Want to know where the milk mushroom grows?

Want to know where the milk mushroom grows?
Want to know where the milk mushroom grows?

Every mushroom picker will confirm that s alted mushrooms, especially raw mushrooms, are great food. However, it is not always possible to collect them, even after heavy summer rains. Today we will talk about where the mushroom grows and what kind of environment is favorable for it.

Description of the mushroom

where does mushroom grow
where does mushroom grow

This mushroom belongs to the Russula family. Color - milky white or pale yellow. The surface is a moist mucous membrane. The hat is flat, there is a small depression in the center, and the edges are wrapped inward. Its diameter can reach 5-20 cm. The white or slightly yellowish leg has a height of 3 to 7 cm and a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. In the breast, the plates are close to each other. In young mushrooms, they can be light yellow or creamy, in old ones they can be yellow.

Where does the yellow mushroom grow?

This mushroom differs from its white relative also in that there are darker circles near the center of its cap. He can meet both alone and in families. The northern zone of spruce, fir or birch forest - this is where the yellow mushroom grows. It can be found from July to September, and sometimes evenin October. For its unusual taste, the load was assigned the second category, although this opinion is ambiguous.

White milk mushrooms: where do they grow?

This type of mushroom is the best. The harvest is very dependent on the weather: in one year there may be no white mushrooms at all, and in another - abundance.

white milk mushrooms where they grow
white milk mushrooms where they grow

They should be collected from the end of July - the beginning of August to the end of September - the beginning of October. White milk mushrooms grow in those forests where there is a spruce. You should carefully examine the fallen trunks of small trees, the bottom of deep ravines, hills and any hilly surface - all this is a favorable environment for this type of mushroom. It is necessary to look at small bumps in the forest, because the clusters of tree foliage are the place where milk mushrooms grow.

Useful properties

This type of mushroom consists of water, fats, carbohydrates, ballast substances, ash compounds and proteins. It also contains ascorbic acid, thiamine (B1 vitamins) and riboflavin (B2). Due to their low calorie content (16 kcal / 100 g), milk mushrooms are often included in the diet.

Searching for mushrooms is a way to have a good time. This activity can be compared with the search for an animal in its tracks, which it constantly confuses. Knowing the place where the mushroom grows is not enough to find it. It is necessary to calmly, slowly, inspect the sites. A mushroom picker can use a stick to rake suspicious tubercles, lift knots and twigs. If you managed to find one breast, it is desirablecarefully inspect the surroundings within a radius of ten to fifteen meters, because most often they grow in groups.

where mushrooms grow
where mushrooms grow

Before pickling mushrooms, they should be cleaned of forest debris, cut legs and worm-affected areas. To do this, they must be placed in clean water for a while, and then rinsed with a sponge for washing dishes. Some mushroom pickers remove the skin of mushrooms, but this is not necessary.

This type of mushroom accumulates a lot of toxic substances that are harmful to our body. Therefore, before using, it is necessary to soak them in water for at least three days, changing the water three times a day.
