The prominent Soviet and Russian statesman gained his first fame during the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in the Armenian city of Spitak. Oleg Ivanovich Lobov in the most difficult years of the "Chechen conflict" was the secretary of the Security Council and the president's representative in the Chechen Republic. He made a great contribution to the formation of Russian statehood, having worked in the government of the country for ten years.
Begin biography
Oleg Ivanovich Lobov was born in a family of employees on September 7, 1937 in the city of Kyiv. My father worked as the chief engineer of a local dairy plant. After graduating from high school, the young man went to Rostov-on-Don, where he entered the Institute of Railway Engineers
By distribution he was sent to Sverdlovsk, where he began work as an engineer at the Uralgiprokhim Design Institute. Competentthe specialist was noticed and gradually began to assign more and more responsible tasks and promoted. In 1963, he was appointed chief designer of the department.
In design organizations
In 1963-1965 he worked at another design institute in Sverdlovsk - "UralpromstroyNIIproekt". Then he returned to his native institute, where in 1969 he was appointed to the position of chief engineer. Specialists especially noted his work on the design and construction of the cold rolling shop of the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, located in Sverdlovsk.

Oleg Ivanovich Lobov took responsibility for the processing of construction documentation, coordination of changes with the customer, justification and protection in the parent organization in Moscow. He was distinguished by a rational, pragmatic approach to solving construction issues in the design of industrial complexes and residential buildings. In 1971 he defended his thesis, was engaged in research and implementation of pile foundations in Siberia.
At party work
An excellent engineer was noticed by the regional party leadership. In 1972, a new period began in the working biography of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov. An experienced builder was invited to work in the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU as deputy head of the construction department. His immediate superior was the future first Russian president.

When Yeltsin was promoted in 1975, Lobov took over his former position as department head. He managedto improve relations with his boss, while he did not copy the style of work of Boris Nikolayevich and never discussed his immediate supervisor.
The promotion of Oleg Ivanovich was recognized by all the builders of the region as deserved, the authority of the department was then incredibly high. This was his contribution, Lobov worked for three years as a deputy. Then still a young party member, he easily entered the local party elite.
In leadership work
After Yeltsin was appointed to the post of first secretary in 1976, Lobov was appointed head of the Glavsreduralstroy trust in Tagil. At the age of 39, he becomes one of the youngest heads of construction headquarters, and the largest territorial organization. In 1982 he was awarded the title of "Honored Builder of the RSFSR".

In the same year he returns to party work, first taking Yeltsin's former position - secretary for construction, and in 1983 he was appointed to the post of 2nd secretary of the regional committee. In 1985, he was elected chairman of the regional executive committee, worked in the city administration for two years.
In 1987 he was transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR. The following year, Oleg Ivanovich Lobov was appointed deputy head of the RSFSR headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Spitak. He made a great contribution to helping the victims and families of the victims of the disaster. Here he became closely acquainted with the leadership of the republic, who, having appreciated his style of work and organizational skills,offered to go to work as the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia. He worked in the republic from 1989 to 1991, but forever retained close ties with the Armenian elite.
Return to Moscow
In 1991 he returned to work in the Russian government as First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers. In total, Oleg Ivanovich Lobov worked as part of four governments of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation. In the same year, he ran for the post of first secretary of the newly formed Communist Party of the RSFSR, but lost the election.

In 1991, the Russian government established the Russian-Japanese University, which was supposed to promote the development of relations and attract Japanese investment in the country. However, the institution became famous primarily for its links with the totalitarian sect Aum Shinrikyo, which gained worldwide fame after the sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway. The sect immediately invested 5 million US dollars in RNU and began to expand its presence in Russia. Subsequently, after the terrorist attack, the arrested members of the sect testified that they bought the documentation for the production of a chemical warfare agent from Oleg Ivanovich Lobov for 79 thousand dollars. However, Japanese prosecutors were unable to prove his participation in the activities of the sect.
At the Security Council
From 1993 to 1996, Lobov worked directly under President Yeltsin as Secretary of the Security Council. In this post, he was actively involved in the settlement of the "Chechen issue", which, perhaps, was the reason forassassination attempt on him in 1995. A photo of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov in connection with these events appeared in all the leading publications of the country.

In 1993, the Turkish army came close to the borders of Armenia to take the side of Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It was Oleg Ivanovich who initiated the dispatch of Pavel Grachev to Ankara. Who told the Turks that they would get a third world war in the event of aggression.
Personal Information
After his retirement, he was engaged in business and until the end of his life he was president of the Association for International Cooperation, created under the administration of President Yeltsin. His wife was an emergency room doctor and is now retired. The couple have two daughters and a son. About his son, Pavel Lobov, it is known that he was a shareholder of a company specializing in satellite communications.
From his youth, Oleg Ivanovich loved volleyball, played for the institute team. When he was a manager in Sverdlovsk, he organized "almost mandatory" sports for employees. When he worked with Boris Yeltsin, he also played with him. In addition, they were neighbors in the state dacha.

Oleg Ivanovich Lobov died on September 6, 2018, just one day before his 81st birthday. Condolences were expressed by many government organizations. The Armenian community especially honored his memory as a person who did a lot for the country at critical moments in history. At the funeral of Oleg Ivanovich Lobov, numerous government documents were carriedawards, including the Order of Lenin and the October Revolution.