Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna: photo, biography, family, contacts, awards

Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna: photo, biography, family, contacts, awards
Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna: photo, biography, family, contacts, awards

It is generally accepted that military service is the destiny of men, not of the weaker sex. Moreover, it is considered atypical when a woman occupies the highest command posts in the army. But these stereotypes are broken by the example of such a person as Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova, an army general. The biography of this extraordinary woman and statesman will be the subject of our study.

Early years

In July 1969, in the small town of the Kaluga region, Kozelsk, which has a very ancient and glorious history since the time of the Chernigov Principality, Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, was born. The family largely predetermined her future fate, since Tanya's father was Viktor Shevtsov, who was a regular soldier.

It is also significant that the hometown of Tatyana Viktorovna - Kozelsk - at one time offered the most stubborn resistance to the Mongol-Tatar invasion among the settlements of Russia. His siege in 1238 lasted seven weeks. For this, Batu Khan called Kozelsk "an evil city" and ordered to burn it. But later it was rebuilt.

generalArmy Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna
generalArmy Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna

After graduating from a local school and receiving a secondary education, the future Army General Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna decided to devote herself to economic activity and entered the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics, which now already has university status. In 1991, she successfully completed her studies at this educational institution.

In public service

Immediately after graduating from the institute, the future General of the Army Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova chose the path of a civil servant for herself. Since 1991, she has been working in various structures of the tax service. At the beginning of this journey, Tatyana Viktorovna was an ordinary inspector serving the Central District of the city of St. Petersburg.

In her post, she showed diligence, initiative, readiness to fulfill the most important tasks with zeal. These characteristic features of her could not be overlooked by Tatyana Viktorovna's immediate supervisors. Therefore, it was relatively easy for her to move up the career ladder. In 2000, she moved to work in Moscow, where she served as head of a department at the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, which in 2004 was transformed into the Federal Tax Service (FTS) under the Ministry of Finance.

shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general family
shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general family

In 2004, the future General of the Army Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova was appointed to the high post of Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service, who at that time was Serdyukov Anatoly Eduardovich. With this man she more than oncewill cross paths when they work together in a completely different agency.

In the meantime, the future general of the army Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova continued to master the offices of the tax service. Photos of those times are located above. Her immediate tasks as Deputy Chief Tax Inspector of the country included the administration of the payment of taxes and fees by Russia's largest enterprises.

Distinctions and awards in the public service

In 2006, in connection with her direct professional activities, Tatyana Viktorovna received the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, as well as a candidate of economic sciences. The very next year she was awarded the Order of Honor. But as it turned out, Tatyana Shevtsova's further career was no longer connected with work in the tax service.

Ministerial reshuffles

As mentioned above, the fate of Tatyana Shevtsova was largely connected with the fate of A. E. Serdyukov. Until 2007, he served as head of the Federal Tax Service, under which Tatyana Viktorovna was deputy. In February 2007, Anatoly Eduardovich was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, but by agreement for another three years he continued to oversee the work of the Federal Tax Service. M. P. Mokretsov was appointed head of this department instead of him, who, by and large, like Tatyana Shevtsova, was a member of Serdyukov's team.

shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general contacts
shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general contacts

But 2010 brought significant changes. M. V. Mishustin became the head of the Federal Tax Service, who decided to put his own people in leadership positions in the service. Therefore, a number of people close toA. E. Serdyukov, were soon dismissed from the Federal Tax Service. The future General of the Army Tatiana Viktorovna Shevtsova was no exception.

Appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense

However, A. E. Serdyukov did not forget about the members of his team. Knowing their professionalism and already having considerable experience of working with these people, Anatoly Eduardovich offered them a number of important positions in the Ministry of Defense. So, Mikhail Mokretsov became the chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense and deputy minister. Nadezhda Sinnikova, who previously held the position of deputy head of the Federal Tax Service, became the head of Rosoboronpostavka. In addition, Serdyukov's associates, such as E. Vechko and D. Chushkin, moved from the tax service to work in the Ministry of Defense.

Naturally, Anatoly Serdyukov could not forget about such an active woman as Tatyana Shevtsova, who had repeatedly shown her professionalism in any business she took on. In May 2010, she became his official advisor. Already in August of the same year, Tatyana Viktorovna, by order of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In a new position

As always, Tatyana Viktorovna began to fulfill her duties in her new position with zeal. Just in this work, an important role, in addition to Shevtsova's personal qualities, was played by the fact that her father was a regular military man. Therefore, the army life was in her blood, and Tatyana Viktorovna knew firsthand about it.

shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general biography family
shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general biography family

Alreadya year after her appointment, she received the rank of the second class of the actual state councilor, and after some time he was promoted to the level of the first class. This rank corresponded to the rank of colonel-general. Thus, we can say that now Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova is an army general.

