The positive feature of this type of weapon is that the effect of its action is non-lethal. Tasers cannot kill or maim an attacker. Therefore, you will not be held criminally liable for exceeding the limits of necessary defense. On the other hand, the action of the device makes it possible to stop the offender with a guarantee and make it possible to escape.

Choosing a stun gun is quite a challenge. Since this remedy is wildly popular, many fakes enter the market that are not able to seriously scare hooligans. Before the product is purchased, it is impossible to check the quality of its work.
In order not to make a mistake when buying a stun gun, you need to have information about what properties these devices have.
Contact distance

Most brands of stun guns produce an electric shock when the device comes into direct contact with people's clothing or skin. However, for fragilegirls or men of small dimensions, the use of such a device is a difficult problem. For these cases, remote stun guns were invented. Of course, they don't shoot lightning from a distance. To reach their target, they fire two pointed harpoon electrodes that pierce the enemy's clothing and get stuck tightly in it. Voltage is applied to the electrodes through ultra-thin conductors made of high-strength alloy.

The range of this system is quite large. It reaches 4.5 m. After the shot is made, the stun gun can already work as a contact so as not to leave you unarmed in front of the attackers. To prepare a shot, you must first charge with a special cartridge called an electric discharge transport unit. BTE modules are purchased separately in packs of five or more modules.

Among the Russian manufacturers, shooting stun guns are produced only by the Mart company. Her devices, in addition to electric shock, are capable of delivering another nuisance to the attackers. If, in addition to the BTE, the stun gun is charged with a special signal cartridge, then, in addition to firing the electrodes, a bright flash will flash and a loud bang will be heard. This sound, similar to a pistol shot, confuses the attackers and at the same time attracts the attention of the police and others. A shooting stun gun, reviews of which are positive, is very effective.

Taser shooting stun guns are the most powerful weapon capable of repelling attacks from asocial elements. The specifics of its work makes it possible to paralyze the enemy from a distance of up to five meters.
The shocker is equipped with a laser sight and a siren. The scope provides accuracy, and the siren confuses the attacker and attracts people.
A multi-shot Taser stun gun is made in the form of a pistol. It is very convenient and efficient.
As in other devices, the action is provided by high voltage pulses, but Taser firing stun guns are distinguished by a large amount of voltage. It is able to "turn off" the enemy for up to 45 minutes. However, this excludes harm to he alth.
Taser stun guns can serve as a primary means of defense.
As for the size of stun guns, they are divided into rectangles of different sizes and similar in shape to a baton. The latter option is convenient to use, but has a large weight and size. For carrying in a small handbag, a small rectangular stun gun is best suited. This is all the more reasonable since the small dimensions do not harm the efficiency of the device at all.

Stun guns intended for use by civilians can be of any shape and size, but their maximum allowable power does not exceed 3 watts. This characteristicspelled out in the law. Law enforcement officers are allowed to use stun guns with a maximum power of up to 10 watts.
In various models, both several batteries and an accumulator can serve as a power source for discharging a stun gun. These types of food have their own advantages and disadvantages. In order to finally decide which type of power to choose for the stun gun, read the information below.

Stun guns that use a battery as power have more power than battery-powered ones. However, the difference is so small that it can be neglected. Tasers are designed to work equally well whatever the power source.
Battery stun guns are convenient because the owner of the device is spared from worrying about batteries. The battery needs to be recharged approximately once a year or immediately after use. It is necessary to ensure that the battery charge is replenished on time. This will determine your readiness to defend yourself and prolong battery life. The disadvantages of batteries are:
- The battery takes about 8 hours to charge. Of course, just inserting new batteries can be much faster.
- Batteries lose their performance over time and their charge becomes less and less. From the side it is imperceptible. As a result, at the most crucial moment, your stun gun can let you down, instead ofa full-fledged discharge, giving out only a small spark to the enemy. It is difficult to periodically check the condition of the battery if there are no hooligans at hand.
Battery devices more or less guarantee you the confidence that the stun gun will work if the batteries are fresh. Food should be changed once every 12-18 months. If this is done regularly, then you can be sure of the reliability of the device. Typically, a battery charge is enough for 20 discharges, which last for 3 seconds.
The discharge of the device can cause the attacker a strong pain shock and to some extent limit his muscle activity for a certain period. The most powerful stun guns have the ability to receive an electric discharge lasting 5 seconds. An electric shock of this magnitude can cause unconsciousness.
Manufacturers of stun guns divide it into classes according to various parameters. The main parameter is power. Its size is directly proportional to the discharge voltage. The power of the stun gun also affects other characteristics of the device.
The higher the power of the device, the more pronounced will be the effect on the attacker. By generating a discharge of the same duration, a more powerful stun gun will be able to incapacitate the aggressor for a longer period.
Also, a high power device needs less time to disable an attacker. This circumstance is often even more important than the strength of the action, because every second can be precious to save a life. Employees of security firms and law enforcement agencies always use high-power stun guns. Their speed often allows you to neutralize several attackers at once.
The high power of the stun gun allows you to break through the clothes of the attacker of greater thickness. In winter, when outerwear seriously impedes the spread of the discharge, power is especially important.
To increase the thickness of the pierced clothing, the developers of stun guns make a larger gap between the electrodes. True, this characteristic is regulated within very limited limits. For this reason, it is better to immediately choose a device with a battery that provides the desired power.
Powerful stun gun shooting will save you in the most extreme situations.
A stun gun that shoots at a distance and does its job well is the key to the safety of your life. You do not need to purchase such a device in dubious outlets, tents or stalls, even if the sellers swear that they are offering you the best shocker in the world at a huge discount. For such devices, you must apply only to certified weapons stores, where you can present all the required documentation.
Shooting stun gun-pistol is not capable of producing all manufacturers.
Selection Tips
In order not to be disappointed later, ask the seller to give you a copy of the quality certificate for the stun gun. When you have such a device with you, you should also have a certificate with you. It will be required if you need to explain topolice patrol. Legislation requires police to seize uncertified stun guns.
A recommendation that can help distinguish a low-quality fake from a genuine product that has passed certification: scammers add unrealistic power and voltage values \u200b\u200bto a fake technical passport. It should be remembered: the voltage, which is the maximum allowable in stun guns intended for use by citizens, is 90 kV, the power should not exceed 3 watts. If the characteristics that are indicated in the device passport are above these limits, then most likely they are trying to cheat you.
Choose a stun gun with a reliable fuse. There are almost no people who can think calmly in extreme conditions of an attack. Being in the heat of passion, you can forget about caution, your stun gun without a fuse can become your opponent's weapon and be used against you.
Reviews of shooting stun guns
In general, the impressions of the device are positive. Among the advantages of Russian shooting shockers are impact resistance, reliability, convenience, the ability to influence at a distance, ease of installation of a shooting cartridge, and affordability of purchase. The disadvantages include high prices. Many people doubt that stun guns are actually made in Russia and not in China.
It is often feared that instead of being used as a defense for the attacked, stun guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of the attackers. The idea is also expressed about the insufficient reliability of devices, which is inferior to gasspray cans or traumatic weapons.