Worship cross: description, installation, traditions and interesting facts

Worship cross: description, installation, traditions and interesting facts
Worship cross: description, installation, traditions and interesting facts

The geometric configuration of the cross hides an ancient secret. The symbol is closely interconnected with the life of all mankind, its emergence and death. Echoes of the worship of the cross in the variety of their forms are found all over the planet of the world. Why did this mysterious multifunctional symbol attract people's interest so much?

Undoubtedly, the worship cross was not originally a Christian or ancient invention. Its emergence cannot be compared with any historical stage or nationality. Among many versions, there is an assumption explaining the cosmic origin of the cross. Even in prehistoric times, a colossal catastrophe occurred in the solar system, after which the planetary poles shifted, the tilt of the earth's axis was distorted.

The planet itself has moved into a new orbit. In other words, people discovered that the luminary in the sky began to move along a wider radius. Before the catastrophe, the circle described by the Sun corresponded to the equatorial plane. Subsequently, the divided circle began to cross it at the points of autumn and springequinoxes, forming a cross. Astronomers later called this process the ecliptic.

worship cross
worship cross

The Sign of the Heavenly Cross

According to the centuries-old myth, the catastrophe destroyed the mysterious "third race", which freed the space of planet Earth for man. The sign of this grandiose phenomenon was the cross formed in the sky, seen by people. American researchers argue that such a collision could well lead to such a phenomenon as a heavenly cross! It has long been confirmed that almost 250 million years ago the "end of the world" really happened due to the collision of our planet with a comet or a large asteroid. At that time, approximately two-thirds of living beings, who lived not only on land, but also in the ocean, died.

According to prehistoric understanding, humanity lives in a common information matrix that has its source in the Universe. She, like a living organism, created many personal projections in her own image. Since a person is also a prototype of the Universe, together with it he has an inseparable energy-informational structure.

Energy Matrix of the Cross

The universal symbol of the cross is represented as follows. The central straight line, located vertically, is the gravitational field. The shortened upper line in a horizontal position represents creative energy. Below is another longer horizontal straight line - the electromagnetic field. The oblique line below it is the angular torsion fields.

whatworship cross
whatworship cross

All energies are independent. During the interaction, they form the energy-information structure of a person. The stability of the system is due to the stability of the information placed in it. The decisive moment is torsion fields as information carriers. They contain the "Human" program, and the conscious energy is the controlling entity.

Appearance of the first worship crosses

What is a worship cross? It is spiritual protection even from invisible enemies. It is a symbol of gratitude, hope. There is an opinion that the initial appearance of crosses near the settlements is closely connected with the Tatar-Mongol yoke. As if the most courageous inhabitants, hiding from attacks in the forests, returned to the devastated territories, setting up crosses on hills as a sign of reverence for God. At the same time, such symbols served as a kind of guide for other survivors, saying that famously passed.

The first solid crosses arose in apostolic times. For example, the chronicler Nestor, back in The Tale of Bygone Years, describes the establishment of crosses by the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. The direct prototype of the missionary symbol can be considered the one that Olga installed on the banks of the Velikaya River near Pskov about 1000 years ago. The Holy Princess and her companions noticed three celestial rays meeting on earth. The erection of the cross was marked by what he saw.

Orthodox worship crosses
Orthodox worship crosses

Variety of shapes

Mostly Orthodox worship crosses are made of wood, four-pointed ones are less commonstone, cast. Moreover, there can be different endings of the cross - both rounded and pointed (triangular). A similar ancient Russian form of the cross is the designation of the Life-Giving Trinity.

Also the favorite shape was the morning star. Blacksmiths decorated the radiant radiance flowing from the central part of the cross with stars. By the way, the task of visualizing the vital spiritual light was solved thanks to these lines. In addition to the above, other images were applied to the crosses. The dove and vine with clusters reflected the Holy Spirit. The image of flowers symbolizes the glorification of life-giving power.

Eight-pointed cross

The most common Orthodox worship crosses in Russia are eight-pointed. Above the main vertical crossbar there are two short ones, and one of them is oblique. The top edge is directed to the north, the bottom - to the south. The small top bar bears the inscription INRI. It was made in three languages by order of Pontius Pilate: "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews."