Document of Defense scandal

In 2012, there was a major scandal in the Ministry of Defense, which directly or indirectly affected all the higher ranks of the department, including Tatyana Shevtsova. It was caused by the revelation of facts of corruption, abuse and fraud among employees of Oboronservis, which was an enterprise controlled by the Ministry of Defense. In addition, Serdyukov was the chairman of the board of directors of Oboronservis. The basis for the proceedings was the sale of the organization's property at deliberately low prices. The loss of the state amounted to at least 3 billion rubles.

The investigation in this case revealed the facts of Serdyukov's possible direct involvement in these illegal actions, since the sale of such a volume of property of a controlled enterprise without his consent simply could not be carried out.

Given that Serdyukov could be personally interested in falsifying the results of the investigation, as well as the fact that he could not ensure the safety of the property of the enterprise, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev decided to resign him. The relevant decree is dated November 2012. Sergei Shoigu, who previously headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations, was appointed head of the Ministry of Defense, as well as a formerGovernor of the Moscow Region.

shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general biography
shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general biography

Serdyukov himself was charged with negligence in 2013 in this case, but the next year the case was closed, since Anatoly Eduardovich was granted an amnesty as a “defender of the Fatherland.”

The members of Serdyukov's team were also investigated by the Ministry of Defense, but no specific charges were filed. Tatyana Shevtsova continued to hold the position of Deputy Minister of Defense under Sergei Shoigu, although she wrote a letter of resignation back in 2012, but it was not accepted until a new person was found for the position of financier of the armed forces.

Modern stage

After 2012, Tatyana Shevtsova also continues to pay full attention to her work as Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Thanks to her personal qualities, she quite easily joined Shoigu's team. Tatyana Shevtsova successfully copes with all the tasks set.

Currently, the main task of Tatyana Viktorovna is the financial support of the country's armed forces. Experience in the tax service to a large extent helps her in this matter. Shevtsova is directly subordinate to the departments of social guarantees, financial planning, financial monitoring, economic planning, financial support.


Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova, army general, has many state distinctions. She has awards of various levels and from different departments in her luggage. These differencesshe received both while working in the Federal Tax Service and in the Ministry of Defense. Each award represents a certain value for her, it symbolizes that Tatyana Shevtsova's work is in demand.

Even during her work at the Federal Tax Service, she received such distinctions as the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation and the Order of Honor, was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor" and a diploma of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Then she was awarded the medals "300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" as a person who did a lot for the development of this city, and "65 years of the Kaluga region" as a famous native of this region.

shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general marital status
shevtsova tatyana viktorovna army general marital status

After moving to work in the Ministry of Defense, the number of awards has become even greater. Tatyana Viktorovna received the Order of Friendship, as well as the medals "For the Return of Crimea", "For Services to the Fatherland" and "Colonel General Dutov".

Undoubtedly, the number of orders, awards and distinctions in the future Tatiana Shevtsova will increase.

Contact details

As part of her service, Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova, General of the Army, communicates quite a lot with different people. Contacts of a personal nature of such an important person, of course, are not disclosed. Any citizen of Russia can directly contact Tatyana Viktorovna through the official website of the Ministry of Defense.


Now let's find out what kind of personal life Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova lives - army general. The marital status of the Deputy Minister of Defense is of interest to many.

Highthe position obliges to have special relations with relatives. Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, understands this very well. The family for her is not a topic that the Deputy Minister of Defense wants to expand on. Nevertheless, it is known that Tatyana Viktorovna is married to a man who was previously a professional soldier and is now a businessman. Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna, an army general, has been married for more than a year. There are also children in this family, or rather, one child.

General characteristics

We learned a lot of interesting information about such a high-ranking person as Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna - army general. The biography, family, career of this woman have been studied in some detail by us.

During her work in the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Defense, she has established herself as a responsible person, a professional who is very difficult to find a replacement. Tatyana Shevtsova is a specialist who is ready to take on tasks of any complexity. Professional characteristics of Tatyana Viktorovna have been repeatedly awarded state awards and incentives at various levels.

General of the Army Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna photo
General of the Army Shevtsova Tatyana Viktorovna photo

At the same time, her busy work schedule did not prevent her from starting her own family. Although, unfortunately, due to her professional employment, Tatyana Shevtsova cannot devote the amount of time she would like to her.

Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova is an excellent example that breaks the stereotype that the army is not for women. Her biography proves that representatives of the weakgenders in the armed forces can be just as useful as men. Let's hope that the main career achievements of Tatyana Viktorovna are yet to come.
