How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns

How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns
How to use a stun gun? Description, rules, classes of stun guns

Currently, many people think about their safety. In this connection, the question arises about the use of a stun gun for self-defense. To date, there are a large number of models and several classes of such devices on the market. How to use a stun gun, its types and classes will be described in this article.

Instrument description

The stun gun is a civilian weapon. The principle of its operation is based on the effect of an electric discharge on the human body. It belongs to the types of non-lethal weapons and can be remote and contact. You need to know how to use a stun gun so you don't get an electric shock yourself.

Wired stun gun
Wired stun gun

In addition to remote and contact differentiation, stun guns are divided into wired and wireless systems. In the former, the electric charge is transmitted through wires, while the latter transmit it through the so-called electric bullet. In fact, such a bullet isa miniature stun gun that is fired at a target, attached to it with horn-shaped needles, and then transfers the charge.

Effect on the body

Considering the question of how to use a stun gun, you should understand its effect on the body. The impact effect is caused by an electric current that passes through it. After that, a person experiences spasms, muscle cramps, as well as disorientation, in connection with this, he loses the ability to move.

The strength of the stun gun depends on its power. Since the electric discharge affects the muscles, the stun gun is not recommended against the elderly, as well as those who have heart disease.


When learning how to use a stun gun, you need to learn that when using it, first of all, you need to be decisive. In the event that you were attacked, you should direct the stun gun towards the attacker and press the button. When using a contact wireless shocker at its end, on the electrodes, an electric arc is formed, which, in fact, is a striking element.

Using a stun gun
Using a stun gun

It is necessary to ensure tight contact between the arc of the stun gun and the attacker. It is recommended to direct the arc to the area of the arms or legs. The most susceptible parts of the body are the face, groin, neck and chest, however, it is not recommended to use the device on these parts of the body, as this can lead to very serious consequences.


WhenUsing a stun gun for self-defense, you must first read the instructions. When using a powerful first-class stun gun, it must be held on the body of the attacker for about one second. During this period of time, the opponent will receive a sufficient electric shock, will be paralyzed and disoriented for a while.

Stun gun stunner
Stun gun stunner

You should also clarify whether the specific shocker model you use will work in various weather conditions, for example, in rain or frost. The fact is that some devices are not designed for operation in severe frost, as their battery is quickly discharged.

One of the most popular modifications of stun guns are remote shockers. They have proven to be reliable and easy to use. When using such types of civilian weapons, there is no opportunity to harm yourself, and in case of a miss on the attacker, you can quickly reload the shocker and use it again.

Classes of stun guns

As mentioned earlier, stun guns are divided into classes. There are four in total. The fourth, the lowest class, includes devices whose power is less than 1000 kilovolts. It should be noted that they are extremely ineffective and, in fact, are more psychological weapons than real ones. However, a device of this class can protect you from the attack of stray dogs.

Shooting stun gun
Shooting stun gun

Third class stun guns have power from 1000 to 5000 kilovolts. Suchdevices can deliver pain to the attacker, but are not able to deprive him of consciousness. You can only knock out an opponent with such a shocker if you use it for several seconds, aiming at the neck or chest (which, as noted earlier, is not recommended).

Devices with a power of 5000 to 9000 kilovolts are already considered combat. Such devices, regardless of their variety (remote or contact), will cause significant damage to the enemy. A shock with a stun gun of such power can deprive him of consciousness for several minutes and cause severe muscle contractions and convulsions. After exposing the attacker to an electric discharge on his legs, he will no longer be able to resist.

1st class stun guns

These devices have the highest power, which ranges from 9,000 to 15,000 kilovolts. This is a real weapon for self-defense, which is also used by special services. After exposure to a device of such power, the attacker is guaranteed to lose consciousness and receive a severe electric shock.

Powerful stun gun
Powerful stun gun

The person will be unable to move for some time and will be severely disoriented for several minutes. It should be noted that it is necessary to use shockers of such power very carefully. You should not apply discharges with such devices to non-recommended areas.

It will be enough to impact on the legs (thighs or calves) or arms (shoulders, forearms). Despite the fact that many manufacturers indicate in the instructions that devices of this power arenon-lethal weapons, you need to be aware of the risks and possible consequences.

Before you start using a powerful device, you should carefully weigh everything and decide for yourself whether you can use it in an emergency or not. As the security forces say in this case, it is necessary to clearly assess the situation and not get the device to the last, and if you got a stun gun, then it must be used, but only taking into account all the rules and following all the instructions.