The bottom bar is the footstool of Christ, shown in reverse perspective. At the base of the cross, it is customary to place stones in such a way that a small hill emerges, symbolizing Mount Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified. The configuration of such a product perfectly matches the real one on which Jesus was crucified. That is why it is not only a sign, but also an image of Christ's Cross.

consecration of the cross
consecration of the cross

The Worship Cross is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven

Eight endings on the cross signify an equal numberthe main historical stages in the development of all mankind. The eighth is the life of the next century, the Kingdom of Heaven. The end pointing up symbolizes the way to this Kingdom opened by Jesus Christ. The sloping crossbar speaks of the disturbed balance after the coming of the Son of God for all those who are mired in sin. A new stage in the spiritual renewal of mankind has begun, an exit from darkness into light. The oblique crossbar reflects exactly this movement.

Seven-pointed cross

Seven endings on the cross with one upper crossbar and beveled foot have a rather deep mystical meaning. Even before the appearance of Jesus Christ, the clergy offered sacrifice on a golden pedestal attached to the consecrated throne. For example, as it happens today among Christians, through chrismation.

Consequently, the foot under the cross symbolizes the altar of the New Testament. Such a resemblance in a mystical way points to the sacrament of the Savior, who deliberately paid with his torment, death for human sins. A worship cross, consisting of seven ends, is usually found on the icons of northern writing, similar symbols in Russia were often installed on domes.

Six-pointed cross

Six endings with a beveled bar at the bottom - this is one of the old versions of the worship cross. For every layman, he is a measure of conscience, soul. This happened during the crucifixion of Jesus between two villains. During the execution, one of the criminals scolded Christ. Another robber claimed that he himself was justly punished, and Jesus was executed withoutguilt.

To the sincere repentance of the criminal, Christ told that his sins were forgiven, and today he will take a place in paradise together with God. This symbolizes the upper end of the cross. The lower end of the beveled crossbar speaks of the terrible gravity of the sin of the unrepentant thief, dragging him into darkness.

memorial cross in the cemetery
memorial cross in the cemetery

Where are memorial crosses installed?

The tradition of installing worship crosses has been around for centuries. In Russia, they were built at special memorial sites, crossroads, not far from villages, villages, as well as on hills, at the junction of rivers, sources. There are several types of placement of worship crosses. It depends on various reasons.

Commemorative (votive) crosses are set in gratitude to God for some significant event. This can be liberation from enemies, all sorts of troubles, illnesses, the gift of an heir, etc. The described symbol sanctifies not only a person’s life, it is able to bless an Orthodox believer even after death. Accordingly, the worship cross in the cemetery is a symbol of hope, not suffering or sorrow.

Roadside crosses

Boundary, roadside crosses are placed near the roads. Such structures were installed so that people traveling or entering the village could offer a prayer of thanks to God, heavenly patrons. Today it has become a tradition to consecrate especially disturbing sections of roads.

Previously, similar crosses marked not only the entrance to a village or city, but also the boundaries (borders) of agricultural land. Russiantradition endowed roadside crosses with a kind of “roof”, consisting of two slats. Sometimes they were equipped with an icon case containing an icon and a lamp or a candle from the inside, called "stuffed cabbage".


The crosses that replace the temple are placed on the site of a destroyed, burnt building. As an option, they mark with a stone the place where the foundation of the future church is located. Many similar crosses appeared after the celebration in honor of the millennium of Russian Christianity.

Where are memorial crosses placed?

The funeral cross does not correspond to the place of burial of a person. It is installed at the site of an unforeseen death. Quite often, such symbols can be found along the roads. The name of the person is placed on the cross, for the repose of the soul of which they are asked to pray.

Undoubtedly, the bow cross acts as a landmark that increases the attention of both the driver and the pedestrian. Quite often you can see wreaths, rudders on it. It is absolutely inopportune to strengthen on such crosses all kinds of things that are not involved in prayer.

