"Take care of honor from a young age" - about the meaning of morality in the modern world

"Take care of honor from a young age" - about the meaning of morality in the modern world
"Take care of honor from a young age" - about the meaning of morality in the modern world

You must have heard the proverb “Take care of honor from a young age, and a dress again”. What does this expression mean, is it still relevant today? Or has the concept of honor sunk into oblivion along with the silver age of Russian literature? In the article we will try to figure it out.

take care of honor from a young age
take care of honor from a young age

A few words about honor

Without referring to the dictionary, let's try to define the word "honor". First of all, this is the inner state of the soul, determined by each person for himself. Under the concept of "honor" can be attributed morality, conscience, dignity, valor. Someone will add nobility, dedication, courage, truthfulness to this list. And this is all true, because "honor" is a comprehensive concept. Is this quality measurable, is it possible to educate in a person the consciousness that it is important for him? No, this is a state of mind, invisible to the human eye and yet existing on a par with love, courage or nobility.

How good is the new dress?

In fact, most people know only the first half of the expression - "Keep honor from a young age." Proverbends with a meaningful statement that the dress needs to be protected again.

take care of the honor with the young proverb
take care of the honor with the young proverb

Remember the new dress you just bought. It is whole, beautiful, fits perfectly. If you wear a dress carefully, take care of it, wash it, patch it up in time, the thing will last a long time.

Honor is not a dress. How whole and protected it is, no one knows, except for the individual. So do you need to take care of her like a dress?

"Keep honor from a young age!" Why?

Should we take care of what no one can see? In public, you can play courage and nobility, but are these qualities useful? The modern world does not involve caring for anyone other than yourself. From parents, educators, teachers, we hear that the world is cruel, and we need to fight, literally "go over our heads." What kind of dignity and honor can be discussed in this case?

take care of honor with a young meaning
take care of honor with a young meaning

Schoolchildren, studying classical works and coming across the phrase "Take care of honor from a young age", do not catch its meaning. “Honor is not in honor today,” the youth jokes, preparing to go into battle with life and rivals for a place in the sun.

Think about the main thing

We all have a voice of conscience, whether we like it or not. It is he who whispers condemningly to us the loudest, it is worth doing something ignoble. If this feeling is common to all, it means that honor has not disappeared in time as unnecessary. The world is not a springboard for hostilities, and the “either you or you” rule does not work at all. What works is respectkindness courage and nobility. Wise people understand that the more you give, the more you receive.

"Keep honor from a young age" - these are not beautiful words, but a guide to action. Behave correctly, but not as society requires, but as your soul tells you. Let life not be like a walk in the park, and sometimes it seems logical and correct to set up a colleague, betray a friend, change a spouse. These temptations await us at every step, and let no one ever know about this act, we ourselves will know about it. And the soul will be restless and unpleasant because of this. Take care of honor from a young age! Be honest, brave, noble, do not change yourself - and you will be happy!
