Mossy plants. The value of mosses in nature

Mossy plants. The value of mosses in nature
Mossy plants. The value of mosses in nature

Nature is extraordinarily beautiful and unique. It is no secret that absolutely every plant or living organism has a certain benefit for the surrounding world. Sometimes we do not think about how unique our world is. In our article, we will analyze mossy plants and their features in detail. After reading, you will learn how to navigate the terrain thanks to the moss.

General information about moss plants

Mosses are stunted plants. Usually they are only a few centimeters high. Mossy plants can be found anywhere. Few people know, but they do not tolerate s alt, and it is for this reason that they do not grow in the seas. As a rule, mosses have stems and leaves. However, some species do not have them. Moss is known to absorb liquid very well. It is no secret that it grows exactly where there is an increased percentage of moisture. Mosses absorb liquid with the help of rhizoids. In addition to water, they also absorb trace elements useful for themselves. Almost all of their species are perennial. Surprisingly, mossy plantsare used in many areas of our life.

The main signs of mosses

Few people know this, but the first representatives of mossy plants grew back in the Carboniferous period. This is evidenced by fossils found by archaeologists. What are the characteristics of moss plants? You can find out in our article.

mossy plants
mossy plants

Today, more than 20 thousand species of mosses are known. They grow both on land and underwater. The main features of moss plants are group germination and the absence of a root system. As a rule, their length is no more than a few centimeters. The tissues of this plant contain chlorophyll. It is for this reason that its color can vary from dark green to light green. It's no secret that thanks to chlorophyll, carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen.

Features of reproduction

Mossy plants with a sexual characteristic prevail over asexual ones. The former use gametes for reproduction, and the latter use spores. Mosses are divided into two types - thallus and leafy. In plants that perform their vital activity in water bodies, spermatozoa move with the help of special flagella. The reproduction process does not occur if there is no contact with water. After fertilization of the egg, a special organ is formed - a box. That's where controversy comes in. Thanks to them, moss plants not only reproduce, but also spread.

the importance of mosses in nature
the importance of mosses in nature

Green moss is a type of moss plant. It is with himthe box is formed on a long stem. In addition, it has a top and additional coverage. It should be noted that the longer the stem, the greater the radius of spore spread. Mossy plants develop only in favorable conditions.

Moss structure

Unlike other plants, mosses have a fairly simple structure. In most cases, they consist only of a stem and leaves. In addition to the root system, they also lack vascular bundles. The structure of moss plants allows them to attach to surfaces thanks to rhizoids. As we said earlier, they also absorb moisture very well. It is worth noting that they do not have a conductive system.

Moss plants on trees

Moss on the trees is the first sign of their disease. We believe that almost every gardener has encountered such a problem. How to get rid of moss on a tree? Does it need to be cleaned? You can find out this and much more from our article.

moss on trees
moss on trees

Few people know, but moss plants that carry out their vital activity on trees not only slow down their growth, but also provide shelter for numerous parasitic insects and their larvae. It is for this reason that moss on trees must be destroyed immediately. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution of 250 grams of carbolic acid. It is mixed with a bucket of water and heated to boiling water. A hot solution is necessary to lubricate all neoplasms. After a couple of days, moss plants will not remain andtrace.

Many gardeners try to clean off mossy growths on garden trees using improvised means. Can it be done? It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to monitor the correctness of the process. For this procedure, it is recommended to use a metal spatula or brush. Under the tree it is necessary to lay a film or polyethylene. The removed moss will need to be burned immediately. This is important so that the problem does not spread to other trees and soil.

The value of mosses in nature is invaluable. Only a few of their species are parasitic for plants. It is worth emphasizing once again that the moss that has begun to sprout on trees must be immediately eliminated in order to avoid its spread. To do this, you can use the recipe that is given in our article.

what is the role of moss plants in nature
what is the role of moss plants in nature


Sphagnum moss is a type of mossy plant that usually grows in swamps. Most often they are found in the northern part of the planet. Often they are also called white moss. This is no coincidence, because the color of sphagnum is light green, and from a distance it seems white. Surprisingly, it is able to absorb 20 times more moisture than its total weight.

