How to determine body type: all options

How to determine body type: all options
How to determine body type: all options

Individuality for a person is everything: from choosing a hairstyle to choosing a car. Everyone tries not to get lost in the crowd. In this article, we will talk about one of the most rated questions among the inhabitants of the whole world, namely, how to determine your body type? How will this help you become more attractive?

Where to start?

Of course, from why such knowledge is needed. Yes, it is obvious that people are all different, the mutation gave us a different eye color, height, even such a trifle as the shape of nails - and then everyone has their own. Against the background of all this, the human figure itself gapes as a paramount point. Plump, thin, medium, with a pronounced relief of muscles or, on the contrary, with rounded shapes, everything is purely individual. But what if the person doesn't like the body and wants to change it?

figure type
figure type

There is no dispute about tastes, but if someone does not like himself, then this is an occasion to think about his physical form. In order to correctly and competently start such an activity, it is necessary to possess a large amount of information. The first thingyou need to find out - this is how to determine the type of physique. Since there are several of them, you should familiarize yourself with each.

What are there?

There are three types of human body:

  • ectomorph,
  • endomorph,
  • mesomorph.
Body Types
Body Types

The only thing these words have in common is consonance, but in reality they cover radically different concepts, which make it clear how to determine the body type.

  1. Ectomorphs are people with a thin physique. They have little "meat", that is, a small mass of muscles, narrow shoulders below which a small chest, non-protruding hips, thin bones. The average ectomorph looks like a fragile person, as a rule, they are of average and above average height. This is all due to the fact that such people have a more developed basic metabolism and it happens faster.
  2. Endomorphs - the opposite of ectomorphs, people with rounded shapes. There is enough "meat" in the body, and even more fatty tissues, due to which they seem plump or loose. Most often short in stature, with poorly defined muscles. Metabolism is weak.
  3. Mesomorphs - the golden mean, is considered the most preferred of all types. Such people have well-developed muscle mass, look athletic, strongly built, height can be any, but most often average.

How men are built

How to determine body type in men? Easily. It is enough to watch him from the side.

Jared Leto
Jared Leto

Ectomorph men:

  • Protruding longlimbs.
  • Long thin muscles.
  • Tall growth.
  • Narrow chest and waist.
  • Sharp angular movements, active gait.
  • He can eat large amounts without being affected.
  • After training, he becomes more defined rather than bigger.

Famous representatives: Vincent Cassel and Brad Pitt.

In male endomorphs:

  • Wide waist.
  • Large skeleton with heavy bones.
  • The legs are not long and the arms are of appropriate thickness to the body.
  • Even with muscle mass, the body is not sculpted.
  • He may look impressive, the body shape is more spherical.
  • Quickly gaining weight, hard to lose it.

Famous representatives: Dwayne Johnson, Russell Crowe.

Mesomorph men:

  • Narrow or medium waist.
  • Athletic physique, pronounced muscle relief.
  • Protruding chest muscles.
  • Broad manly shoulders.
  • Easy to get in shape if he doesn't work out.

Famous representatives: Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

How about women?

For the fair sex, you can use another classification (Professor Chernorutsky) to understand how to determine the body type in women. In general, this is a mapped reflection of the above types. You can see that their number is similar and the description practically matches. In any case, there is an amendment for the ladies. Below in the article you can find out how to determine the type of womenwrist physique.

Man and woman
Man and woman

Asthenic type woman (equivalent to ectomorph):

  • Slim with long limbs.
  • Typically tall.
  • Narrow waist, shoulders and chest.
  • Long face, thin nose.
  • Little weight and poorly developed muscles.

Celebrity Representative: Cameron Diaz.

Hypersthenic type woman (endomorph equivalent):

  • Wide heavy bones.
  • Short height.
  • Short limbs and neck.
  • Well developed muscles, but the figure does not look embossed.

Celebrity representatives: Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé.

Woman of normosthenic type (mesomorph equivalent):

  • The skeleton and its muscular component are proportionally developed.
  • Average height.
  • The figure resembles an hourglass.
  • Slender limbs.

Celebrity Representative: Halle Berry.

Thus, a clear and detailed understanding of each type and for any gender is obtained. But what if visual data is not enough or is subjective? Then the answer to the question of how to determine the body type for men and women will be additional methods.

On the wrist

Oddly enough, many people don't know about this old method. How to determine the body type of a person by the wrist? This method is extremely simple, and most importantly - universal for all people. It is worth noting that it does not give a 100% guarantee that you are not a mixed type. This is what we're talking aboutwill go in detail further. It is more convenient to do this with a centimeter tape, and the result will be accurate. A person's body type can be determined by measuring their wrist.

