In such complex categories, which are associated with the human essence, character, life circumstances, it is difficult to act as an expert and herald of the truth. Moreover, everyone perceives loy alty in their own way. For someone, devotion to the family comes first, and for her sake he is capable of anything. For another - loy alty to yourself and your beliefs. For the third - serving the oath (whether marital, religious or state) … Therefore, if taken in general, then treason is (in the generally accepted interpretation) a betrayal of something or someone. But what about the multidimensionality and multifactorial nature of human behavior and beliefs?
It's hard not to fall into relativism. If we consider that treason is a preference for the interests of one's own or others, but not the one to whom loy alty was promised, then is it possible to unequivocally condemn it? Most often we encounter these issues in family relationships. More than half of marriages and unions have experienced and will continue to experiencesuch dilemmas. In society, it is generally accepted that treason is a sin. Thousands of pages have been written on the topic of whether it is possible to forgive, whether it is necessary to glue the broken together. But most often, in the heat of emotions, the main thing is forgotten. Treason is a private manifestation of the fact that everything is unfavorable in the union. Judge for yourself. Most marriages are concluded at a fairly young age, when the spouses have not yet had time to get to know each other. They grow, realize their life programs, attitudes, ideals.

And gradually it becomes clearer and clearer that instead of being happy together, they torture each other mentally, sometimes physically. Indeed, even the fact that there is a need to hide some part of one's existence is an alarming signal. This is a sign that not all needs are met in the union. That there is no trust and openness. Cheating is always pain, disappointment, a breach of trust. But when I hear about how vile "he" or how insidious "she" is - betrayed, deceived, let down - I most often have a question: was the other half really so blind not to see that not everything is fine? After all, no third person can appear where two feel good, where they make harmony. Anyone else, the very possibility of it only arises when there is a crack. Most often this "third person" is not to blame for anything: it only turned out to be a catalyst for the collapse, which was already brewing. So let's not lie to ourselves. Treason is not a bolt from the blue. Rather, this is the last lightning strike in timethunderstorms. People tend to blame others for their misfortunes. But let's look at the situation soberly: do we have the right to expect that someone should subordinate their desires, aspirations, interests to us? And why do we need forced loy alty?
Let no one agree with me. But I am deeply convinced that treason is an exaggerated evil. We tend to unite in order to feel our belonging. And that is why the one who violates these unwritten laws, who wants to be himself, is stigmatized. Much easier conformism. “I love another, but I won’t leave my wife, because … (children, apartment, it’s a pity she doesn’t have money or, conversely, I won’t).” And let's think, what is such a wife? How hard must it be to realize that the one who should be support and support, provides it (if at all capable of it) only under the onslaught of conventions? What is not sincere, what does not act from the heart.
It is generally accepted that spiritual betrayal is a kind of Platonic equivalent of sexual.

These are feelings for someone we shouldn't have them for because we're connected, we can't, we have no right. Stop! In fact, the problem is not in feelings. A person is born free, and any conventions are nothing more than an attempt by society to limit him, to control him. Therefore, I am convinced that treason is not love on the side. This is not sexual intercourse or platonic admiration for someone from outside. In my opinion, the much more serious sins in this are lying and breach of trust. That is worse for everyone, the whole triangle is not the fact itselfits existence, but that someone remains ignorant for a long time about the true state of affairs. Change can be understood and forgiven. Moreover, it can become a lesson for the future, which will show what was missing in this union. But deliberate misrepresentation, deceit is much more difficult to forgive. True love does not tolerate violence and restrictions. And lies poison her in the bud.