Most popular questions: what people most often want to know, interesting topics for discussion

Most popular questions: what people most often want to know, interesting topics for discussion
Most popular questions: what people most often want to know, interesting topics for discussion

God (or nature, as you like) endowed each of us with reason. Because of this, we feel a constant need to learn something new. After all, it is not in vain that they say: information is food for the brain. Fortunately, in the 21st century, we can very quickly find any information on the Internet. In this article we will talk about the most popular questions that modern people ask. Including "Google" with "Yandex"

The most popular questions on the Internet

Annually, Google and "Yandex" publish statistics of the most frequent queries on the Web. What are the most popular questions among Russians today? Let's find out.

If we talk about keywords, then the top three include the following queries: movies, porn and weather (according to the Wordstat Yandex resource as of June 30, 2018). Of the famous personalities in 2017, the inhabitants of the country were most often interested in: Dima Bilan, Yulia Samoilova,Maria Maksakova and Diana Shurygina. If we talk about the most popular questions that begin with the words “how” and “what”, then here the following queries were in the top five:

  • What is HYIP?
  • How to start mining?
  • What is a fiasco?
  • How to start a business?

The most watched movies in 2017 are It, Despicable Me 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy (Part Two), TV series are Game of Thrones, Molodezhka and Hotel Eleon. Among other things, the most popular questions on the Web among Russians were related to such things and phenomena as a spinner and cryptocurrency.

Complex questions - simple answers

There are so many interesting and unusual things in the world! And adults often remember this only when they have children. It is they who bombard us with millions of “how?”, “why?” and why?". And answering many questions of little "why" is not so easy.

Next, we will try to answer the most popular questions that children have as simply and concisely as possible. By the way, similar requests are often driven into the Internet. And this means that not all adults are able to answer them. So let's get started!

Why is grass green?

The answer to the most popular question of every child is extremely simple. It's all about chlorophyll - a special substance that is found in stems and leaves. All plants obtain energy from sunlight and water through the process of photosynthesis. And it is chlorophyll that is responsible for the production of essential nutrients in plant cells.

most asked questions on the internet
most asked questions on the internet

Why is the sky blue?

Sunlight, as you know, consists of seven colors (just remember the rainbow). But on the way to the surface of our planet, he has to break through the thickness of the air and overcome many other obstacles. As a result, many colors become less saturated. Only one of them remains clearly visible - blue. Therefore, we see the sky above our head in this beautiful color.

10 most popular questions
10 most popular questions

Why is the sea s alty?

Be sure - this is the question you will absolutely have to answer when your baby first gets to know the sea. To begin with, it should be remembered that s alt is a mineral that is found in large quantities in the earth's crust. Numerous rivers erode rocks and annually carry tons of s alts into the oceans and seas. There they settle and finally dissolve in the water, making it s alty.

answers to the most popular questions
answers to the most popular questions

Why does a fly rub its paws?

An interesting question to which few people know the answer. Each of us must have observed how deftly the fly moves along smooth and vertical surfaces (for example, on window glass). She does this with tiny sticky bristles located on her paws. Since dust and dirt accumulate on these bristles very quickly, the fly has to clean them very often, intensively rubbing their paws against each other. At this time, it seems to us that the insect is plotting something bad.

why does a fly rub its paws
why does a fly rub its paws

Why does a cat have a mustache?

Many animals have mustaches. But since the child meets the cat most often, be prepared to hear this very question from him.

Mustache (or whiskers) are transformed sense organs, receptors that react to the slightest changes in the external environment. The cat needs them not for beauty at all. Whiskers help the animal navigate in space and collect information about various objects. For example, by touching a hole in the wall with its whiskers, the cat will immediately determine whether the width of this hole is sufficient to pass through it. In addition, vibrissae are indispensable for hunting. With their help, cats determine the direction and speed of the wind in order to make the most accurate jump.

why does a cat have a mustache the most popular questions
why does a cat have a mustache the most popular questions

Top 7 interesting conversation topics

To make the conversation easy, pleasant and relaxed, you need a person who will subtly and skillfully direct it in the right direction. He is usually called the soul of the company. He sets the right tone for any conversation and always knows how to fill awkward silences. Do you want to be that person? Below are the topics (questions) that will definitely interest your interlocutors:

  1. How are you going to spend your vacation?
  2. Do you have any serious dream in life?
  3. Do you like your job?
  4. What can you spend your money on, where is the best place to invest it?
  5. Are you lucky with your neighbors?
  6. What interesting things did you buy last week?
  7. Do you have a hobby, passion?

