Many social and political concepts of our time have been the brainchild of the last few hundred years. Democracy, freedom, republic - all these concepts appeared not so long ago, if you do not take into account the interrupted tradition of Antiquity, forgotten for centuries. But people have always known what legitimacy is. Although this concept was not as clearly defined as it is today, however, any monarch aspired to this recognition, no matter how great his strength and arrogance. So let's take a closer look at what legitimacy is. This term, which comes from the Roman word legitimus (legitimate), means the agreement of the country's popular opinion with the power, political structure, and state institutions in it. That is, legitimate power is the power with the rule of which most of the

people. There is another point in this concept. Legitimacy is also the recognition of conditional power as authorized by the relevant authorities abroad. This, firstly, implies that the laws issued by the authorities will be implemented by the overwhelming majority of the population, and this population is in agreement with the laws, since it is in agreement with the authorities. Secondly, this means that suchthe authorities have the right to speak on behalf of their people in the international arena, and this opinion should be taken into account. Everything is quite simple, as we see.
History of the concept
Now, having answered the question of what legitimacy is, we can see that it has always been necessary for all governments, even if it did not exist yet

definition of the concept in its modern form. The ancient pharaohs and eastern emperors deduced their genealogy from the deities of the national pantheon, thereby confirming their natural stay on the throne. The right to power of the members of the ancient Greek Areopagus was determined by their chosenness. The European monarchs of the Renaissance proved their chosenness with a noble family tree, the very long stay of the family in power already meant this legitimacy. As you can see, even without knowing what legitimacy is in modern scientific terminology, the rulers always clearly felt the need to substantiate their own claims. Ultimately, the word "legitimacy" was born after the French Revolution. Its concept was finally clearly outlined by the monarchists, who advocated the return of the rightful king to the throne instead of the impostors who usurped the government.
Features of terminology
There are different legitimate types of power. Political science identifies three main ones:

- Traditional. This type is based on the belief of most people in the inevitable submission and strength of this power, onlong habit. This legitimacy should be remembered when it comes to those ancient pharaohs, kings and emperors.
- Rational. It is also called democratic legitimacy, and it is the most popular in the modern world. In any case, all heads of state are in a hurry to declare this. Such legitimacy begins with the recognition by the majority of the people of the democratic nature of the election of the government.
- Charismatic. It develops as a result of people's faith in the ideal image of their ruler. An example of such legitimacy would be religious leaders, partly totalitarian dictators, who were turned into demigods by propaganda and who gained the fanatical support of the people.
At the same time, the legality and legitimacy of state power should not be confused with each other. If we have already de alt with the first, then legality is a clear compliance with constitutional norms and state laws. It is a purely legal concept.