In our daily life, events often occur that upset and revolt us. Despite the fact that some written and unspoken laws have been adopted in society, it often happens that certain individuals openly ignore them. What causes some people to keep these laws and others to ignore them?
What is a person's public duty
If we proceed from the definition of this concept, then it means that a person accepts the need to submit to the will of society. Since a person is a social being, in any case, during his life, he enters into various relationships with the surrounding people who form society.

By entering into a relationship with society, we automatically acquire certain responsibilities. These duties form the social duty of man. Moreover, they are inherently objective, i.e. independent of our will. Whether we like it or not, we must fulfill these duties, otherwise society will not accept us. Asocial people fall out ofthe so-called human community and become a source of trouble and trouble both for the society itself and for themselves.

Responsibility and duty as factors of social relations
Public duty is very closely related to such a concept as responsibility. It is she who dictates the need to constantly fulfill obligations to society. Duty is an obligation of a person, which is carried out by him under the influence of not only external requirements. Internal moral motives are the factor on which the need to fulfill a public duty is based. The exact performance of their duties is not enough. Society expects a person to have a personal relationship with them. Awareness of one's duty, its voluntary acceptance, personal interest in fulfilling one's duties - all these factors put a person's social and moral duty on the level that leads to highly developed relations in society.
Properties and features of the manifestation of debt
The first property of debt is the awareness of its necessity. In order for a person to fulfill his duty to society, he must understand why this is necessary. Having understood the reasons, a person comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to fulfill certain duties in order to maintain public order and normal relationships in society.
From this follows the second property of duty - an interest in performance. Realizing the need to fulfill certain duties, a person becomes personally interested, and to the awareness of publicdebt connected moral motives.
Based on the first two properties, public duty is also characterized by the voluntariness of its performance. Many duties, especially those not fixed at the legislative level, are performed by citizens without coercion, and only conscience acts as a controlling factor.
Monitoring the execution of debt
We have come to the question of who controls the fulfillment of our civic duties. Above, we talked about such a concept as the conscience of a person. It is she who is the internal controller in this case. What is conscience?

Believing people believe that it is the voice of God inside a person and that important feeling that is given to everyone at birth. Of course, some people are more conscientious than others. However, this feeling, to one degree or another, is inherent in almost all people, with rare exceptions. The secret of conscience, probably, scientists will never be able to reveal. Conscience dictates the fulfillment of public duty, and also controls its implementation.
In addition to internal control, of course, there is also an external one. Society itself judges the extent to which this or that citizen responsibly fulfills his duties. Public opinion is the regulator of the relationship between society and a single individual.