Having a full wardrobe of clothes and shoes does not mean being beautiful, because every girl is unique, and what suits one may look completely out of place on another. The same goes for cosmetics and even jewelry. To hide flaws and emphasize your dignity with the help of makeup and clothes, you need to figure out which colors suit brunettes, and which ones will look better on brown-haired women and blondes. Surprisingly, thanks to the application of this simple knowledge, it will become possible to always look your best.

Choose colors
Dark hair color is rightfully considered the most common and popular all over the world, no matter how blondes try to prove the opposite. Before looking for an answer to the question of what colors are suitable for brunettes, you need to decide what exactly we are talking about in this case. If you have to choose clothes, it is important to pay attention not only to the girl's hair color, but also to her figure. If it's about cosmetics, you need to select makeup, starting from eye color as well.
In addition, do not omit the fact that all brunettes are conditionally divided into"warm" and "cold" types. The first includes owners of chestnut and reddish hair. To the second - the proud bearers of true black hair, sometimes with tints of dark blue and ashy.
Adhering to all the rules, even modest, notorious girls will be able to look and present themselves as sexy brunettes with long hair and a slender body do. After all, the "fighting" mood primarily depends on the inner well-being and confidence in one's beauty.
Clothes for brunettes
Choosing the color of clothes for brunettes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are some basic wardrobe guidelines for women with dark hair.
Brunettes with warm hair tones are best to pay attention to bright, colorful tones. These include red, green or dark blue. When answering the question of which colors are suitable for brunettes, and which ones they should avoid, one cannot but mention pastel and peach shades. They are the worst options when choosing clothes for such girls, because they "steal" their natural beauty and expressiveness.
"Cold" brunettes fit purple and blue colors. With pastel shades, these girls are also much more fortunate, because delicate emerald, light blue, muted pink and lavender tones are allowed in their wardrobe. But warm and bright colors are best avoided, especially orange and yellow.
Meaning of skin color
To determine exactly which colorssuitable for brunettes, you should also pay attention to the shade of their skin. Ladies with fair skin are best to wear muted colors to avoid disturbing the natural contrast. Peach, lavender, light pink and milk outfits are perfect for this. It is best to completely exclude blue and white clothes from the wardrobe, as in this case they can give the impression of fatigue.
Brunettes with long hair and dark skin can and should wear bright clothes that will highlight their tanned face and accentuate its tone. This rule is relevant at any time of the year. Even in winter, the owners of this skin tone can afford yellow, orange or green clothes.

Selection of clothes by eye color
Eye color is another important criterion, starting from which, it is necessary to make a choice in clothes. When buying outfits, brunettes with green eyes may pay attention to tones such as:
- blue;
- purple;
- green;
- black;
- red.
As for girls with brown eyes, the recommendations in this case are no different, but for owners of light eyes (gray, blue), it is better to pay attention to pastel shades. Light lilac, milky, beige and brown tones are perfect for them.
The combination of brown eyes and pale skin suggests a complete rejection of bright colors. Best of all, girls with such features of appearance will look at outfits in pastel shades,for example, pale yellow or caramel. Swarthy brunettes with brown eyes can experiment with red clothes. The same goes for swarthy owners of gray and green eyes.

General recommendations
To choose the right beautiful clothes, it is not enough to have only this information. These recommendations should be combined with advice on choosing a style for your body type and data from the field of color psychology. It sounds quite complicated, but in practice this information is very easy to apply, so if you choose your clothes once, adhering to all the rules, in the future it will happen automatically, simply and quickly.
It is important to remember that the white color visually makes the figure bigger, so it is best for full girls to avoid such clothes. As for black, it creates a completely opposite effect, which is why it should be used more often in the wardrobe.
Green color is perfect for girls who have flaws on their face - acne, redness, age spots, acne marks. However, it is worth remembering that this shade makes the face paler, so ladies with fair skin should avoid it. But dark blue and bright blue are ideal options for them.

Makeup for brunettes
With clothes figured out, it's time to start choosing decorative cosmetics. In this case, eye color plays a decisive role. To understand which lipstick suits brunettes or which shadows they should use, it is also worthpay attention to the shape of their face.
Brunettes with brown eyes should not be afraid of bold experiments with bright shades. When creating an image, these girls should pay attention to shadow colors such as silver, black, dark green and purple. Blush is better to choose gentle, calm shades - peach, pale pink.
As for the choice of lipstick, then brown-eyed brunettes are very lucky. For makeup, they can use almost all shades of lipsticks and glosses, from pale pink to dark purple. Fashionable nude tones should be avoided as they will make their face look less expressive.

Dark-haired girls with green eyes are perfect shades of bronze, brown, green or pink. When creating an image, the emphasis should be on the lips. In such cases, red and coral lipstick will look great. For evening make-up, brunettes with green eyes can use wine and plum lipsticks.
Blue-eyed brunettes can safely experiment when doing eye makeup. However, it is worth remembering that silver, light pink, lilac or beige shadows will look best on these girls, especially if they have a mother-of-pearl texture. As for the pencil and ink, it is best to give preference to brown, not black.