One of the most interesting regions of Russia is Rostov. Neklinovsky district is located in this region. In the material you can get acquainted with the history, geography and social side of this area.
Administrative features
This site is located in the southwestern part of the region. Rostov-on-Don is 75 km from this point. The zone borders on Ukraine. The neighbor from the western side is the Novoazovsky district of the Donetsk region. In the north and east there is a border with the Matveyevo-Kurgan and Rodionovo-Nesvetayskaya parts of Rostov. On the edge of the southeast is the Myasnikovsky district. Another important neighbor is the port city of Taganrog.

Near the Sea of Azov, on a territory of about 2,150 km², there is a picturesque Neklinovsky district. The shores are washed by the Taganrog Bay. Accordingly, the length from east to west is more than 100 km. The width of the area from south to north reaches 30 km.
According to the last census in 2010, about 85,000 people lived on this land. According to the national composition, the championship belongs to the Russians. There are almost 92% of them in this territory. In second place are Ukrainians with a figure of 2.5%. The third line was occupied by the Armenians - 2%.
Hereit should be noted that the majority of the representatives of the third group settled in the Troitsk rural settlement (Neklinovsky district). An insignificant proportion of the population are Turks - 0.25%. All representatives of this nationality live in the Sinyavsky municipality.
Under oppression
The first mention of this area dates back to 1769. Then these lands were inhabited by grain growers and artisans from Ukraine. The population consisted of families of Zaporozhian Cossacks. 500 people settled and created settlements that exist today: Pokrovskoye, Troitskoye and Nikolaevka.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the inhabitants of the Neklinovsky district opposed the cruelty of the landlords. Their mood was supported by the October Revolution. However, the coups did not occur without bloody events. Clashes between the White Guards and the Red Army, the intrigues of the Entente and the Triple Alliance took many lives.
The villages of the Neklinovsky district supported the Soviet military. In 1918, 8,000 Red soldiers landed on the shores of the Sea of Azov, and the inhabitants of the surrounding area joined them. However, the army could not stand the battle with the enemy, and only 200 people remained from the large army. In memory of the exploits, monuments were erected and the villages were named: Khristoforovka, Botsmanova, Krasny Desant.

Soviet period
The area at that time was under the leadership of the Taganrog district. In 1919 a new wave of uprising began. Local residents liberated the territory from the Whites and established the power of the Soviets. In the 1920s, the firstcooperatives, communes and collective farms.
Since 1920, the Neklinovsky district was part of the Ukrainian Donetsk, and since 1924 - in the Matveyevo-Kurgan district. The modern territories seceded in 1935. January 18 is considered to be the date of formation, although it should be noted that after that the borders were changed more than once.
During the Great Patriotic War, two partisan detachments arose here, which bravely fought against the occupation regime. After the liberation of their native land, people again set to work. And already in 1945, 65% of the sown area was cultivated. Until the 1950s, they finished conducting electricity to farms, since 1985 they grew corn, soybeans, sunflowers.

Muse of creators
Contributes to the development of the economy and agriculture and geography. The Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region is rich in water resources. In addition to the long kilometer seashore, more than 30 large rivers wind on this land. Chief among them are Dead Donets, Mius, Donskoy Chulek.
Winter is characterized by fairly warm temperatures, summer is hot and dry. The thermometer is at a positive mark - more than 200-250 days a year. The sea warms up to + 24 … + 26 ° С in summer. Thanks to this, the tourism business is successfully flourishing.
The unique nature and landscapes of this area still inspire talented people to create masterpieces. In particular, the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, captivated by the unique nature of this region, wrote his famous lines “The green oak near the seashore” here. The genius of literatureat one time traveled through the Neklinovsky district. From one of the villages, which came close to the seashore, a spit was visible. The locals called it Lukomorye. It was this landscape that the poet described in his poem.

Social sphere
The administrative center is the village of Pokrovskoe. The date of foundation of the settlement is considered to be 1769. According to the latest data, about 12,000 people live here. The distance to Rostov-on-Don is 75 km. The population is fully provided with work, because a dairy plant, a sausage factory, a brick factory and other agricultural firms are located here. Gas, clay and sand are extracted from the bowels of the earth.
Good transport links in the village of Pokrovskoye. Neklinovsky district has a railway. There are many bus routes and a great road.
In general, there are 28 kindergartens and 32 schools in this territory. Also, children have the opportunity to engage in music circles and others. Interesting concerts and meetings are constantly held in the regional House of Culture. There are more than 40 rural clubs. Residents of the area can visit libraries, their number is approaching 35.
Tourist routes
In addition to dispensaries and feldsher stations, there is a central hospital. Much attention is paid to sports. Playgrounds, training halls - all this contributes to the development of a he althy nation. Residents of the region lead a rich spiritual life. Dozens of churches from the 18th-19th centuries have been preserved here and are still functioning today.
Many tourists are interested in this region. Lukomorye andThe Beglitskaya Spit is a unique natural phenomenon. The attention of guests is attracted by the reservoir on the Sarmatskaya River. The length of the mirror surface is 5.6 km, and the width is up to 850 meters. Not only excursions are held here, but local residents also have a good rest.

Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region is also famous for its good fish. The reservoirs of this region are rich in tailed prey.
In total, there are 125 small settlements and 18 large villages on the territory. Now special attention is paid to the arrangement of the Krasny Desant farm, where temporary shelters for refugees from the DPR and LPR have been placed.