Before we start our story, let me deviate a little from the topic and recall the literature, namely the work of the genius Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Let's mentally move to the alley at Patriarch's Ponds and sit down not far from the bench, where three people are talking enthusiastically… When asked by a strange foreigner about what Mikhail Berlioz intends to do that evening, the chairman of MASSOLIT replied that he was to participate in the meeting.
"- No, this cannot be," the foreigner firmly objected.
- Why is that? not only bought, but even spilled. So the meeting will not take place.”
Of course, Berlioz was impressed, but he could not understand what the notorious Annushka had to do with it. A couple of hours later, leaving Woland with his companion, the poet Bezdomny, on the bench, Mikhail Alexandrovich set off to meet his, as it later turned out, already predetermined fate … Thus began a whole series of incredible events described in Bulgakov's unforgettable novel.

Today on Chistye Prudy you can meet an amazing tram, which bears the name of the very clumsy Annushka, who played her fatal role. Modern trams, which travel on the rails of Russia and the world, undoubtedly bypass "Annushka" in terms of speed and comfort, but considering the unusual transport, we will pay attention to her as well.
Some specimens amaze with design, amazing engineering solutions, speed. Citizens who often use public transport quickly get used to new products, and it sometimes makes an indelible impression on tourists. What are they, modern trams? Are there recognized leaders among them?
For those who don't like traffic jams
The problem of transport collapse today is relevant not only for megacities, but also for provincial small towns. During rush hour, the roads are so congested that traffic jams are inevitable. In different states, this problem has always been tried to be solved in a variety of ways: they were looking for alternatives, built additional routes, tried to popularize public transport. The pioneer was the bus. However, it soon turned out that he gets into traffic jams at least as often as "cars". But the tram could get rid of such problems, because the main part of the tracks runs along the carriageway, and not directly along it. Thus, the tram could easily rush past many kilometers of traffic jams, while trolleybuses and buses took the same passive part in them as cars.

This was the reason for modernization and development. In many countries of the world, huge stakes are being placed on the production of modern trams. Russia is included in the circle of such countries, trying to develop its own production and partially purchasing transport abroad. Today, modern trams travel around many large cities of the Russian Federation.
The path to excellence
Once upon a time, small tram cars were driven by horsepower, and the most real ones. Even the song "High-Speed Tram" was composed by grateful passengers of horse-drawn wagons. Progress had its say, and the electric motor pressed the driver. At the end of the 19th century, the first electric trams appeared. They did not differ in any particular speed or level of comfort and over time were replaced by more convenient transport - bus. In the Soviet Union, it was customary to think that the tram theme has exhausted itself completely. By the end of the 20th century, this transport could be seen in many provincial towns and even regional centers, but even then there was moral obsolescence. Meanwhile, in the West, there was a real tram renaissance. For example, a modern high-speed tram was already hovering over the streets of New York in those days, which did not move along rails, but along a stretched cable, like a funicular.

Russia again paid close attention to this mode of transportation at the beginning of the new century. Today, transport infrastructure is developing rapidly. For example, in Volgograd, a modern high-speed tram line runs underground, asunderground. In Magnitogorsk, the traditional tram is being popularized and improved. Peter has the largest track network in Russia and an impressive park. And several comfortable trams travel through the streets of the capital, which can compete for the title of the most modern in the world.
Low sex problem
When developing modern transport, the main problem for a long time was the design feature of the chassis, due to which the floor of the tram was quite high. This is not only a matter of passenger comfort, as it might seem at first glance. The presence of steps negatively affects the speed of disembarkation and landing, especially delaying this factor for the elderly, citizens with luggage, children, people with disabilities. This overloads the network as a whole.

Designers tried to cope with the problem in different ways. But only a complete revision of the running gear allowed the issue to be finally resolved. Some of the parts and assemblies have been moved to the roof.
Polish trams "Pesa" - especially for Russia
A significant part of the new trams that serve Russian roads today are purchased abroad. The Polish PESA plant, located in the city of Bydgoszcz, produces 3 models of trams specifically for Russia: Foxtrot, Krakowiak and Jazz. In addition to conventional models with one cab, Poland also supplies shuttle models that can travel in both directions. Currently, cooperation between the Polish manufacturer and the Ural plant is being established, which will soon produce newtrams.
Russian R1

In-house production is also gradually being established. The most modern tram, which will be mass-produced in Russia for the domestic market, is called Russia One, or R1. It has two cabins, a low floor, an ultra-modern futuristic design and a comfortable cabin. Currently, Uralvagonzavod has presented a prototype of a new transport, the conveyor will soon start working.
The manufacturer promises that serial trams will differ from the prototype by no more than a few percent. Today, experts say that the only drawback of the developers is the small capacity of the cabin - comfortable chairs and sofas can accommodate only 28 people (sitting). But, perhaps, it is the increase in the number of seats that will be the difference between serial samples and the prototype.
Modern trams of the capital
The Moscow tram depot boasts several models of modern vehicles that are in no way inferior to the transport of Europe and the States. The modern tram in Moscow is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a measure forced in connection with the transport collapse.

Along with the Polish trams, transport that came off the assembly lines of Uralvagonzavod travels along the streets of the capital. At the beginning of summer, the capital's fleet will be replenished with several new cars, and in total, 120 modern domestic-made trams are planned to be delivered by the end of the year.
Municipal transport in St. Petersburg
Northern capital,rich in antiquities and historical monuments, it is also famous for such an attraction as trams. A huge number of them travel around St. Petersburg, both ultra-new and vintage. Some serve only on excursion routes, they ride tourists around the historical places of Northern Palmyra.

Deserves attention and the fact that the modern tram in St. Petersburg can be found not only in the center, but also on the outskirts. For example, route No. 56 runs along the southwestern outskirts. The transport produced by the French company Alstom meets the most modern requirements and looks like a space shuttle against the backdrop of St. Petersburg landscapes.
The most unusual trams on the roads of Russia and the world
Besides the obvious function of carrying passengers, trams sometimes play completely unexpected roles. For example, in Milan you can visit the sauna tram. Of course, this object does not roll around the city, but is installed permanently. There is a tram-hotel in the Netherlands, whose carriages have been converted into comfortable rooms. Hungary boasts the longest train in the world - its length reaches 52 meters.

Trams-cafes deserve special attention. One of them has long attracted the attention of Lviv tourists. Well, "Annushka", unlike most of these establishments, does not gather dust in the comfort of the park, but rides along the route. Its interior and menu, as expected, refer to the wonderful world of Bulgakov'snovels.