Few people know that sphagnum mosses bring a lot of benefits. They are often used in construction. This is no coincidence, because it is believed that sphagnum is an excellent tool for thermal insulation. It is worth noting that it also reduces the risk of the spread of fungus and mold in the house. Thanks toDue to the fact that this kind of moss perfectly absorbs moisture, it surpasses many specialized insulating materials in its properties.

sphagnum mosses
sphagnum mosses

Benefits of peat moss

Many are interested in what is the role of mossy plants in nature. As we found out earlier, they can be both beneficial and harmful. Peat mosses are extremely useful not only for humans, but also for the environment. This is a perennial plant that is distinguished by a strongly branching stem. It should be noted that, unlike other mossy species, peatlands do not have rhizoids. Like other mosses, peat mosses germinate only in sufficiently moist places. When interacting with water, they swamp the soil. In addition, peat is formed. It is often used as a fertilizer. It is peat that is considered the best way to improve the quality of the soil.

Benefits of moss plants

As we said earlier, there are more than 20 thousand varieties of moss plants. They grow in almost all corners of the planet. What is the role of moss plants in nature? You can find out this and much more in our article.

Few people know, but mosses, like other plants, actively absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. They are an integral part of the earth's biosphere. And it is moss plants that are able to absorb radioactive substances that adversely affect the human body.

Mosses are extremely important for animals too. For them, they are often food. For birds, moss plants serve as a refuge and home. Meaningmosses in nature is invaluable. Few people know, but recently moss has been actively used in pharmacology. For example, alcohol is created from peat. By the way, fuel is also made from it. Mossy plants are also used in cosmetology. They create a large number of masks, creams and scrubs. Such products tone the skin and slow down its aging.

structure of moss plants
structure of moss plants

Moss plants have a positive effect on the environment and the human body. When used correctly, they will not only warm your home, but also save your face from premature aging.

Useful properties of sphagnum moss

Different divisions of plants can both positively and negatively affect the environment and living organisms. Few people know, but sphagnum is actively used in medicine. Surprisingly, it is used as a dressing. This is no coincidence, because it has a high antibacterial effect. It was often used during the war. Often used even today. As a rule, it is used for open fractures. In this case, sphagnum is applied directly to the wound.

In addition to its antibacterial action, it also has a healing property. It is actively used for burns and frostbite. At home, sphagnum is used to prevent infectious diseases. To do this, it is poured with hot water and taken with this mixture a bath. This procedure helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, this tool will get rid of fungal skin diseases.

How to use mossnavigate the terrain?

Being oriented on the ground is something absolutely everyone should be able to do. Few people know, but moss plants will allow you to easily find the right path. As we said earlier, mosses live where high humidity prevails. They cannot tolerate excessive light. In order to determine the direction and find the right path, for example, in the forest, you must first find a tree on which moss grows. If it is completely covered by this plant, you need to find the part where it grows most actively. Thanks to this, you will be able to determine the north direction.

Remember the simple recommendations that are given in our article. Thanks to them, you can quickly navigate the terrain.

Negative properties of moss plants

Different divisions of plants can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment and human he alth. Mossy plants are no exception. As we said earlier, they often parasitize fruit trees and thus slow down their growth.

green moss
green moss

Quite often, aquarists also struggle with mosses. This is no coincidence, because such a plant spreads quite quickly and clogs the water. It is for this reason that fish in an aquarium feel uncomfortable and are most susceptible to various diseases and infections. In order to purify the water, you need to purchase special snails that eat moss for food. As a rule, it will take about a month for complete cleansing. In the event that byfor some reason this option does not suit you, go to the pet store. There you will be helped to choose a special product that will get rid of unwanted mossy plants in the aquarium as quickly as possible.

As we said earlier, due to the spread of mosses on the soil, it becomes waterlogged. Such a process is highly undesirable. It is impossible to grow agricultural crops on swampy fields. Mossy plants have both positive and negative sides. However, they are an indispensable link in the development of the environment.

Summing up

Today, moss plants are actively used in almost all areas of our lives. They are used in construction, cosmetology and pharmacology. They have not only positive, but also negative impacts on the environment and human he alth. Nevertheless, moss is an irreplaceable link in the biological chain. It is worth noting that if you have a fungal infection, then this plant will allow you to get rid of it in the most effective way. We strongly recommend that you remember tips that will help you navigate the terrain. Thanks to this, you can always get out of a difficult situation and find the right path, for example, in the forest. Take care of nature!
