngest mother in the world. This is a unique and shocking story about a baby who was born a few months before his mother's sixth birthday. How was this possible and who is the father of Lina's child?

Cool names and surnames: list of male and female names, origin, meaning

Cool names and surnames: list of male and female names, origin, meaning

All Russian names are of Slavic origin and differ from others in the presence of two bases. Orthodox names are very beautiful and have a good good meaning. Modern parents choose them as the name of their children. Let's talk about cool names and surnames in this article

Rakitki Cemetery. Burial of the dead and all types of ritual services

Rakitki Cemetery. Burial of the dead and all types of ritual services

Everyone wants to bury their dearest people in a decent place, where the grave will be well-groomed and surrounded by beautiful scenery. After all, everyone wants to come to a cozy place to be able to pay tribute to the memory of their loved ones. The cemetery "Rakitki" is a whole ritual complex in which the burial of the dead is carried out

The meaning of the saying "He who does not risk does not drink champagne"

The meaning of the saying "He who does not risk does not drink champagne"

The well-known proverb “He who does not risk does not drink champagne” will open in the article to the reader: it will reveal its meaning, reveal its “brothers” and “sisters”, show itself in action and prove that it was invented not just so. That is, we will discuss what the above phrase means, and also give new expressions similar in meaning and meaning

Worship cross: description, installation, traditions and interesting facts

Worship cross: description, installation, traditions and interesting facts

The geometric configuration of the cross hides an ancient secret. The symbol is closely interconnected with the life of all mankind, its emergence and death. Echoes of the worship of the cross in the variety of their forms are found all over the planet of the world. Why did this mysterious multifunctional symbol attract people's interest so much?

The title of "Hero of Labor" and the people awarded it

The title of "Hero of Labor" and the people awarded it

To receive the title of "Hero of Labor" is a great honor for every worker. Not everyone enjoyed it. Learn all about this title and some of the people who have earned it

Who are rude people?

Who are rude people?

How often do we meet rude people in life? Yes, probably every day. They are everywhere: on the subway, on the bus, in the store and even at work

Table etiquette in different countries: basic rules

Table etiquette in different countries: basic rules

Table etiquette is one of the distinctive cultural features of peoples around the world. The meal in the tradition of each country is somehow special. For example, in Asia, it is predominantly customary to sit on the floor with carpets during meals, and spread the food on a low table or directly on the tablecloth. In Europe, on the contrary, people have long eaten at high tables. And among the Western and Eastern Slavs, eating at such a table a thousand years ago was a sign of Christian behavior

All-Russian holidays: examples, list

All-Russian holidays: examples, list

In Russia today, seven public holidays are celebrated - those specified in article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These are non-working days. The country has known from different historical times, and all-Russian holidays established in recent years

Phraseologism "like a ram on a new gate" - meaning and origin

Phraseologism "like a ram on a new gate" - meaning and origin

An article about the meaning and versions of the origin of the phraseological unit "like a ram on a new gate". Examples of the use of the idiom in the works of Russian literature are given, as well as expressions similar in meaning from the synonymic series

The meaning of the saying "Move slowly - you will continue"

The meaning of the saying "Move slowly - you will continue"

This article will talk about such a saying as "Slower you go - you will continue." What does it mean, what did our ancestors want to convey to us in it - you can read about all this in the text below

The best male name: meaning, history of origin, talismans, name days, the influence of the name on the character and fate of a person

The best male name: meaning, history of origin, talismans, name days, the influence of the name on the character and fate of a person

What to name the son? This question is asked by any woman who is waiting for the birth of a boy, already from about 5-6 months of pregnancy. The expectant mother wants to choose the best male name that will accompany her long-awaited son all her life

International Chess Day is a celebration of intelligence and strategy

International Chess Day is a celebration of intelligence and strategy

Chess is a board game for two opponents, where a square board of 64 cells of two colors and 32 pieces is involved. India is considered the historical homeland, translated from Persian “shah” - king, “mat” - died. International Chess Day both amateurs and professional players celebrate on July 20

