What is intelligence and how does it develop

What is intelligence and how does it develop
What is intelligence and how does it develop

Due to the fact that various technologies are currently being actively developed, in this review it is worth talking about what intelligence is.

It is unlikely that any person can tell others that he is not intellectually developed enough. Agree that we all consider ourselves smart. But this does not mean that there is no interest in this issue. Rather, on the contrary, there is interest, and if many do not try to develop intelligence, then at least they want to keep it for as long as possible.

What is hidden under this term?

What is intelligence
What is intelligence

So, what is human intelligence? This word refers to the totality of some human abilities, thanks to which it becomes possible to think intelligently, process information, assimilate various knowledge and apply them in a practical area. That's what intelligence is. The definition of such a plan seems clear to any of us, but somehow it does not make it easy to describe it.

Important Ingredients

What processes are the components?The development of the intellect relies to a greater extent on cognitive processes and begins from the moment a person is born. Recall that cognitive processes include perception, memory, thinking and imagination. In this chain, it is important to consider that much depends on attention. Its absence will not allow a person to perceive, think and remember.

If we talk about memory, attention and perception, then they develop in constant waves, then accelerating, then slowing down the pace. It depends on how actively the person uses them. Here you can learn some details for the development of human intelligence. Constantly loading our memory and attention, while building chains of logical conclusions, always attracting new sensations and expanding our perception zones, we thus maintain our mental abilities and intellect in an active state.

One of the most striking components that can help answer the question of what is human intelligence is awareness. Suppose there is a talented person who was able to quite successfully realize himself by becoming a professional in some field. This person understands and knows a lot in his specialization. But at the same time, he may not be as knowledgeable in some other area, but no one will call him an unintellectual person. If you remember Sherlock Holmes, he did not even know that the Earth moves around the Sun.

Therefore, our duty as human beings is to constantly expand our awareness, to learn new things. We need to be interested in differentareas of activity. Then our mind will not stop developing, and we will become people with a high level of intelligence. At the end of the review of this aspect of the mind, one of the sayings of Socrates can be cited: “I know that I know nothing.”

Sensitive period in development

What is artificial intelligence
What is artificial intelligence

Each of the above processes to some extent determines what intelligence is. It must necessarily develop to one degree or another, and at certain periods the process of cognition proceeds very quickly, and a person makes a huge breakthrough in his development. Psychologists call such a period sensitive.

Babies have such a jerk provide sensations. Children listen and carefully examine the space around them, touch objects, try to taste everything they see. Thanks to this, the child develops the very first experience and primary knowledge is formed.

For the imagination, the sensitive period will be preschool age. Surely, many have noticed that children at the age of 5-6 are quite strong and fantasize a lot on various topics. And all thought processes are intensively developed at school age.

Child mind

There is also one surprising fact that many fathers don't want to hear. The intelligence of the child is transmitted to him from the mother, since the intelligence gene comes from the X chromosome. This tells us that smart children should be born in marriage and an intellectually developed woman.

what is human intelligence
what is human intelligence

But, of course, this is not the caseonly in the genes. There are other factors that determine the level of intelligence. For example, the environment in which the child will be, education, and at the very beginning - stimulation of his activity.

The good news is that these factors are modifiable and do not involve heredity. This implies that even if you do not have the "necessary" genes, you can look at the modifiable developmental factors. Maybe they can help you develop your child's intelligence.

To fully answer the question of what intelligence is, you need to consider its main types. We encounter them in everyday life, we often hear their names, and in this article we will try to understand some of them.

Emotional Intelligence

What is emotional intelligence? This term refers to the ability to understand, define, use and manage emotions in a constructive and positive way in order to relieve stress, communicate effectively with the environment, empathize with others, constantly overcoming difficulties and conflicts. This intelligence has an impact on various aspects of everyday life. For example, how you behave or interact with other people.

