The population of the Orenburg region at the moment is 1 million 989 thousand 589 people. Such data for 2017 is provided by Rosstat. As in Russia as a whole, the number of urban residents is greater than rural ones. 60% of Orenburg residents live in cities. At the same time, the population density is 16 people per square kilometer, according to this indicator, the region is in 49th place in the country between the Perm Territory and the Novosibirsk Region.
Inhabitants of the Orenburg region

The population of the Orenburg region has been steadily declining in recent years. And until the mid-90s, it grew. The peak was reached in 1996, when 2 million 218 thousand 52 people lived in the region. Since then, every year the population of the Orenburg region has been declining. For 20 years, the decline amounted to about 30 thousand people.
In general, statistics on this area in Russia has been conducted since 1897. Then in Orenburg, other cities, towns and villages, when asked how many people there are in the Orenburg region, statisticians gave fairly accurate figures. In total, 1 million 600 thousand 145 people were registered.
Birth rate dynamics

The number of births in the Orenburg region per 1,000 population is 14.6 people. Significant growth in this indicator was outlined in the early 2000s. So, if in 1999 there were 9, 1 children born per thousand inhabitants, then in three years this figure increased by more than one and a half units.
The constant growth of the birth rate in the region continued until 2010, when it amounted to 14.1 child per thousand inhabitants. After that, successful years alternate with unsuccessful ones in terms of fertility.
Changes in mortality
In general, in recent years, mortality in the Orenburg region has been increasing. This, of course, is reflected in the current population of the Orenburg region.
Rigorous mortality statistics have been maintained since 1970. At that time, 7.9 people died per 1,000 inhabitants. Since then, the number of deaths has increased every year. In 2005, this figure almost doubled and amounted to 15 and a half deaths per thousand inhabitants. In recent years, close attention has been paid to he althcare in the region, as well as throughout the country. Therefore, the statistics managed to stabilize. According to the latest data from Rosstat, 14.2 people die per thousand Orenburgers every year.
Districts of the Orenburg region

The population of the Orenburg region is divided into 35 districts. Among them there are also leaders and lagging behind in terms of the number of residents. The most intensively developing municipalities in which there is an industrialproduction, prospects for development and investment. Every year, people leave the backward regions en masse for Orenburg and neighboring regions.
The population of the districts of the Orenburg region for the most part has been declining in recent years. The leader is Pervomaisky district with its capital in the village of Pervomaisky. Almost 90 thousand people live here. At the same time, the main economy of the region is the development of agricultural products. Pervomaisky specializes in meat and dairy farming and grain growing. There are 18 large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in the region, as well as almost a hundred peasant farms. There is also industry in the region. The oil industry is developed here. About 800 kilometers of gas pipelines have been laid in Pervomaisky district.
Among the lagging behind is the Matveevsky district, located in the north-east of the region. Only 11 thousand 209 people live here. The administrative center is the village of Matveevka. Only agriculture is developing in the region. The enterprises specialize in growing potatoes and sunflowers. There are three cooperatives (analogues of Soviet collective farms) and several individual entrepreneurs in the district.
In general, the Orenburg region is a dynamically developing Russian region. It ranks fourth among the oil-producing regions of Russia. It accounts for 4.5% of all oil produced in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the fuel industry is the leading industry. Most of the oil fields are concentrated in the already mentioned Pervomaiskdistrict, as well as in Sorochinsky and Kurmanaevsky.
Oil, which is rich in the Orenburg region, is a fundamental part of the Volga-Ural reserves of this mineral. The development of oil fields in these places began in the 30s of the XX century near the city of Buguruslan. These days, oil-bearing areas are regularly expanding.
Cities of the Orenburg region

Cities of the Orenburg region in terms of population far outnumber rural areas. Almost 580 thousand people live in the regional center. There are 21 cities in the Orenburg region.
Large settlements, in addition to Orenburg, are Orsk (235 thousand inhabitants), Novotroitsk (96 thousand) and Buzuluk (85 thousand).
In Orsk industrial production is developed. Machine-building, oil refining, non-ferrous metallurgy, geological exploration, energy, construction and food industry enterprises operate.
The economy of Novotroitsk is built on companies engaged in manufacturing, metallurgy, processing of waste and ferrous scrap, food production. OAO "Ural Steel" is the city-forming one. This is the largest metallurgical plant.
In Buzuluk in the 60s of the last century, oil fields were actively developed. The enterprises even managed to enter the international market, and Buzuluk was called the oil capital of the Orenburg region. However, in the last ten years, there has been practically nothing left of the industry. Closed large furniture storefactory, machine-building plants went bankrupt, oil and gas production enterprises are experiencing a drop in oil production. Therefore, Buzuluk now remains one of the most depressed cities in the entire region.

The main population of the cities of the Orenburg region is concentrated in the regional capital. More than a quarter of all residents of the region are registered here.
The city was founded in 1743 on the site of the Berd fortress. Today Orenburg has a well-developed economy. The industry is based on gas production and gas processing industries, as well as metal processing and mechanical engineering. Enterprises of the chemical industry, light and food industries are operating.
Of the unique enterprises, it is necessary to single out Orenshal OJSC, which produces the famous Orenburg downy shawls, in addition to it, there is also a plant for Orenburg shawls. The company "John Deere Rus" produces agricultural machinery.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the situation in Orenburg has stabilized after the crisis of the 1990s. The economic success of the city is largely associated with the successful development of the Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg enterprise.
Orenburg University started active construction of new buildings, modern sports facilities, the ethnographic complex "National Village" appeared.
Composition of the population of the Orenburg region

Most residentsOrenburg region by nationality Russians. Their number is about 75%. In second place are Tatars - almost 7.5% of the inhabitants of this nationality in the region, in third place are Kazakhs - almost 6%.
More than two percent of the region is home to Ukrainians and Bashkirs. Slightly less than two percent of representatives of the Mordovian nationality.
The number of other residents of the region does not exceed 1%. About one and a half percent of residents during the last census refused to indicate their nationality.
Indigenous people of Orenburg region

Initially, the population of the Orenburg region was formed at the expense of the Tatars. Now there are about 150 thousand people left in the region. Tatars were the original inhabitants of the Orenburg region. Now they live compactly in the territory of several districts - Abdulinsky, Buguruslansky, Krasnogvardeisky, Matveevsky, Tashlinsky and Sharlyksky.
In total, almost 90 Tatar settlements are located in the region, where the number of residents of this nationality prevails. In these cities and towns, the Tatar language is studied at school; 34 Tatar preschool institutions have been opened in the Orenburg region. More than 70 mosques operate in the Orenburg region.
Orenburg Bashkirs
The Bashkirs play an important role in shaping the national composition of the Orenburg region. Most of them live in Orenburg itself - about five and a half thousand people.
In Orenburg there are many monuments dedicated to the culture and history of the Bashkirpeople. A monument to Caravanserai is erected in the regional capital. This is a historical and architectural complex, which was built in the middle of the XIX century. The complex was built on voluntary donations. It housed the residence of the commander of the Bashkir army. There were also hotels for the Bashkirs, who regularly visited Orenburg on official business. The complex itself includes the Bashkir People's House and a mosque. The author of the original project is the architect Alexander Bryullov, who designed the stylization of the main building as a traditional Bashkir village.
During the Civil War, the Caravanserai was the seat of the government of Bashkiria. In 1917, at one of the meetings, it was decided to create the territorial autonomy of Bashkurdistan, which was to include the Orenburg province.