The Russian language is rich in words that can convey different shades of emotions. For example, disrespect for a person can be expressed in any way - contempt, inattention, neglect. Therefore, to neglect is to treat someone or something without proper attention or respect.

In this article, we will look at the meaning of the word "neglect", the appropriateness of its use, and what this word means as a trait of a person.
Using the word "neglect"
Despite the fact that our language allows us to accurately express our feelings and emotions, we do not use these opportunities (one would like to say “neglect them” here). Many words are simply not used, since Ellochka-Cannibal's vocabulary is enough for everyday speech. Social networks have reduced human speech to two phrases - "like" or "dislike".
Instead of the word "neglect", the meaning of which many do not know, it is much easier to say that "this is not necessary", "this is not interesting" or "I treat this with no due respect or attention." What does this word mean and when is it appropriate?its use?
"Neglect": the meaning of the word
The word "neglect" as a noun (or "neglect" as a verb form) expresses a whole galaxy of meanings. If we are talking about a person whom we neglect, then this means that we do not respect him, do not protect him, do not consider him worthy of our attention. You can also neglect something inanimate. For example, "neglect help", "neglect someone's attention", "neglect an act". The meaning here remains the same - using this word, a person means that he will do just fine without this item. Synonyms for the word "disregard" are the words "contempt", "arrogance". A person who neglects - ignores, does not respect, does not take into account, disdains, violates the foundations, closes his eyes to what is happening or looks through his fingers. On the other hand, the antonyms of this word are the expressions “respect someone”, “treat with respect”.
Neglect as a trait
Disregard is not considered a good quality. For example, you are absolutely confident in your abilities or skills and know that other people's recommendations or advice are of no use to you.

Instead of gratefully listening to a person who wishes us well, most people try to neglect such help. It happens on some unconscious level. Perhaps in order to show their own importance and superiority, or because of banal disrespect. If you do not want to seem like such a person, then do not neglect the unexpected, and even more sounsolicited help.
"Neglect" in proverbs and sayings
The word "neglect" is not often used in folklore. By and large, most people have only one proverb: “Live your mind, but do not neglect good advice.”

As you can see, folk wisdom also conveys that you should not refuse moral support, even one that you did not ask for. Neglect is more a sign of a small mind than wisdom and awareness.
The use of the word in contemporary art
Several years ago, the word "neglect" was returned to the lexicon of young people by the singer RuKola (the real name of the girl Manizha) with her song "I Neglect". This composition appeared in 2007 and became a real hit on domestic radio stations and music channels. This song glorified the singer, and later a video was shot for her by the famous showman and KVN player Semyon Slepakov. The text of the song refers to a relationship in which a girl, for her own personal reasons, does not treat her lover very well. According to the meaning of the song, to neglect is to treat a person without proper attention.