Elizaveta Boyarskaya is one of the few actresses in Russian cinema who can be described as smart, beautiful, athlete, Komsomol member. Her face does not leave the covers of glossy magazines. And the directors indulge us with films with her participation every year. So who is she, actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya?
Boyarsky clan
It's no secret that Elizaveta Boyarskaya came from a famous acting family, was the youngest, desired child. Her father, Mikhail Boyarsky, is still a sought-after film and theater actor. Mom, Larisa Luppian, is a theater actress. Their daughter Elizabeth followed in her father's footsteps, although until the 11th grade she was sure that she would certainly become a journalist. For more than 13 years, Elizabeth devoted herself to dancing. When it came time to choose a profession, she nevertheless decided to continue the family tradition and entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. After graduation, she became an actress at the Maly Drama Theater in St. Petersburg. And 2018 brought Elizabeth the title of Honored Artist of the RussianFederations.
But no matter how much we admire her work in films, on television or on the stage, we, ordinary people, are, of course, interested in the biography, personal life and children of Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Career and theater work
After graduating from the theater institute, the career of Elizaveta Boyarskaya went uphill. Immediately after graduating from the institute, in 2007, she made her debut on the stage of the drama theater in Lev Dodin's production of Life and Fate, where she got the role of Zhenya. It was from this production that her theatrical career began with the light hand of the director. In the same 2007, Elizabeth appeared in the cinema. She received an offer to play in the military drama "I'll be back." Then there were works by Alla Surikova and Andrey Malyukov. Her role in the sequel to the famous film The Irony of Fate brought her great fame, where Elizabeth played the daughter of Ippolit and Nadezhda. The film was released nationwide to great acclaim.

Private life
Elizaveta Boyarskaya has always been a noticeable and spectacular girl, knew how to make an impression and was always in the spotlight. Men liked her, and the first romance in her life happened at the theater institute, in her first year. That guy turned out to be the now famous actor Danila Kozlovsky. However, the influential father, according to rumors, forbade them to meet, and Kozlovsky disappeared from the girl's life. In senior years, Elizabeth had several more novels, but her father was tough. He wantedto see a son-in-law only from a famous theatrical family.
Elizaveta could not get out of the influence of her parents for a long time. Only after graduating from the theater institute, becoming independent, she was able to free herself from parental care. In her life, a new romance began with a married man, an actor in the theater. Chekhov Maxim Matveev. The man divorced his first wife and proposed to Elizabeth.

Life after marriage
After the wedding, the couple could not decide on one city to live in and lives between St. Petersburg and Moscow. A year later, the first-born appeared in the young family, who was named Andrei. Joint photos of Elizaveta Boyarskaya with her husband and children are almost nowhere to be found. Like many famous people, the girl hides her personal and family life from prying eyes. Elizaveta Boyarskaya does not appear in public with children.
Spouse of Elizaveta Boyarskaya
Catastrophically little is known about his wife. Maxim was born in the Kaliningrad region, and his grandparents were mainly involved in his upbringing. The parents worked at the school. As a child, Maxim loved to draw, and his grandfather used his drawings to invent toys.
In 1992 the family moved to Saratov. In this city, Maxim had new hobbies, he became interested in theater, attended amateur circles. After school, he left Saratov and entered the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, on the course of Sergei Zemtsov.
In addition to working in the theater and cinema, Maxim Matveev is involved in charity work. The sick leave movement he organizedclownery helps children being treated in clinics and their parents to keep a fighting spirit and smile in order to fight their illnesses. Sometimes Matveev himself plays one of the roles of clowns when his work schedule allows him, and visits hospitals with the team.

