What colors go to blondes: color types, classic and modern color combinations of clothes, creative solutions and fashionable new makeup

What colors go to blondes: color types, classic and modern color combinations of clothes, creative solutions and fashionable new makeup
What colors go to blondes: color types, classic and modern color combinations of clothes, creative solutions and fashionable new makeup

Women always strive for the perfect look, so anyone who wants to look attractive and bright needs to know what colors go with blondes. There is a huge misconception that only pastel and pale shades suit fair-haired young ladies. Blond is not only a hair color, but also a certain color type of appearance, which includes not only the shade of the hair, but also the skin and eyes. Each woman is different from any other: there are both blue-eyed blondes with milky skin, and brown-eyed swarthy fair-haired beauties. You should not trust the imposed stereotypes about what colors of clothes go to blondes - you should figure it out and put everything on the shelves.

Color Types

Different color types of blondes
Different color types of blondes

There is a huge system of gradation of color types. ExceptIn addition, several systems for determining color types have been invented - more detailed and more general. For example, the familiar division "Spring-Autumn-Summer-Winter". But blondes in this system only fall into two categories. Therefore, it is more rational to focus on narrower classifications: it will be easier to figure out which colors go to blondes with blue eyes, and which ones go to ladies with a copper sheen of hair.

As a rule, there are two main types of blondes in accordance with the color scheme of the eyes, as well as depending on skin tone and hair tone. According to this principle, all fair-haired girls are divided into the so-called "cold" and "warm" blondes.

Warm subtype

Image "Warm" blonde
Image "Warm" blonde

It is generally accepted that “warm” blondes look good in bright summer colors that unobtrusively emphasize their appearance. By the way, about appearance: such girls have a light, sometimes slightly dark skin tone from light pink to pale gray. The hair of this color type is given in gold, their shade can be called wheat or honey. The eyes are usually light: light blue and light green, and there are also "warm" blondes with light brown eyes. Girls of this color type are characterized by a natural blush and a delicate shade of the lips. Freckles may appear on the skin.

What color suits blondes with fair skin? They suit deep and rich shades, but at the same time soft and warm: ocher, reddish-beige, peach, apricot, chocolate, warm orange. Colors such as azure and blue will also look great in contrast.light blue, as well as a shade of fresh apple green. These colors can be safely combined in clothes.

Cold subtype

Platinum Blonde
Platinum Blonde

Girls with a "cold" subtype are more suitable for soft and harmonious shades. Since such ladies usually have a rather bright “cold” appearance, it is worth slightly shading it with calm colors in clothes and makeup. The hair of such blondes goes into light brown and grayish-ash shades, the skin usually has a pale grayish or even slightly olive color. There are also girls with thin and snow-white skin. The eyes tend to have a rich range: gray-green, deep brown, gray or deep blue.

It's easy to guess what colors suit the blondes of this color type: in contrast to their contrasting and bright appearance, calm lilac, cold beige, gray, dark blue deep shades will suit them. Dusty pink, pearl shades, the whole gamut of blue and blue tints, lemon yellow, as well as lilac and eggshell color are suitable for such girls.

Skin tone

Let's take a closer look at harmonious combinations in accordance with skin tone. Each girl is unique, and her own color type may not fully fit the well-known standards recorded in certain color type classifications. Exceptions only confirm the rule, so it is also worth considering everything not separately, but in particular. Having figured out the advantageous combinations of colors in this way, it will be possible to choose the most harmonious shades that will decorate this or that fair-haired girl.

Cold skin

light-skinned blonde
light-skinned blonde

Blondes with a cold skin tone will suit pastel colors: for example, pistachio, pale salmon, light blue, lilac, pink. But it is not necessary to limit yourself to pale shades: fair-skinned blondes will be decorated with luxurious rich red, as well as classic black and cob alt. But stylists do not recommend white things to “cold” blondes: it will merge with the skin tone, turning the silhouette into a shapeless mass. The skin visually looks even paler, and the appearance is inexpressive.

Warm skin

Outfit "warm" and "cold" blonde
Outfit "warm" and "cold" blonde

What colors go with blondes with a warm skin tone, consider by analogy: almost everything that does not suit a “cold” blonde will suit a “warm” one. Girls whose skin is characterized by a swarthy or olive skin tone will suit rich peach colors, as well as other shades of orange. Some cool colors will also look advantageous: dark blue or emerald green, light green, purple, turquoise. As for makeup, if almost any tone is suitable for girls with “cold” skin, then “warm” girls often have a question - what color of lipstick suits blondes? Red and coral will suit a “warm” blonde, but you should carefully choose a shade of lipstick so that it favorably emphasizes the girl’s appearance, and does not take her face into yellowness. You should avoid overly red shades on the lips, but you can pay attention to brownish tones.


Warm blonde makeup
Warm blonde makeup

Fair-skinned girls with blond hair and blue or gray-blue eyes are advised by stylists to pay attention to muted shades in clothes: it is especially great if the color is matched to the color of the eyes. Thus, things in light blue shades are suitable for blue-eyed girls, and gray and dusty pink are especially suitable for gray-eyed blondes. Among the saturated shades, black and slightly muted deep shades of red are perfect for them.

Now consider what colors go to blondes with brown eyes. Such girls will suit warm saturated shades, such as dark brown, yellow, red-orange. Brown-eyed blondes in general will suit almost any bright combination of colors - the main thing is that the shades are juicy. But pastel pale shades are best avoided: they are extremely rarely combined with such a color type.

Let's turn to the question of what colors go with blondes with green eyes. In general, almost the same colors suit them as girls with brown eyes. Green-eyed girls with light eyes will suit all natural shades: woody and beige colors, sand shade, olive and herbal green colors, dark blue, aquamarine.

Whatever the girl, each of them wants to look great. But, unfortunately - or fortunately - there is no single fashion advice for everyone, because each person is unique. Each girl has her own, special skin tone, hair color and eye palette. That is why it is so important for fair-haired girlsknow what colors suit blondes.
