Use of electricity in industry. Efficient use of electricity

Use of electricity in industry. Efficient use of electricity
Use of electricity in industry. Efficient use of electricity

The economical use of electricity today is based on the use of energy saving technologies. In modern conditions, this issue has become very relevant. This is mainly due to the increase in the capacities of various enterprises. Next, consider what constitutes efficient use of electricity.

electricity use
electricity use

Enterprise strategies

When developing long-term plans, any production focuses primarily on cost, load and capacity. Of no small importance in the strategy of enterprises is the share of capital investments in modernization for the coming years. For many executives, the rational use of energy is in last place. However, the urgency of this problem makes us pay close attention to it. The modernization of technological capacities and the efficient use of electricity must be consistent with the strategic plan of any enterprise. Otherwise, there may be an imbalance in spending, which, in turn,turn, is fraught with failure to meet the set goals in terms of output.

Use of electricity in agriculture

Today, according to experts, the implementation of savings measures by enterprises is not active enough. Increasing the level of efficiency of electricity supply in agriculture is a fairly large and complex task. Closely related to this issue are the problems of improving quality and strengthening the security of supply. Experts recommend paying special attention to reducing electricity losses, as well as developing measures for its rational use. These tasks and ways to solve them must be included in the strategic plan of any enterprise.

Problem Solving

The potential danger of increased costs of the enterprise can be overcome through the implementation of a phased plan for the energy and technological modernization of production facilities with previously known indicators of costs and output. The implementation of the program should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the product, the duration of the existence of the enterprise.

rules for the use of electricity
rules for the use of electricity

Obsolete equipment

The most important factor for the implementation of promising savings programs is the development of an optimal plan that involves the replacement of long-running power plants. Many of them have been working at the enterprises for more than 15 years. Outdated equipment, especially boilers, is characterized by high, unclaimed power today. The problem of plants that have been in operation for a long time significantly slows down the development of modern industry. The operation of obsolete equipment does not require large capital investments. But due to wear and tear, breakdowns occur from time to time. This, in turn, leads to downtime in the production process. As a result, the cost of maintenance, repair, replacement of components increases. At the same time, there is an opinion that the postponement of investments for the modernization of such installations will save the company money. However, as practice shows, as a result, expenses not only do not decrease, but also increase noticeably.

Introduction of promising projects

Usually plans for efficient use of electricity begin to be implemented according to the general program of modernization of all equipment. The formation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of such projects occurs when the management of the enterprise, in the process of planning and calculating the cost of manufactured products, understands the actual level of resource consumption. In particular, the coefficient of use of electricity is taken into account. In these cases, management tries to find the fastest and least expensive ways to save. The fulfillment of this task is the first stage of the enterprise's strategic program. The subsequent implementation of the project usually involves activities in several areas, the solution of new, more complex tasks. After achieving the necessary results of the first stage, new goals are set. They provide more flexible cost control and cost management foruse of electricity. After that, programs are set up and implemented to replace obsolete equipment with more modern ones. This often requires a significant financial investment.

production transmission and use of electricity
production transmission and use of electricity

Importance of calculations

Efficient use of electricity is achieved if the modernization of the main equipment at the enterprise is carried out in conjunction with the analysis of the volume and optimization of the use of enterprise resources. A necessary element of the program in this case is the calculation of the energy coefficient in the cost of manufactured products. It is different for every industry. Thus, the energy component for ferrous metallurgy is 40%, mechanical engineering - 20%, water production - 30%, and so on. This share may be small. However, even in this case, the competent use of electricity in industry makes it possible to produce an additional volume of products. In this case, the undersupply of the resource will many times exceed its cost.

Instructions for rational use of electricity

The main task of an enterprise striving for modernization is to reduce resource losses in all parts of the system and in the installations themselves. Competent production, transmission and use of electricity to ensure an uninterrupted technological process is carried out in several directions. The main ones are:

1. Optimal construction of the supply system during reconstruction. This approach involves using:

- rationalvoltage;

- total number of transformations;

- PS location;

- number and power of transformers at substations;

- reactive power compensation;

- power supply schemes and so on.

economical use of electricity
economical use of electricity

2. Reducing losses in operating systems. It includes:

- voltage regulation;

- management and control over power consumption modes;

- lower idle receivers;

- modernization of existing and application of more modern, economical and reliable electrical and technological equipment;

- application of optimal methods for regulating the operating modes of ventilation and pumping units;

- installation of automatic lighting control throughout the day;

- increase power quality;

- application of the most optimal mode of operation of power transformers.

3. Rationing of power consumption, development of science-based standards for specific energy consumption per unit of output. To implement this task, the enterprise must have a unified system of control and accounting.

4. Drawing up balance sheets in accordance with which the production, transmission and use of electricity are carried out. They are developed first for individual installations and units, gradually moving to workshops, and then to the entire enterprise as a whole.