With high emotional intelligence, you can recognize your own state and the state of other people, interact with them based on this data, and thus attract them to you. You can also use this ability to form he althy relationships with people, achieve success at work, and just to havea more positive attitude towards others.

Creating artificial intelligence

It is worth mentioning what artificial intelligence is. The very first works devoted to it appeared immediately after the Second World War, and the term itself gained fame in 1956. Artificial intelligence is put on a par with molecular biology in importance. And yet, what is artificial intelligence? This is a direction in science that originated at the moment when the creation of computers (as they used to be called, “intelligent machines”) and computer programs began. Artificial intelligence is inherent not to man, but to machines. Now a phrase of this nature can be heard very often when buying things like a car, smartphones, etc.

What is the social mind

What is social intelligence
What is social intelligence

Let's consider what social intelligence is. His ability lies in the correct understanding of human behavior. It is needed for the most effective communication and successful adaptation in society. The study of such intelligence is carried out by specialists in the field of psychology.

Practical aspects of the mind

If we consider what intelligence is in psychology, then its connection with management becomes obvious. This is also called practical intelligence. He was out of the research zone for quite a long time, because he was considered an overly aggressive, inferior and simple type, not worthy of attention. The difficulty of its research lies in the fact that all experiments related to it cannot take place in the laboratory and mustanalyzed in natural conditions. Practical intelligence surpasses theoretical intelligence in many areas, but has some unique features.

"To move the convolutions", or to think, is another task of our mind. In our time of information technology, we are always faced with a huge flow of information. Today's technology has given us new activities and unfamiliar technical means. Therefore, do not be afraid to study all the technical innovations and be constantly aware of their entry into the market. If you strive to develop intelligence, then under no circumstances should you close yourself in a limited environment of already mastered devices and materials.

Verbal intelligence

What is verbal intelligence? This is the ability to analyze and synthesize speech judgments, to delve into the meaning of words, to have a rich semantic and conceptual base. Now many people are interested in learning foreign languages. This is a great technique for developing your memory.

What is intelligence definition
What is intelligence definition

Here you and remembrance, and memorization, and recognition. Memory has precisely these reproduction processes. Therefore, if they are constantly in working order, then the effect of forgetting practically disappears. Learning languages helps develop verbal intelligence, in particular, the ability to operate with verbal material.

How can you develop your mind?

It's worth letting your imagination run as actively as it worked in childhood. Perhaps you have a talent for writing that justdozing and not awake yet. Write a couple of stories or poems. Fantasize about your future plans, but you should not be limited to any specific framework. It will also be useful to communicate with children, because the experience in fantasies will immediately be restored. Undoubtedly, the best teachers in the field of imagination are children.

Perception can only develop if you use several channels: auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory and visual. If you use all the receptors, then the perception and memorization of the world around you will be very easy and interesting. That is why travel brings great impressions. Day after day, travelers memorize many different details that they can tell their grandchildren. And all due to the fact that when traveling, we see everything through wide-open eyes, listen to new sounds, inhale the aromas of unknown areas and get an incredibly huge amount of new sensations.

What is emotional intelligence
What is emotional intelligence

But even without traveling, you can activate your perception channels in simple and affordable ways. This is a trip to a pleasant massage, a simple evening walk in the park, visiting a variety of art exhibitions and regular exercise. Even if you just prepare new dishes every week, you will have a positive effect on the development of your perception.

Magic list to help develop intelligence throughout life

1. Increase your awareness of something as often as possible:observe, wonder, learn.

2. Make the most of your memory: learn poems and stories, memorize new words, and be open to learning new languages.

What is verbal intelligence
What is verbal intelligence

3. Load your thought processes constantly: analyze, summarize information, solve problems, find causal relationships in everything that is interesting.

4. Open up to new technologies: study the latest technical means, the possibilities of the Internet and ways to implement yourself in it.

5. Give yourself gifts in the form of new sensations: night and day walks, sports activities, new, yet unexplored dishes, travel. All this can help.
