The population of the Earth, or the Extinction of the modern mammoth

The population of the Earth, or the Extinction of the modern mammoth
The population of the Earth, or the Extinction of the modern mammoth

The world's population in 2013 reached 7 billion people, with a total planetary area of 509 million km2.

The population is increasing by an average of 77 million every year.

Underdeveloped countries have the fastest population growth rates. Every year there are more and more poor, hungry and poorly educated people. There are currently 925 million people on Earth who are starving. According to analysts, in a couple of decades the world will be overwhelmed by wholesale hunger and poverty. All this will happen if the states of the entire planet do not unite to solve the long-term problems of the world economy.

How much is the population of the earth
How much is the population of the earth

How could a civilization so powerful and developed come up with these horrifying figures? The world seems to be divided into two castes - white and black, life in poverty or in abundance. Dear reader, you can refute the figures for the percentage of beggars and say that Russia also has citizens in need (more than 55% of the inhabitants of Russia live on a salary of less than 13 thousand rubles), but let me compare with many countries where water is valued more than gold, and a piece of bread - exorbitant luxury.

What is the reason for this shortageresources?

After the Second World War, civilization took a new path - the market economy began to rule society. All capitals are thrown to increase incomes. The Earth now seems to spin in two orbits - the Sun and the Dollar. All citizens of civilized countries breathe the motives of success, gold and prosperity. Everyone is taught success, not kindness. No one wonders how many people on Earth are dying of hunger.

What population of the earth
What population of the earth

In 1987, the population reached five billion and in honor of this, July 11 was declared World Population Day. Every year on this day, the results of the growth of the world's population are summed up.

All economically stable states should help poor countries and keep full records in order to clearly understand how much the population of the Earth needs help. Food should be distributed, economic centers and educational institutions built where there is an urgent need.

In some countries people die from lack of food, while in others they struggle with gluttony and overweight. Hungry people only dream of living abroad. Over the past 50 years, the flow of migrants to economically developed countries has increased. Not all visitors are ready to live according to the rules of the new state, there are clashes with local residents and conflicts based on religion or traditions. What population of the Earth will be in half a century depends on the common efforts of all states.

The government of all leading countries should have a clear understanding that the problem, which seemed far away, has already come to all countries of the world, includingincluding to Russia.

And what about in Russia?

earth population
earth population

For fifteen years, the population of Russia has decreased by 12.5 million people. According to experts, over the next fifteen years, there will be another eleven million fewer people. Such a figure, of course, looks depressing. Partly, the situation is saved by migrants who go to Russia in search of a better life.

To change the perspective of Russia, you need to change the cultural and family values of the whole people. So far, the picture is depressing: about 60% of divorces, many live below the poverty line, alcoholism and crime, same-sex love - all this, like a “scythe”, cuts off the lives of young people and unborn children.

Material assistance to young couples, discounts on medicines, changes in medical care, places in kindergartens, free sports centers - all this can radically change the situation in the country, if "included in the budget." The entire population of the Earth believes in a brighter future.