5. Organizational and technical measures. Their development is carried out taking into account the specificsof this or that enterprise.

Resource loss

All installations that are included in the supply system, including transformers and lines, are distinguished by active resistances. As a result, the production and use of electricity is carried out with its losses. The vast majority of them occur in transformers and on lines. Practical calculations are usually carried out taking into account the losses in these elements of the system. Losses in transformer windings, wires and cables are proportional to the square of the load current flowing through them, which leads to their name - load. They are also often referred to as variables. This is because the load current usually changes over time.

production and use of electricity
production and use of electricity

Organizational events

As consumption increases and new installations join the grid, so do losses. At electric power enterprises, systematic calculations are carried out. According to their results, if necessary, take measures to reduce losses. The main ones include:

  • Maintaining the optimal voltage level on 10 kV and 0.38 kV buses at transformer substations or points 10/0, 4 kV, RTP 110 … 35/10 kV.
  • Alignment of phase loads in networks with a voltage of 0.38 kV.
  • Selection of the optimal sections for opening overhead lines (overhead lines) with a voltage of 10 … 35 kV with two-way power supply.
  • Disconnection of one transformer in low load mode at two-transformer substations, as well as at substations with seasonal load.
  • Reduced use of electricity for substation own needs.
  • Reducing the time of maintenance and repair of switchgears, lines and transformers.

Technical measures

Organizational measures, as well as methods for improving accounting systems, usually do not require significant initial costs. In this regard, it is always advisable to carry them out. With technical measures, the situation is somewhat different. They are associated with additional investments. Among the main technical measures, the following should be highlighted:

  • Installation of static capacitors, batteries equipped with automatic power control.
  • Replacement of overloaded and underloaded transformers in consumer substations.
  • Installation of equipment on the RTP with voltage regulation under load.
  • Replacement on overloaded wire lines, including branches from overhead lines to buildings.
  • Transferring networks to increased rated voltage.
  • rational use of electricity
    rational use of electricity

Reactive power compensation

This event is considered the most effective. The principle of this compensation by capacitors connected in parallel is as follows: part of the power that is transmitted along the reactive line, in particular, is not spent on mechanical work or heat. It acts only as a measure of the energy that the magnetic fields of the receiver and source exchange with each other. But at the same time, the current that corresponds to the reactivepower, passing through the transmission line, provokes losses. This problem, however, can be solved. In order to ensure the highest economic efficiency, capacitor banks in networks with a voltage of 0.38 kV must have such a power that during periods of the highest reactive load, the indicator of which should not exceed 0.33, the power factor for consumers would be at least 0, 95.

Transformers with tap changers

Installing them at 110…35/10 kV substations ensures the use of electricity in industry not only with minimal losses, but also compliance with normalized voltage deviations at the output to consumers. Due to the discrepancy between the calculated and actual capacities, some transformers included in the operated network may be underloaded. At the same time, an increase in the load for these installations is unlikely, unless someone decides to use electricity illegally by connecting to them. It is advisable to replace such transformers with less powerful devices. In this case, the loss of idling will be reduced, and in the windings it will be increased. Given this circumstance, it is possible to calculate the maximum load of the transformer included in the network, at which replacement with a less powerful device will be appropriate.

Network bandwidth

Its increase is carried out through the construction of new substations and lines. The set of measures also includes the replacement of all overloaded wires during the development of the network in accordance with special projects. Transfer of rural power plants to increased rated voltageconsists only in laying lines with a voltage of 10 kV instead of 6 kV. Proper use of electricity primarily involves improving the functioning of receivers. The necessary technical calculations must be carried out for the entire supply system. That is, they should cover the production, transmission, and use of electricity.

illegal use of electricity
illegal use of electricity


It is also of no small importance. This measure provides for the establishment of norms for the specific consumption of the resource. Ensuring significant energy savings is possible not only through the development of progressive, science-based standards. Of particular importance in this case is the establishment of systems of material remuneration for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of norms. The rules for the use of electricity must be periodically reviewed and improved as technological processes change, employees improve their skills, and more modern equipment is used at enterprises. This activity is the responsibility of the employees of the relevant department. The specific norms for electricity consumption, which are obtained in the course of calculations, must be checked without fail for this enterprise. This is carried out by means of measurements during a certain period (season of operation, year, etc.) under the conditions of normal operation of the enterprise. Rationing can be implemented only with well-established accounting of energy consumption at the enterprise.

Load schedules

Without them, competent useelectricity is not possible. Determination of the capacity of transformers, wires and other networks is carried out in accordance with the highest design load. The more current will pass through the specified elements of the system throughout the year, day or other period, the more they will be involved. Accordingly, the efficiency of power supply will be higher. In practice, the actual schedule always differs from the ideal one in that for most of the time the load is lower than the calculated one.
