Alexander Tarasov is a sociologist and political scientist. Biography

Alexander Tarasov is a sociologist and political scientist. Biography
Alexander Tarasov is a sociologist and political scientist. Biography

Tarasov Alexander Nikolaevich is a Russian political scientist, sociologist and culturologist. This is a famous writer and publicist, an excellent contemporary philosopher. Tarasov considers himself a post-Marxist.

Early years

Alexander Tarasov was born in Moscow on March 8, 1958. He graduated from high school and received two higher educations - economic and historical. But during perestroika, he retrained as a political scientist and sociologist to keep up with the times.

Career and work

After graduation, Tarasov managed to change many professions. He worked as a draftsman, watchman, laboratory assistant, locksmith, machinist and librarian. Managed to work as an editor in several publications. I tried myself as a boiler room operator and an accountant. In the Hermitage he worked as an illuminator.

Alexander Tarasov
Alexander Tarasov

He was a researcher at the Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences, taught at one of the universities. He worked as a consultant in the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, political observer and expert. In 1988, Tarasov founded the Independent Archive. Starting from the ninety-first year, Alexander Nikolayevich worked at the Center for Sociology and New Politics"Phoenix". In 2004, he was promoted to the position of social director. And since 2009, he was appointed the head of Phoenix.

Tarasov as a politician

In 1972, Alexander Tarasov became one of the founders of the underground radical left group "Party of New Communists", which was briefly called the PNK. Was appointed its unofficial leader. After a while, the PNK merged with another similar group called the Left School. And in the seventy-fourth received the new name of the "Non-Communist Party of the USSR." Briefly - NKPSS.

Tarasov Alexander Nikolaevich
Tarasov Alexander Nikolaevich

Tarasov was one of its leaders. Alexander Nikolayevich was engaged in theorizing in the party, wrote the program document "Principles of Neo-Communism".

Tarasov's arrest

In the seventy-fifth year, Tarasov Alexander Nikolaevich was arrested by the KGB. At first he was in a pre-trial detention cell, then he spent a year in a psychiatric hospital. Such was the fate of many people who disagreed in some way with the official policy of the party. Most of them went through compulsory treatment in psychiatric clinics. Then Tarasov was released, because the case never reached the court. After that, he took an active part in the restoration of the NKPSS and was the leader of the party until the eighty-ninth year. The organization then disbanded.

Tarasov in a psychiatric hospital

In the psychiatric hospital, Tarasov was treated very cruelly. There was torture. He was beaten, used large doses of antipsychotics, ECT. More than once Tarasov fell intoinsulin coma. After a stay in a psychiatric hospital, Alexander Nikolayevich's he alth was severely undermined.

contemporary Russian sociologists
contemporary Russian sociologists

He developed severe somatic diseases. The work of the pancreas and liver was disrupted, spondyloarthritis and hypertension appeared. In fact, Tarasov became an invalid. In the eighty-eighth year, he was examined by two state medical commissions, which recognized him as an absolutely he althy person in mental terms.

Tarasov is the author of many publications

From the eighty-fourth year, Alexander Tarasov, whose biography is closely connected with political activity, began to be published in "Samizdat" and the foreign press. Since the eighty-eighth year, his articles began to appear in independent publications. Since 1984, Tarasov has been published only under pseudonyms, but since 1990 he has signed articles with his own name.

Modern Russian sociologists have written many articles. The author of more than a thousand of them is Tarasov. He mainly wrote about the problems of youth, often touched upon the topic of education and conflict resolution. There were many works on political science (about mass movements, radicalism, etc.), history, cultural studies and economics. Alexander Tarasov is a well-known critic in cinema and literature.

He was the first person to study the subculture of Russian Nazi skinheads. Since 1992, Alexander Nikolaevich has become known as a poet and prose writer. In the ninety-third year, Tarasov was the editor of the House of Unions publication, which was published on the basis of the newspaper"Solidarity". But they only printed five numbers. Then the "House of the Unions" was closed for excessive radicalism.

alexander tarasov biography
alexander tarasov biography

From the ninety-seventh year, he began to translate texts from Spanish and English. Tarasov's writings have been published in many foreign countries. He is included in the list of "The Best Russian Political Scientists of the 20th Century".

In 2002, Alexander Nikolayevich took an active part in the foundation, compilation and scientific editing of the publication "Hour "Ch". Modern anti-bourgeois thought. In 2005 and 2006 he worked for other publications. All book series published mainly "leftist" foreign political literature.

Alexander Tarasov is the author of the first scientific serious study, which he conducted in 2009-2010. It examined the influence of far-right ideas and companies on the subculture of football fans.

Attack on Tarasov

In early November, 1995, Tarasov was attacked near his house. Unknown perpetrators called him by name, then brutally beat him. Tarasov defended himself, but he could not physically resist several attackers at once. He lost consciousness and was taken to the hospital.

Russian political scientists
Russian political scientists

As a result, law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case. The search for those responsible for the beating began. It was established that only Tarasov's passport was missing, and, oddly enough, the attackers did not touch an expensive voice recorder, a large amount of money and a bottle of elite vermouth. The perpetrators of the attack were neverfound.

In 2008, neo-Nazis included Tarasov in the list of enemies who, in their opinion, should be physically destroyed. As a result, his name began to "show off" on right-wing websites.

Attitude towards rallies

The rallies of 2011 and 2012 were criticized by Tarasov. He called them "consumer riots" and petit-bourgeois performances. He characterized these rallies as hostile to the goals of the "left" and noted that they had nothing to do with the fight against capitalism.