Traditions of the Middle Kingdom: Chinese costumes and their history

Traditions of the Middle Kingdom: Chinese costumes and their history

Chinese costumes, otherwise called "hanfu", are very peculiar, like the culture of the country itself. They differ not only from the usual clothes in Europe, but also from their Asian counterparts, albeit a little closer "in spirit"

Museum T-34 - about the Victory tank with love

Museum T-34 - about the Victory tank with love

Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a bright page in the history of Russia. The legendary thirty-four played a significant role in this epoch-making event. In the village of Sholokhovo near Moscow, there is the only T-34 museum in the world. Those who are fond of military equipment and history come here, patriotic events for young people are held

On the benefits of kind words. We make wishes to colleagues

On the benefits of kind words. We make wishes to colleagues

Tell me, how do you feel about colleagues? The question is not idle. The fact is that we sometimes spend more time with them than with relatives

Sister cities of St. Petersburg, friendly and cultural ties

Sister cities of St. Petersburg, friendly and cultural ties

Sister cities are a relatively new phenomenon that appeared in 1944, during the Second World War. Virtually every major settlement around the world has "relatives" with whom it is connected by friendly relationships

Bathing in the hole for Baptism: what is useful, features and recommendations

Bathing in the hole for Baptism: what is useful, features and recommendations

Annual bathing in the hole at Epiphany has long been a popular tradition among all people. It is believed that it is on this day that swimming brings enormous he alth benefits, but there are a number of warnings that must be taken into account before deciding on such a bold act

Italian mafia: history of appearance, names and surnames

Italian mafia: history of appearance, names and surnames

Hardly anyone today has not heard of the mafia. In the middle of the nineteenth century, this word entered the dictionary of the Italian language. It is known that in 1866 the authorities knew about the mafia, or at least what was called by this word. The British Consul in Silicia reported to his homeland that he constantly witnesses the activities of the mafia, which maintains links with criminals and owns large sums of money

Neglect is to treat a person disrespectfully

Neglect is to treat a person disrespectfully

Neglect means not to respect or despise a person. This is the approximate meaning of the word. You will learn about this, as well as how this word is correctly applied, where it is used and in what senses, from this article

The population of the Earth, or the Extinction of the modern mammoth

The population of the Earth, or the Extinction of the modern mammoth

Now the world's population that is starving is 925 million people. How could a civilization so powerful and developed come to these horrendous numbers? All capitals are thrown to increase incomes. The Earth now seems to be spinning in two orbits - the Sun and the Dollar

Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia, Ulan-Ude: photo, address, opening hours

Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia, Ulan-Ude: photo, address, opening hours

This article is dedicated to an interesting and unusual ethnographic museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia, located in Ulan-Ude. Its expositions can acquaint visitors with the material and spiritual life of the various peoples of Buryatia, who inhabited this region from ancient times until the twentieth century

National minorities: problems, protection and rights

National minorities: problems, protection and rights

National minorities are a debt and an important topic in the global environment. Each country has its own attitude towards them, and it is not always within the law. How do you feel about national minorities in your country?

Pedagogical culture: definition, components

Pedagogical culture: definition, components

One of the important and at the same time complex characteristics of the activity of a modern teacher is such a complex concept as pedagogical culture. Given the versatility of the educational process both in a modern school and in a family, it should be noted that it is not so easy to define it, clearly indicating what it is. But still, let's try to do this, taking into account the ideas of authoritative teachers of the past and present century, modern trends in the development of culture and society

High-rise buildings. Skyscrapers of Moscow and the world

High-rise buildings. Skyscrapers of Moscow and the world

People have long sought to build higher and higher buildings. The legend of the Tower of Babel, which may have actually existed, confirms this. So, what are the features of the construction of high-rise buildings?

Church dome: name and meaning. What color should the dome of the church be?

Church dome: name and meaning. What color should the dome of the church be?

The dome of the church is as ancient a building element as religion itself. Why is it needed, what happens and what colors it is painted in, find out from this article

Prison phrases and words with interpretation

Prison phrases and words with interpretation

The article tells about the thieves' jargon, which is one of the components of the so-called prison subculture. A brief outline of its origin and an explanation of the expressions most used in it are given