Of course, this is not a complete list of topics for a meaningful conversation. Depending on how close your relationship with your interlocutors is, you can also hook on the topic of love or sex, you can also talk about something philosophical, sublime. But there are some topics that are better left untouched. There are only four of them:

  • Weather (too corny).
  • Science and research (too narrow).
  • Personal schedule and daily routine (too boring).
  • Politics (too dangerous).

First date: girl questions

The first date is a very reverent and responsible event. After all, the future of these relations depends on how interesting and lively the conversation will turn out. According to statistics, the most popular question to a girl on a first date is about her musical preferences. Also, guys love to ask about which countries their interlocutor would like to visit.

most popular girl questions
most popular girl questions

What other topics can be covered at a romantic rendezvous? Below are the questions that you can safely ask a girl:

  • What were you like as a child - a prankster or an obedient girl?
  • Did you have a playful nickname at school?
  • The most vivid memory from your childhood, what is it like?
  • Which family or friend knows you best?
  • Do you believe in heterosexual friendship?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Do you believe in destiny and destiny from above?
  • Which do you like more: the sea or the mountains?
  • Howdo you usually spend your weekends?
  • Which would you choose: making a movie or acting in a movie?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • How many days (hours) in a row can you go without the Internet?
  • Would you like to learn how to read other people's minds?
  • Which is more important, to love or to be loved?
  • Could you live on a desert island?

First Date: Guy Questions

Since we talked about what questions you can ask a girl, it would be fair to devote some time to the strong half of humanity. So, what can you talk about with a guy on a first date?

In general, ten topics will be enough for the first acquaintance. For insurance, you can come up with another 5-10 reserve questions in case some topic turns out to be uninteresting or simply “does not work”. It is best to jot down a list of suggested questions on paper and choose the best ones from them. Here's what to ask a guy on a date:

  • Have you ever wanted to go to some wilderness forever and start life there again?
  • Eternal life without love - would you agree to this?
  • Do you have prophetic dreams?
  • What can you spend a million dollars on?
  • Have you ever dreamed of superpowers?
  • Do you like animals? Do you have a four-legged person at home?
  • Which historical era would you like to live in?
  • Big noisy metropolis or tiny cozy town - where would you choose to live?
  • Is there a movie that makes you cry?
  • When did you earnyour first money and how?
  • Do you have any hobbies?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • Would you like to be a celebrity?
  • Are you happy with your life? What would you like to change?
  • Can you dance? Would you like to learn?

Common questions in English

Everyone needs to know English today. At least at a basic level. After all, it is used not only in the US or the UK. English has long been the language of interethnic communication No. 1. In almost any country in the world, you can easily communicate in English with a border guard, hotel administrator or waiter in a restaurant.

most popular questions in english
most popular questions in english

If you are just starting to learn this language, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the most popular questions in English. They may be asked to you during a business trip abroad or on a regular trip. Below, in the table, you will find these questions, along with the answers to them.

Interrogative phrase Intended Answer to Question

What is your name?

What is your name?

My name is …

My name is …

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

I'm from Russia

I came from Russia

Where do you live?

Where do you live?

I live in Kazan

I live in Kazan

How oldare you?

How old are you?

I'm twenty six years old

I am 26 years old

Are you married?

Are you married?

Yes, I'm married/No, I'm single

Yes, I am married. No, I'm single (free)

Do you have any children?

Do you have children?

Yes, I have a son

Yes, I have a son

What do you do for a living?

What are you doing?

I’m a student

I am a student

What's your phone number?

What is your phone number?

My number is …

My number is …

How are you?

How are you?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Thank you, good. How about you?

Can you speak English?

Do you speak English?

No, I speak Russian

No, I speak Russian

Most popular interview questions

An interview is a complex, nerve-wracking and rather tiring event. However, it is on it that the fate of a particular applicant is decided. Thinking about the answers to all possible questions in advance will greatly increase your chances of success. They can be very diverse. But more often than not, employers ask candidates the same questions.

most popular interview questions
most popular interview questions

So, the 10 mostpopular interview questions:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself (subtext: how does your background and skills compare to our position?).
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  3. Why do you want to work with us?
  4. Why do you think you deserve this position?
  5. Why did you quit your last job?
  6. Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?
  7. What do you know about our company/company?
  8. What salary do you expect?
  9. How did you hear about this job?
  10. How many soccer balls can fit in one subway car?

Yes, a question like the last one is also very likely to come up. Do not rush to answer that this is absurd or stupid. Try to count! With the help of such questions, the employer first of all tries to understand how smart you are and whether you are able to solve non-standard tasks.

In conclusion…

What is the most popular question on the Internet? What topics are ideal for a friendly and leisurely conversation? What to talk about with a girl on a first date? How tricky can interview questions be? We really hope that you have found answers to all these questions in our simple article!
