Ministry of Emergency Situations is a public authority that has become one of the key in modern Russia. Replacing the inferior structures of the Soviet era, this organization year after year helps the inhabitants of our country (and not only) to cope with all sorts of disasters.
Ministry of Emergency Situations - abbreviation decoding
In fact, these three letters mean several words - the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief. There is also an international name - EMERCOM, which also represents the initial letters of English words (Emergency Control Ministry of Russia).

History of occurrence
In 1990, on December 27, the RCC was formed. This day is considered the date of the emergence of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Decoding RKS - Russian Rescue Corps. The latter was later renamed the State Committee for Emergency Situations. With the advent of the new time, the department changed its name more than once. And only in January 1994 it received its current name - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, decoding for most citizenswhich is the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
In fact, this is, of course, not just a state body, but also a huge rescue service in terms of scope. Departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are located in all regions of Russia. The fire department is now subordinate to the ministry. Until recently, the department was successfully headed by Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, now the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Now Vladimir Puchkov is at the head of a huge organization.

Ministry of Emergency Situations is also the leading structural element of the RSChS - the Russian Emergency Prevention System. The headquarters of the organization is located at the following address: Moscow, Teatralny pr., 3. At present, the Russian Federation has a Unified Rescue Telephone number - 112, as well as a number where you can get emergency psychological assistance - 8 (499) 216-50 -fifty. A network of public receptions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has also been organized.
The Russian Emergencies Ministry has the following official tasks:
1. Emergency prevention.
2. Disaster damage reduction.
3. Elimination of the consequences of emergencies.
Activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
However, the ministry is engaged not only in the fulfillment of its targets. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the decoding of the abbreviation of which, of course, speaks of many aspects of its work, also solves other problems. This includes helping people affected by cataclysms and local wars around the world, and solving environmental problems, one of which is environmental pollution. Another area of activity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is educational. Employees of the department come with lectures on ecology and first aid to educational institutions, organize extracurricular seminars. They also create search and rescue teams. The investigation into the causes of air crashes is also not complete without the participation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Deciphering the flight recorders is, of course, a matter for other specialists, but before that they still need to be found. Currently, employees of this service provide assistance and deliver to the regions of Russia internally displaced persons from the eastern regions of Ukraine. In emergency cases, aircraft deliver seriously ill citizens of the Russian Federation abroad back to the country for medical assistance.

Now many scientists are talking about climate change, unusually strong seismic activity and threats from space. It is possible that in the future humanity may face even more serious problems. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for natural disasters and other threats. And the only institution at the moment that controls the situation is the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. It is not for nothing that in our country this department belongs to the power ones.