The most interesting topics for dispute: ranking of the best

The most interesting topics for dispute: ranking of the best
The most interesting topics for dispute: ranking of the best

Do you want to become an interesting conversationalist? Then you need to have in stock a few universal topics that you can talk about with any person. But not always your opponent will agree to keep the conversation going. What to do in this case? Below you will find discussion topics that will help spice up any conversation, make it memorable and interesting.

Can animals be used in medical research?

scientific debate
scientific debate

Think about how you feel about experiments? Do you think that mice and monkeys die in vain? Animal testing is an interesting topic of debate. It is difficult to find people who share the same opinion. Your environment can be divided into two camps. Those people who believe that experiments are needed can make very bold arguments. For example, if testing of medicines on animals is banned, will people suffer from it? Most likely, yes, because then scientists will look for people on whom they can test the effectiveness of the researched drugs. Of course, I will pay these people, but theythere is a high probability that they will die as a result of the experiments. Animal advocates can argue their position by saying that our younger brothers are not slaves. They must take charge of their own lives. No one asks a mouse for permission to inject it. A person who has provided his body for experiments will know exactly about all the consequences of injections and pills.

Marriage is a thing of the past?

Marriage is a thing of the past
Marriage is a thing of the past

Are you married? Married? Not? Is formal marriage worth it in today's world? This topic is up for debate. Many young people sincerely believe that a civil marriage is no different from an official one. A stamp in the passport for them is a mere formality, and a wedding is a relic of the past. Children need to be raised in a normal atmosphere and in such a way that they have both parents. Whether parents are registered or not, it does not matter to the child. But opponents of this opinion argue that a marriage that is not officially registered is more likely to break up. People do not take cohabitation seriously, they always have the opportunity to disperse. Moreover, such scenes of parting, and then a truce in some families that live in a civil marriage, happen almost every week.

It's clear that such a topic should not be brought up on a first date, but it will be very entertaining to spend an evening discussing with a good friend or girlfriend.

The death pen alty: acceptable or not?

heated scientific debate
heated scientific debate

Probably every person thoughtabout the moratorium, which has been introduced in our country since 1997. But the introduction or abolition of the death pen alty can be a fruitful topic for debate. Some people are of the opinion that all criminals, thieves and murderers do not deserve to live. Unworthy people simply should not exist on our earth. Yes, of course, now they are in prisons, but you can escape them. Moreover, there are honest citizens imprisoned at the expense of taxes, who work from morning to evening, earning their living. Yes, they also came up with a job for the prisoners - they build roads and are involved in the mining industry, but still there is little benefit from their work. It would be possible to find those willing to receive money for what "convicts" do for free.

Opponents of the death pen alty sincerely believe that its introduction will have a detrimental effect on people. After all, there are many innocent people in prison. Some of them were set up, some were sent to prison, without understanding who was right and who was wrong. Killing all these people would be simply inhumane.

Will cloning be good or bad for humanity?

public debate on a scientific topic
public debate on a scientific topic

You can come up with a heated argument on a scientific topic by reading one of the fantastic books. How do you feel about cloning? Do you think that the future belongs to him or are you afraid that an army of artificially created people will be able to fill the world? A public dispute on a scientific topic can attract increased attention to your person. But in order not to fall into the dirt on your face, you must think over the argumentation of your position in advance. If you decide thatcloning is a breakthrough in science, you can say that thanks to clones, people will live longer. After all, if a person fails, for example, a kidney, it can be easily transplanted from a cloned human body. Also, clones can do the work that people do not want to do. The opposite opinion is based on what he considers the product of a technical breakthrough to be sane individuals. Given that clones are people who should live a full life, then it would be unfair to kill them because someone urgently needed their organ.

Man himself is the blacksmith of happiness, or is fate to blame?

controversial topics
controversial topics

Don't want to start an argument on a scientific topic? Then you can talk about something mystical. For example, about whether to believe in fate. There are two opposite opinions. Representatives of one group argue that fate is what is destined for a person before birth and it is impossible to change its course. This statement is based on Holy Scripture. Every educated person has heard the phrase: "The ways of the Lord are inscrutable." But should she be trusted? Representatives of another group argue that a person can go through his life path along the path that he chooses. For example, an engineer can become an alcoholic, and an alcoholic who goes into rehab can lead one of the large companies. A person can dispose of what he has, and can achieve what he wants. Ask your friends what they think about this.

Is money a measure of success?

One of the topics that constantly causes controversy is the financial situation. Money and its quantity are of interest to many people. And the question of whether they are an indicator of success was asked by every person who has reached the age of 18. In Europe, people have long decided that the financial situation is an indicator of a person's mind. In our country, not everything is so simple. Our wages are incredibly low, especially in the regions. A good medical specialist can earn much less than a good manager. It is foolish to complain about life's injustice, someone might say. After all, a person is not a tree, if something does not suit him in his hometown, he can always change his residence permit. If you have nothing to do and want to have fun, discuss the relationship between money, intelligence and success with your friends.