Hint for travelers

Noticeable crosses were intended as a guide for sailors, so their height reached 12 meters. In ancient Novgorod, the installation of such worship symbols marked the beginning of the Pomor custom. Most likely, nowhere in Russia have such a number of crosses been erected as in the coastal zone near the White Sea.

The descendants of the Novgorodians, who settled in this area in the 8th-9th centuries, preserved many proportions of the worship cross, as well as the traditions and beliefs of pre-Mongolian Russia. These products are usually mademade of wood, because in the north side it stands for a long time. The cross was erected as a landmark on visible islands, capes, in the place of fishing.

worship crosses manufacturing
worship crosses manufacturing

Proportion of the golden ratio

When the Creator of all things created, He used the general proportion of the golden ratio. This rule has found its application in many creations of people, including classical music. The proportions of the human body are also subject to this system. The worship cross, the dimensions of which are determined by the physique of our Savior, is a surprisingly harmonious symbol.

For example, the ratio of human height and the distance from the navel to the heels is identical to the sequential correspondence of the parameters of the phalanges between each finger. For the first time, the Divine Section was used by the ancient Greek sculptor Phidias. This universal correspondence is equivalent to 1:0, 618.

Principles of building a cross

Based on the golden rule, we will see that the ratio of arm span to human height is virtually the same. Therefore, the size of the horizontal beam located in the center of the Orthodox cross is equated to the vertical length from the middle to the bottom crossbar. Based on these simple principles of construction, it is not difficult to find other proportions.

Let's consider the dimensions of the bow cross. If we take 1.0 m as the height of the eight-pointed cross, then the distance from the most extreme point of the structure to the crossbar located in the center, as well as the length of the upper beam is 0.382 m. The size of the gap is from medium tothe upper crossbar is 0.236 m. The distance from the upper part of the cross to the nearest crossbar is 0.146 m. The distance from the foot of the structure to the lower skewed crossbar is equal to 0.5 m. contemplation of the cross from the earth.

worship cross dimensions proportions
worship cross dimensions proportions

Making wooden crosses

Most likely, everyone already knows that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on a wooden cross. In this regard, this material is mainly used for the manufacture of worship crosses. The process itself is carried out by two or even three masters at the same time. Depending on the dimensions of the cross, the duration of the workflow can sometimes take up to six months.

The basic rule is the correct selection of wood, as well as proportions in relation to the height to the circumference of the beam itself. The higher the worship crosses, the manufacture of which is carried out by experienced craftsmen, the thinner the timber should be. This is necessary for regular air circulation, for quick drying after a variety of precipitation.

The higher the bow cross, the stronger the material used should be. Mostly already tested wood species are used: bog and ordinary oak, aspen, teak, iroko, cypress, pine. Sometimes a cross can consist of several breeds at the same time. The names of the Lord are reproduced on the frontal part of the structure: the King of Glory, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, etc. The back part of the worship crossdesigned for those who died for the Word of God, as well as devoted followers of Jesus who lost their lives because of their loy alty to God.

The rite of consecration of the worship cross

The erection of worship crosses is a common Christian custom, which is many hundreds of years old. Experts say that in the territory of Ancient Russia they were installed at crossroads, near villages, cities even before the Tatar-Mongol attacks. What is a veneration cross? The grounds for its installation can be diverse, but the essence is the same - a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord. For example, you need to consecrate some significant event, but the construction of a temple or even a small chapel is not feasible. Then they set up a cross so that anyone who wishes can pray here.

The ex altation of the cross is carried out only after the blessing of the bishop or a person authorized by him. This person may even be a parish priest. Believers can also participate in the event. However, the consecration of the worship cross must be carried out in the presence of a clergyman. There is a special rite of consecration. Holy water is poured on the cross, prayers are read. Worship crosses are not installed where they can easily be defiled. They are erected for Orthodox believers. The essence of faith in the Lord is the salvation of the soul, and not serving the devil.

Today, the cross is installed in the spaces allotted for the future temple, as well as at the entrance to the city or the exit from it. Usually there are wooden crosses, stone or cast, up to several meters high. They can be decorated with carvings and ornaments.
