Such a plot is not uncommon for fairy tales from different countries. But miracles happen in life too. The history of the current Queen of the Netherlands convinces us that true love is stronger than ancient customs and the intrigues of the courtiers, stronger than distances and language barriers.
Today the young queen is happily married, respected by her royal family and loved by her subjects. But what path did Maxima have to travel to achieve such heights?

Life before meeting the prince
Maxima Zorregueta Cerruti was born in Argentina on May 17, 1971. She has mixed Spanish and Italian blood.
Maxima's family was not poor, the girl never had to endure poverty. Her father, Jorge Zorregueta, served as Minister of Agriculture under the then dictator Videla.
The girl grew up in a large family: she had two brothers and a sister, as well as three older sisters from her father's first marriage. Maxima received a good education: she graduated from the Northlands School in Buenos Aires, and then the Faculty of Economics of the University of Argentina.
Career, quite successful, she managed to build pretty quickly. During her studies, she began working inareas of software markets. At 25, Maxima took over as Vice President for Latin American Relations at HSBC James Capel Inc. one of the largest financial conglomerates in the world. In connection with the new job, the girl moved to New York.
Meet Alexander
The future Queen Maxima could not even imagine how one youth party in Seville would turn her fate. It was there in 1999 that the girl met a charming young man who introduced himself simply as Alexander. The young monarch deliberately hid information about his position from a new acquaintance.
Later, when Alexander confessed to Maxima that he was the first pretender to the throne of the Netherlands, she openly laughed at him. The girl did not believe that it was so easy to meet the future king. But under the pressure of the facts, she eventually had to accept the truth.
The next meeting happened a couple of years later. Moreover, according to the future queen, by that time she had stopped thinking about the young monarch. But he could not forget the pretty laughter girl.
Prince Willem-Alexander himself found Maxima and flew to her in New York. It was there that the lovers realized that they no longer wanted to part. In the same 2001, the engagement was announced.
Sins of the Fathers
But it's not for nothing that the old song says that kings can do everything, but marrying for love is a luxury that is inaccessible to them. The decision about this wedding should have been made not only by Alexander and Maxima.
Royal relatives and members of parliament refused to accept the daughter of an ally into the familyone of the bloodiest dictators in Latin America. Alexander was categorically forbidden to marry. The question was about abdication.
Love was stronger
The young prince, to the surprise of many, accepted the news quite easily. He declared that he was ready to cede the throne, but never to give up his Maxima. God alone knows what difficulties the lovers then had to face. But Maxima and Willem-Alexander did not even think of parting.
Fortunately, the situation has been resolved. Prime Minister Wim Kok stood up for young lovers and was able to convince everyone that children are innocent of the deeds of their parents.

Maxim was accepted. Accepted, despite the fact that for more than one century the Dutch princes took only German princesses as wives. Accepted despite her father's controversial reputation.
In March 2001, Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus made a statement about the impending marriage of their eldest son Alexander to Maxime Sorreguete. In May of the same year, the girl received citizenship.
Before meeting her future husband, the girl was fluent in her native Spanish and English, and knew French quite well. To overcome the language barrier, she had to hurriedly learn Dutch, which she now knows perfectly.
The next hurdle the lovers had to overcome had to do with religion. The Prince of Orange and Latin American Maxima belonged to different faiths. The girl converted to Protestantism.
Before the wedding, Maxim was waiting for another test. She signed the protocolwhich she promised not to invite her father to official events. This decision was not easy for Maxima, but Jorge Zorregueta fully supported his daughter. He was not at her wedding, but the warm relationship between them continued until his death (2017).
The Young Queen of the Netherlands
The wedding took place on 02.02.2002. After the ceremony, which was held by the mayor of Amsterdam, Job Korchen, the young people went through the wedding ceremony. Despite the fact that the girl does not come from the royal family, she was given the title of princess. A personal coat of arms was also developed especially for the young princess.

Maxima's official title today is Queen Consort (since April 30, 2013). This means that she is the legal wife of the reigning king, but she is not a monarch herself.
Young princesses
Once upon a time there was a king, and he had three daughters… This is how many fairy tales begin. The same words can be said about the family of the King of the Netherlands.
- December 7, 2003 Katarina-Amalia was born in The Hague. Today she is the first in the list of contenders for the throne.
- Her sister Alexia was born on June 26, 2005. Maxima's father became one of the godparents of the young princess.
- April 10, 2007, the third daughter of Maxima and Alexander, Ariana, was born.

From birth, the children of Queen Maxima have titles. Citizens in communication with the princesses use the title "Your Royal Highness".
Light of kindness
It may seem that the queen just knows how to "keep a face". On thePhoto Maxima sparkles, always smiles, even the cobweb around her eyes that has appeared with age adds to her charm and charm. But those who know Maxima personally assure that her every smile is absolutely sincere. Her subjects call her the smiling queen.

The Netherlands loves her. This is largely due to the Queen's good disposition, her willingness to help, cordiality. Maxima gives a lot of energy to charity. She is an active patron of the Young Artists Foundation.
Princess of Monaco Charlene speaks very warmly about Maxime. The women don't see each other very often, but they are very friendly. According to Princess Charlene, her friend always supports her with good advice.
Warm feelings connect Maxima with another crowned person - Crown Princess of Japan Masako Owada. It is known that Masako was depressed for a long time due to he alth problems and did not go out for several years. Just one conversation with Maxima was enough for the Japanese princess to agree to come to the coronation of Alexander-Willem in 2013. According to Masako, Maxima has the gift of a psychologist.
Maxima became the first queen to personally attend a conference on the protection of the rights of sexual minorities. She openly supports the LGBT movement, but as her associates say, this has nothing to do with PR. It's just that the queen believes that every person is worthy of love, everyone has the right to express their feelings.
Royal style
Queen Maxima doesn't like boring outfits. She cancreate juicy, but at the same time incredibly harmonious images, elegant and memorable, but not at all pretentious.

At the wedding, Maxima appeared in a luxurious white dress, rather modest, even deaf. Refined lace inserts, an incredible train and a luxurious heavy veil became the main accents.
In everyday life, Maxima pays due attention to accessories. Among her favorite colors are both bright and pastel.
Maxima today
Maxima, Queen Consort of the Netherlands, is young at heart. According to her, she loves to dance and sing, and she always tries to involve both her daughters and her crowned spouse in fun.

The King has repeatedly mentioned in an interview that he can always rely on his life partner, he always knows that she will support, prompt and help. Maxima is a member of the State Council, therefore she performs many domestic and foreign policy tasks.