Young generation of Boyarsky-Matveev
Almost nothing is known about the children of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev. The couple does not advertise them and in every possible way avoids showing the kids to people. However, some time ago, a photo of the children of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, or rather her eldest son Andrei, nevertheless appeared on the Web. The photo was published on his page on the social network by the wife of the famous actor Veniamin Smekhova. The photo shows Smekhov himself, Elizaveta with her son, as well as Mikhail Boyarsky and Ksenia Rappoport.
Subscribers and fans immediately noticed that Andrei, who was only four years old, does not look like his parents. A heated debate among the couple's fans led to the general opinion that the boy's facial features were inherited from his grandmother, Larisa Luppian.
However, Andrey got a lot from his dad. Fans who follow the life of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, her husband and children agree that facial expressions, looks and gestures are exactly the same as those of Matveev. Elizabeth herself confirms this.
Boyarskaya herself does not believe that she is hiding children from prying eyes. She admits that she does not want children to experience discomfort from increased attention, since she herself is the daughter of famous parents and knows firsthand howit's hard. The children of Elizaveta Boyarskaya will be in the shadow as long as possible. Mom thinks it's right.

Rumors and gossip
Some time ago, shocking news appeared in the media that Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev were getting a divorce. The news shocked fans. Even colleagues began to ask the star couple questions. Unknown sources, allegedly close to the spouses, reported in detail that they had not lived together for several months and only created the illusion of a happy family by posting joint pictures on social networks.
Fans, discussing the news, made assumptions that life in two cities played a fatal role in the star family: Elizabeth - in St. Petersburg, Maxim - in Moscow. Colleagues were also inclined to this conclusion, as they believed that constant traveling for two years still brought discord into the family.
Once one of the artists noticed that Elizabeth came to the theater without a wedding ring, which she always wore. The actress did not deny and said that the fact of parting in her life takes place. At the same time, she clarified that the former spouse plays a big role in her life and in the life of their common son Andrei.
Gossip interfered in the personal affairs of the actors and the famous father of Elizabeth. It was alleged that he forced Elizabeth and Maxim to maintain the image of an ideal family in spite of the divorce, thereby hoping for reconciliation of the spouses. Also, the couple's son, Andrei, stayed with his mother.
Soon, the actress, tired of the ridiculous rumors, herself issued a statement thateverything is in order with Maxim and their family life is prosperous. She recalled that both of them are actors, but her husband works in the troupe of the Theater. Chekhov, and she herself is an actress of the St. Petersburg Small Drama Theater. And while they work, life in two cities is inevitable. Together or separately, but they will ride. The actress also said that she and her husband do not wear wedding rings, but this does not mean any divorce.

Family joys
Elizaveta Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev do not consider it necessary to prove and show everyone that everything is in order in their family. Against the backdrop of gossip and yellow press publications about the breakup, which suddenly flooded the Internet, the couple made a knight's move. The second child of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev should be born in the near future.
The star grandfather, Mikhail Boyarsky, was the first to report this. He answered journalists' questions that his daughter was expecting another boy. The name of the baby has already been chosen, but is still kept secret. Grandparents are very happy with the second grandson, but they hope that the young ones will also have a third child, their big friendly family is missing a sweet daughter. The spouses themselves do not cover the topic of personal life, and even on social networks there is not a single mention of the upcoming happy event.
Elizaveta Boyarskaya decided to go on maternity leave in the last months of her pregnancy to enjoy her position before the birth of her baby. After all, then there will be a lot of trouble and fuss. Now she is a lotworks and does not feel discomfort at all.
Elizabeth's father shared with reporters his thoughts that he no longer needs new roles. He is going to devote all his free time to his family and grandchildren.
Maxim Matveev, as a responsible father, also plans to take a vacation to be with his wife and newborn in the first days of life.

Charity activities
In 2009, Elizaveta Boyarskaya began to conduct active charitable activities and became a member of the board of trustees at the same time in two foundations. The first is called "The Sun" and deals with the problems of premature babies and mothers. The second organization, the Youth He alth Center, works with drug addicted young people and oversees their drug-free life.
In 2011, together with Konstantin Khabensky, the actress is working on a project whose goal is to revive the Russian classical theater school, to interest children and youth in order to tear them off the streets.
Awards and prizes
Elizaveta Boyarskaya is a nominee for various prizes and awards almost every year. She already has the Golden Sofit Award for the role of Goneril in the play King Lear, the MTV Russia film award in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination for the film First After God. She is also the winner of the film award "MTV Russia" in the nomination "Best Actress" for the role of Anna Timireva in the film "Admiral" with Konstantin Khabensky inmain role. As well as the Turandot and Golden Eagle awards.