Two hands
Two hands

So, the person measured and got some number. There is a system with which you can check your result, namely:

  • girth 15-17, 5 cm - the indicator indicates a fragile physique, its owner is an ectomorph;
  • 17, 5-20 cm - an average indicator, that is, a person is a mesomorph;
  • 20 and above - the figure indicates that the person is an endomorph by body type.


It would be wrong to forget that determining the type of your body is a serious undertaking, since people use the data obtained to correct genetic and everyday problems. The measurement accuracy will be higher if you approach the issue from the point of view of science, or rather, medicine.

One of the options for this method would be a trip to a therapist, and even better, to a nutritionist. A professional look at the problem will be more effective and the person will be confident in the data that was provided to him.

Because the formula was developed by the same doctors and experts, it can be trusted as a scientific result, not as a rapid test. The formula is called the Pignet index, and its calculation is: height (in cm) - weight (kg) - chest girth (cm). For example, height 170 cm, weight 64.5 kg, and chest circumference 90 cm. The index will be calculated as 170 - 64.5 - 90=15.5

Now you need to compare the results to understand how to determine the body type:

  • less10 - strong;
  • 10-12 – normal;
  • 21-25 – average;
  • 26-35 – weak;
  • More than 36 is very weak.

An entertaining method

In the process of calculating themselves loved ones, people resort to different methods, often non-traditional or methods with a dubious degree of reliability. However, they are also popular. The wrist measurement method should not be included here, since it was created by specialists as fast, but effective. Now not everyone knows how to determine the type of physique by the girth of the wrist, but on the Internet (and in this article) it is just easy to find out.

Fat and skinny
Fat and skinny

Sites are full of catchy headlines with blitz questions and tables. You should not take this option seriously and listen to the results, but for the sake of fun, many people willingly use them, rather for entertainment in the company of friends or for comparison with what we have now. It would be more expedient to determine the type of physique with a specialist, a person will not waste time and effort.


It's great that in the end the person got information about what body type he / she belongs to. And before you start compiling a diet of proper and balanced nutrition, sports programs and other things, you need to consider that:

  1. Pure endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs practically do not exist! In 99% of cases, the human figure contains signs of several types at once and is a completely harmonious combination of them, so blindly follow the recommendations for a certain typewrong.
  2. Doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers are the new friends of the future sculptor of his body. It is not enough to know the indexes and types, you need to improve according to the letter of he alth, following the individual prescriptions of specialists. Otherwise, there is a great risk of harming he alth and getting the opposite effect.
  3. You can't achieve a result once. It's not the same as learning to ride a bike. Having achieved a dream figure, it will need to be regularly maintained in order for the effect to be tangible.
  4. You can't use someone else's program. This applies to everyone, but especially to beautiful ladies. After hearing (reading in a magazine) 10 tips about slimness or an incredible story about a neighbor who lost weight, they begin to try it on themselves. Which is absolutely impossible. It is necessary to determine what type of physique you belong to, how to use it to your advantage - this is the main task in such a situation.

And then?

Knowing your body type is useful outside of sports activities. To be as familiar with oneself as possible is an opportunity to own not just the body and mind, but to own the emotional state. It's nice to understand what your body is capable of and how to help yourself in achieving your goals. Going in for sports is the best start on the path to self-improvement, since good habits will help maintain he alth, which you cannot buy in old age. In the future, you can share with loved ones and advise on how to determine what type of physique you belong to.

Tips for different body types

different men
different men


Need to:direct energy not to muscle growth, but to weight gain (which can then just be turned into muscle mass), choose disciplines to increase endurance and strengthen immunity.


Do: control the calorie content of food (reduce it by 15-20%), engage in disciplines that help to gain not only strength, but also grace, for example, yoga for ladies, martial arts for men.


You need to: understand that with age it will be harder to lose weight, and it will be easier to gain it, so you need to balance your weight as early as possible. Any sports disciplines are suitable, but especially gaming ones, like volleyball and tennis.

Genetics is everything, but…

Yes, if there is a genetic disposition to a certain type, it is difficult to eradicate it in oneself, and even more so in future generations. And this is definitely a plus. In such a variety of shapes, sizes, mixed types, a person will always stand out with his individuality. If she does not suit him, then you should not fight her, you need to make friends with her and, above all, accept yourself as you are, so that the steps towards the dream are pleasant and conscious, because there is no limit to perfection.
